Thursday, August 27, 2015


41- year-old Vester Flanagan was a publicity seeking coward.  He snuck up behind journalist Alison Parker and cameraman, Adam Ward and fatally shot them.  Sick Vester Flanagan filmed the murder and then posted the film on twitter.  Another woman was also shot but fortunately she survived. Flanagan on the other hand took his own life after trying to flee the police in a high speed chase.

Social media posts by Flanagan demonstrate his brazen insanity and lack of remorse.  This trend of cold blooded murders must be stopped.  Banning publicity of these heinous crimes may be a step in the right direction. Alison Parker was 24.  Cameraman Adam Ward was 27.  Both Parker and Ward deserved much better.


  1. Ridiculous crazy haters.

  2. I read about this crime...apparently this guy was impossible to work with, would fly off the handle and scream and threaten people all the time. Than when threatened with dismissal he would use the race card to keep his job, or sue past employers. A truly deranged man...reason he shot this young reporter is he blamed her for his dismissal from the station and the failed discrimination lawsuit he filed after his firing... that was his motive, revenge!

  3. guy was an ass. who knew he was also a murderer

  4. "guy was an ass. who knew he was also a murderer"
    It is called anti-social behavior, a mental illness like narcissism.
