Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Patriot Day Spoiled by Senseless Bomb Which Kills and Maims of Innocent People in Boston

The Pakistani Taliban, an insurgent group, says they didn't do it.   (They did admit to a failed bomb attack in New York nearly three years ago and terror attacks that have wreaked havoc on this South Asian nation for years. However, they say this was not their brainy idea.) In fact, their leader Ehsan told the media, "Certainly, America is our target and we will attack the U.S. and its allies whenever the [Pakistani Taliban] finds the opportunity, but we are not involved in this attack."  Taking this low life at his word, then we must ask who is responsible for the cowardly bombings that took three lives and injured over a hundred more?
At this time, no one has claimed responsibility for the bombs, and the fact that no firearms were used in the attack so we can't blame it on the pro-gun crowd. FBI are poring over video and photographs from the Boston Marathon for clues to determine who is responsible. Two bombs exploded near the finish line killing three people and injuring more than 140. A third incident, a fire at the Library, is believed to be coincidental.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Richard DesLauriers was very brief with the press because it "is a criminal investigation that is a potential terrorist investigation." The sequence of the blasts suggests theories involving Islamic militants or U.S. anti-government extremists but at this point, no one really knows.  There was no advance warning of the attack.  And like typical cowards, no one has claimed responsibility.  The Boston Marathon is an international event that belongs to the world.  Only a coward would target such a peaceful multinational group of people.

Inspire, an Internet publication spewing Yemen-based al Qaeda propaganda provides blue prints for such attacks.  But one doesn't have to be a terrorist to follow their insane plans. Jihadists are lunatics no matter where they are from.  It is hard to conceive how any God would endorse or approve of teaching people to build homemade explosive devices designed to kill 3 innocent people and would 140 more.

The explosive devices appears to be made from pressure cookers filled with metal nails and ball bearings. Photographs suggest that the devise near the finish line had been hid in a black backpack, according to law enforcement. Photographs of a damaged pressure-cooker container was being circulated to help track the source.
Let the authorities investigate this before we form a lynch mob. Start by finding the identity of what appears to be a man on the rooftop of a building near the finish line. (See above photo taken by Dan Lampariello.) If nothing else, he may have had a clear view of what transpired. And yes, interview the Middle Eastern Student whose apartment was searched hours after the bombing. But don't neglect investigating the idiotic lunatics native to our country. In the interim, let's not rush to judgment, lets have a fair inquisition.

4-17-13 Update:  Hey Coward:  An eight year old boy, Martin Richard, eight, and Krystle Campbell, 29, have needlessly died.  A twenty-seven year-old Chinese graduate student also lost her life. 176 others were injured. What did these innocent people do to you?  Are you so weak and so powerless that you have to kill a defenseless little boy than cower in fear? Don't you want your backpack and pressure cooker back?  If it is a fight that you want, why not admit your offense and openly challenge the Boston people to do something about it?  But before you do, you may first want to read a little about the Battle of Bunker Hill to size up your opponent.

4-17-13 Afternoon Update: Has the little weasel coward been spotted? A store video camera near the second bomb may have captured a suspicous persons image.  In addition, The Associated Press has a confidential informant that says a suspect has been detained and may be charged in federal court located in Boston. The coward is believed to be involved in placing the explosive device made from a kitchen pressure cookers packed with explosives, nails and other shrapnel. Officially, the FBI has said that no one has claimed responsibility for the murder. "Contrary to widespread reporting, there have been no arrests made in connection with the Boston Marathon attack... Over the past day and a half, there have been a number of press reports based on information from unofficial sources that has been inaccurate. Since these stories often have unintended consequences, we ask the media, particularly at this early stage of the investigation, to exercise caution and attempt to verify information through appropriate official channels before reporting."

Okay, we are going to be real cautious... Hopefully a suspect is in hand and hopefully will soon be introduced to the hand of justice.  (And if he had help, we are coming to get you too!)

