Monday, November 17, 2014

Bill Cosby, A Moving Target? ~by Legal Pub

  Scott Simon of NPR Weekend Edition has been busy tweeting. Simon recently interviewed icon Bill Cosby. Cosby is 77-years-old, but the comedian is still a target for accusations and criticism.  Cosby recently refused to answer questions about multiple sexual assault allegations that keep popping up.  Simon asked Cosby about the "serious allegations raised" against him.  In a Christ like move, Cosby remained silent, shaking his head "no." After he was again asked by Pilot...  I mean Simon, Cosby again shook his head.
Simon's tweets apparently are designed to explain his line of questions during this interview which was suppose to be about charity.  Now, Cosby's publicist, David Brokow, announced Bill Cosby will decline to appear on the Nov. 19 episode of The Late Show With David Letterman. Cosby allegedly cancelled an October 30, 2014 visit to The Queen Latifah Show after comedian Hannibal Buress brought attention to rape allegations during an earlier stand-up routine.
At this point, allegations are merely allegations. Whether they have merit or not; what does become clear is that African American Role models appear to be targets at a time when children need role models not tabloid stories.

Follow the Criminal Allegation against Bill Cosby at this link:


  1. If the allegations are true, this is a huge disappointment to many loyal fans.

  2. Allegations that Cosby drugged and raped more than a dozen women over several years has been consistently denied. Despite the allegations being over ten years old, comedian Hannibal Buress's calling Cosby a rapist went viral.

    Actress Barbara Bowman in the Washington Post questions why it took one man’s jokes to publicize the allegations. Bowman allegedly agreed to testify in a lawsuit against Cosby in 2004. Apparently the lawsuit was resolved.


  3. Over the last several weeks, decade-old, discredited allegations against Mr. Cosby have resurfaced. The fact that they are being repeated does not make them true. Mr. Cosby does not intend to dignify these allegations with any comment. He would like to thank all his fans for the outpouring of support and assure them that, at age 77, he is doing his best work. There will be no further statement from Mr. Cosby or any of his representatives.

    - John P. Schmitt, lawyer for Bill Cosby

  4. Bill Cosby has perhaps become a target of the African American Community because of some of the alleged statements attributed to him such as:
    They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk: Why you ain't, Where you is, What he drive, Where he stay, Where he work, Who you be... And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk.

    Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living. (See Snopes)

  5. In 2004, at an NAACP event commemorating the 50th anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education, Bill Cosby gave a speech on the theme of blacks in America taking responsibility for their own lives.

  6. Seems like the allegations start popping out after Cosby's criticisms.

  7. Where there is smoke there may be fire. I suggest a grand jury. If he is innocent, they won't indict.

  8. Funny man accused of doing some no so funny things. Hope he is innocent of all accusations.

  9. Bill Cosby has been a beloved performer ever since I was a child. Are these allegations true? Who knows? Maybe he had some extramarital sex along the way, which is an insult and disrespectful of his lovely wife, but that's between the two of them. I have heard of women coming out of the woodwork to accuse someone of rape when there's no truth to their stories. I do believe that the race baiters and our racist President may be trying to take some of the heat away from the TRUTH about the scum in Ferguson who so many pathetic people are using as an excuse to disrupt regular citizens' lives and loot, burn and destroy.
    Mr. Cosby, I will always be a fan and a supporter of you. I am one of your biggest admirers because you refuse to let the fact that you are black define your entire being. I'm sorry this is happening to you.
