Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Major League Baseball is at it Again!

A while back, Major League Baseball attacked and basically ended the career of Barry Bonds.  LINK.  We certainly know that Major League Baseball will act upon the allegations despite the Players Union's position.   LINK.  Now Major League Baseball appears to be targeting Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun and several other players for their alleged connections to a performance-enhancing drugs.  The allegations arise from the Biogenesis investigation.  T.J. Quinn, Pedro Gomez and Mike Fish have prepared a report for ESPN's "Outside The Lines" stating that MLB will seek to suspend approximately 20 players, including Rodriguez and Braun, because of their involvement with the performance-enhancing drugs scandal.

Will this be the end of the long ball?  Perhaps it will merely be the return to dink and dunk baseball where slappers rule.


  1. Performance enhancing drugs should be illegal as it compromises ones natural ability. Unfair to an athlete that does not use them and gives the user an edge that may surpass the non-user.
    I think it was Bonds that was going to break Babe Ruth’s record and the enhancing drug issue was present. A fans sign read, “Ruth did it on hotdogs and beer”. And there is truth to that statement, if not for the enhancing drugs would bonds even be competing for Ruth’s record? Which would make his natural abilities no comparison to Ruth, and not put him in the record books.

    And this excuse of, everyone is doing it so I should is bullshit….they sound like the Wall Street Bankers, no sense of moral.

  2. Take me out to the old ball game...

    I luv the long ball. Weight training enhances the game too, should that be banned?

    Smoking cigarettes harms athletic performance, should that be banned as well?
