Monday, October 6, 2014

Indiana Doctor Weds Wife Than Kills Her and Himself ~by Legal Pub

You can't write scripts any more bizarre than reality. Dr. George Samson, an anesthesiologist,  married his bride, "Kelly," who was a nurse at Union Hospital in southwestern Indiana.  The couple lived in a gorgeous house at 4025 Creal Street in Vigo County.  After a beautiful wedding and reception at the Ohio Building in Terre Haute, the couple left separately for what was suppose to be an after hours celebration at their home.  Unfortunately, a murder-suicide ruined the weekend.  Just what triggered the dispute?  It appears that the good doctor's credit card was rejected at the reception.  Could it be that his new bride charged the card over its limits?  Officially, the Vigo County Sheriff's department is still investigating what appears to be a murder suicide.  But behind the scenes, folks say the relationship was troubled even before the red wedding. Apparently, the couple did not see eye to eye on money issues and the topic apparently surfaced at the reception and again when they returned home.

A 911 call originated around 1:20 am Sunday. An excited woman said her new husband had threatened to kill her.  The line went dead.  The woman called back and then gun shots could be heard. (Chilling audio tape of the 911 calls are  available on the internet but will not be posted here.) When police arrived, a woman was dead.  The man had barricaded himself in the basement. An elder couple (relatives) and a fifth grade boy (son of the woman) were removed from the home.  After a robotic camera search of the house, it was revealed that the man in the basement had taken his own life.

The name of the male and female was not initially released.  However, it did not take long in the Terre Haute community for the word to get out that the doctor was George "Scott" Samson and the woman was Kelly Ecker Samson.  This was the doctor's second marriage. It was apparently Kelly's third or perhaps her fourth.  Samson was a 54 year-old anesthesiologist who collected guns.  He had many guns in the house and a federal dealers license. Kelly was 50 years-old.  Her ten year-old son was inside the home at the time of the tragedy. Fortunately, the young man was not physically harmed.  Vigo County Sheriffs Deputy Clark Cottom served as a spokesman for law enforcement.  Cottom is running for sheriff in neighboring Sullivan County, Indiana and has been recognized on "Cold Cases." While the investigation continues, it is unlikely that any reason other than rage will surface as the motive for this tragedy.


  1. Awful! Life imitating Game of Thrones?

  2. That is a fine wedding present

  3. I heard that the couple had had troubles leading up to the marriage. Engagement. Wasn't on and off up and down roller coaster

  4. That may now be the prettiest haunted house in the Midwest


  5. Vigo County Chief Deputy Sheriff Clark Cottom says deputies responded to 50-year-old Kelly Samson 911 call. She was later found shot several times in the torso and head with a 40-caliber semi-automatic pistol.

    54-year-old Dr. George "Scott" Samson was found dead in the basement of a home after he shot himself once in the head with a 45-caliber handgun.

    The two were married Saturday evening.

  6. His second marriage. Her fourth. Unlikley this would end in to death do us part any other way!

  7. Kelly Ecker Samson called 911 reporting that her husband had threatened to kill her. There were a total of three very brief 911 calls, which in the first two the caller disconnected."

  8. Kelly Samson's son and an elderly couple were inside the home at the time of the shootings. That just ain't right to ruin a little kids life

  9. Article and comments help piece together this tragic event. May Samson and Kim find peace and forgiveness.

  10. Interesting potential legal issues. In Indiana can Kim's child file a wrongful death suit?

  11. I find it rather sad that anyone would assume credit for this article given the poor grammar. If it were "legalese" I might understand, but anyone purporting legal documents should have basic command of the English language.

  12. Some one had a bad day.

  13. Looking at the Bible. Manoah and his wife named their baby boy Samson. God blessed Samson. (verses 24-25).

    Samson did some things right but he also made mistakes. Soon after Samson matured, he saw a Philistine woman in Timnah whom he married. (Judges:14:1-2). His parents cautioned against marrying outside his faith. (verses 3-4). Yet Samson married her.

    At his wedding feast Samson decided to use a riddle for 30 Philistines. (verse 14). The Philistines threatened Samson's bride and her family with their lives if she didn't tell them the answer. Samson's wife-to-be "wept on him, and said, 'You only hate me! You do not love me! You have posed a riddle to the sons of my people, but you have not explained it to me'" (verse 16).

    Samson told her the answer and she immediately told the 30 Philistines. When they correctly answered, he knew they had gotten it from his fiance.

    "Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily, and he went down to Ashkelon and killed thirty of their men, took their apparel, and gave the clothing to those who answered the riddle. Angrily he went back up to his father's house. Samson's wife was given to his "best man." (verses 19-20).

    Marriage outside Samson's faith was a terrible tragedy. His so called fiance betrayed her husband. Later Samson decided to go back to Timnah for his wife. When he learned that she married his friend, in revenge he he torched fox tails to set the grain of the Philistines on fire. (Judges:15:4-5).

    In their anger the Philistines burned the Samson's woman and her father (verse 6), and in retaliation Samson killed more Philistines.

  14. Toward the end of Samson's life, he met Delilah. She gained his confidence in order to betray him to the Philistines. Samson told Delilah the secret of his strength, his long hair.

    Delilah cut Samson's hair while he was sleeping. This allowed the Philistines to blind and imprison him. But when his hair began to grow, he regained some strength. (Judges:16:17).

    Though he could no longer see, standing between two pillars that supported the building, Samson asked God for extra strength. The temple crashed down (verse 30. He killed many Philistines.

  15. From a court docket search it looks like in July or 2013, a Deirdre C Samson and George Scott Samson got divorced. At the time they lived on E Manor Drive, TH, IN 47802. Vigo County Superior Court VI case #84D06-1302-DR-01751.

  16. Rumor has it that the couple argued extensively leading up to the signing of a prenuptial agreement. Then on the wedding night, the good doc got his credit card rejected because his bride had already maxed it out!

  17. Talk about bad timing, the reception tent was still on the front lawn. The doctor blasts his bride six times.
    Dr. George Scott Samson and Kelly Ecker had no business ever getting married until they got their differences worked out. Anyone ever hear of pre-marriage counseling?

  18. Kelly gave the wrong address in the first 2 911 calls. A tragic situation that escalated too quickly for 911. If Kelly had left with her friends instead of staying, she might still be alive.
