Monday, November 3, 2014

Michael Skiadas is Added to the "What Was He Thinking" List. ~by Legal Pub

Some men have a ridiculously low tipping point.  Dr. Samson killed his wife after their wedding reception. LINK.  Now another man has been added to the "what was he thinking list."  In Long Island, Michael Skiadas murdered Frank Panebianco and then committed suicide in front of 28 year-old Jessica Kasten..  Why?  

Is there ever a real reason?  Kasten previously dated Skiadas. Kasten and Panebianco were leaving a bar around 11:20 pm when Skiadas confronted them.  Skiadas apparently left only to return with a shotgun. Jack Schneider tried to calm Skiadas down unsuccessfully.  Panebianco and Kasten attempted to drive away but Skiadas fired two shots at them. One of the shots fatally wounded Panebianco.   WCBS.

Skiadas then reloaded his shotgun and killed himself. Kasten was not physically injured. If men are to earn respect in this world, such unhealthy behavior needs to stop.


  1. This madness needs to come to an end!

  2. Its more than jealousy, we call it "Love sick", but studies have shown that it is actually a physical illness of the brain as our brains release endorphins when in love. And should that love affair go astray, the brain still releases these endorphins for that particular lover and can make a person mentally and physically sick.

  3. People in America are very quick to judge people they don't know!!! Mental health issues are involved. If you have been depressed or know someone who is suffering with depression, you can speak. Otherwise, shut your mouth!!! Michael was my family, my friend and my classmate. He has people that love him very much and did everything they could to help him. P.S. DEFAMATION of character is illegal so shut your mouth and quit adding people to a list when you don't know all the details other than what you see on the news!!!

    1. You couldn't have said it better. People read the news yet they don't KNOW the whole story that led up to this tragic and unfortunate situation. When a person is going through depression no matter what you do or say it sometimes doesn't help. We all loved him very much and truly wish this didn't happen. Not only did the family lose somebody that they loved and cared about but an innocent person was taken as well and another family has to mourn as well. Depression is serious thing and may God give some sort of peace to all the families involved.

  4. Apparently you neglected to read my post...sure he was depressed and I explain the reason why that depression led to this.

  5. Dickfore. I think it is the title of your website which is offensive.

  6. Depression is a disease. It can cause a person to do crazy things. Love that becomes an obsession is also not healthy.

  7. Mental illness is a serious subject. But not everyone who does something bizarre is mentally ill. Furthermore well depression can be a mental illness, it is not an excusefor killing someone, in my opinion.

  8. In your opinion wiithout knowing anything about this person.

  9. You don't kill an innocent person because of your obsession! The murderer left a wonderful family heartbroken and devastated by his selfish actions! Killing yourself is one thing, killing someone else who had NOTHING to do with your issues- SENSELESS!

  10. You don't kill an innocent person because of your obsession! The murderer left a wonderful family heartbroken and devastated by his selfish actions! Killing yourself is one thing, killing someone else who had NOTHING to do with your issues- SENSELESS! A family has to bury their son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin all because someone thought it was okay to shoot him! My heart breaks for the Panebianco family! They absolutely should NOT be burying their son! My thoughts and prayers are with all those who knew and loved Frank!
    And for those who feel this is in any way an opinion, it is not, it is ALL FACT!

  11. You don't kill an innocent person because of your obsession! The murderer left a wonderful family heartbroken and devastated by his selfish actions! Killing yourself is one thing, killing someone else who had NOTHING to do with your issues- SENSELESS! A family has to bury their son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin all because someone thought it was okay to shoot him! My heart breaks for the Panebianco family! They absolutely should NOT be burying their son! My thoughts and prayers are with all those who knew and loved Frank!
    And for those who feel this is in any way an opinion, it is not, it is ALL FACT!

    1. I agree I went to school with Frank and knew him from the bank and he was the sweetest guy I understand that Michael has a family who is mourning him but whats right is right and Frank was brutally murdered bc someone didn't get the help they needed!

  12. Those who are dealing with mental health issues, as you claim Mr. Skiadas was, belong in a secure facility if they are suicidal and/or homicidal. He should have had no access to weapons if he had mental health issues. He murdered an innocent man,and destroyed families forever. No one needs to defame this person. He did it all by himself. No one should have to bury their child, or brother because a mentally unstable person who was homicidal and suicidal was allowed to coexist in a community, putting other people at risk. He had the right to take his own life, not someone else's. No one needs to know anything else about your loved one!!

  13. So y don't u go to another country where you can meet a saint...jackass

  14. "American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.

    I think a band called "The Guess Who" was trying to say the same thing back in the seventy's...the song was titled, "American Woman"

    The "hook" of this song went like this; "American Woman...get away from me"

  15. Recreational drug use on the part of a killer is not a justification for murder nor is depression, in my opinion. Nor is there any other reason to take someone else's life. Quite simply, thou shall not kill. Or apparently in some folks view, date American women (attempt at humor added.)

  16. God bring peace to all of the families involved and wisdom to the medical profession to help those in need.

  17. So they were broken up, or there was cheating going on? Not that either one justifies killing someone..or yourself! I just couldnt imagine how she know that obviously one of those shots fired at the car was meant for her. It's just so terrible. I feel bad for everyone left to mourn.

  18. I'd like to know myself if it was over or a matter of cheating, also the OP reads that skidas (i'm using a virtual browser and not scrolling back up to make sure its spelt right)thou shalt not kill please, human kind has been killing since day one justified or not.