Update 4-21-13: Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the oldest shooter, was pronounced dead at Beth Israel Hospital Deaconess Medical Center Friday morning after a shoot out.  The fatal blow to Tamerlan was likely being run over by a vehicle.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was in serious but stable condition at Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, where 11 victims of the bombing were still being treated. The most serious federal charge available would be the use of a weapon of mass destruction which typically does not carry a death sentence.  State charges, including that of murder, could also be brought. State causes could trigger a death sentence.

Update 4-24-13: Tsarnaev is represented by an experienced public defender, Miriam Conrad.

Conrad heads the Federal Public Defender Office in Boston.  She defended "shoe bomber" Richard Reid in 2001.

Update 5-22-13:  27-year-old,  Ibragim Todashevan, is believed to have been interviewed by the FBI after the Boston Marathon bombing.  It is now suspected that an FBI agent shot and killed Todashevan after he became violent while being questioned. Ibragim Todashev, reportedly knew Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older, deceased Boston suspect through mixed martial arts. At some point during the interview process, he allegedly attacked an officer, who apparently killed him.  The incident is allegedly under investigation.



  1. But when we do find out the responsible parties, string them up, right?

  2. I think it may be a local lunatic looking for publicity and attention like a lot of the recent slayings.

    Pretty sad. The media should black out coverage.

  3. Who knows, the guy that placed a bomb at the Atlanta Olympics was also bombing abortion clinics. McVeigh used Ruby Ridge...We are using Drones to kill entire families in the middle East.

    Wonder if the poison sent to that Mississippi Senator has something to do with this? He is on some Military committees.

    Was someone not allowed to participate in the marathon in the past?

  4. Did the lunatic mean to harm nonamericans? Such a target certainly would inflict pain on many foreigners present.

  5. Whether the target is foreign or domestic, only a crazy lunatic kills innocent people.

    Any legitimate cause is harmed by senseless violence.

  6. I would have thought the backpack would look worse than that after an explosion.

  7. Afternoon Update: Has the little weasel coward been spotted? The Associated Press has a confidential informant that says a suspect has been detained and may be charged in federal court located in Boston. The coward is believed to be involved in placing the explosive device made from a kitchen pressure cookers packed with explosives, nails and other shrapnel. Officially, the FBI has said that no one has claimed responsibility for the murder. But other sources are suggesting that a suspect is in hand and hopefully will soon be introduced to the hand of justice.

  8. Lingzu Lu was the grad student who was killed!

  9. (Any legitimate cause is harmed by senseless violence.)
    Unless they blame America for the loss of their family...thats a powerful motive.

    (Lingzu Lu was the grad student who was killed!)
    I really feel sad for the family that lost their 8-yr-old son. They say his 6-yr-old sister lost both legs, and the mother is still in critical condition.

    I don't think one person is responsible for this. He/she would have drawn much attention caring two bulging backpacks. If an organized attack, I would think they knew where the street cameras were located.

  10. FBI released photos of TWO males captured with street cameras..ya need to post them.
    They even have a 2sec video of them walking with backpacks.

  11. Two brothers. One dead. The 19 year old brother who had a Massachusetts license is still being man hunted.

    They were not born in this country. They have over seas military experience. Believed to be hiding in Watertown

  12. (They were not born in this country. They have over seas military experience.)
    ...update, not born here but raised here at least 10 years. No military experience unless you consider highschool wrestling military training.
    I/m thinking the older brother 26yrs influenced the younger 19yrs, with political and religious views.
    Both from Chechnya originally and have adopted the views of their movement that has mostly been against the USSR.
    Chechnya terrorists are the most violent of their, kind killing some 160 school children during the takeover of a grammar school in Russia

  13. Take your golden retrievers and your spam elsewhere!

  14. Update 4-24-13: Tsarnaev is represented by an experienced public defender, Miriam Conrad.

    Conrad heads the Federal Public Defender Office in Boston. She defended "shoe bomber" Richard Reid in 2001.

  15. (Tsarnaev is represented by an experienced public defender, Miriam Conrad)
    ...She will be trying to save him from the death sentence as there is too much evidence against him.
    I doubt this will go to trial as a deal will be negotiated beforehand

  16. It may well go to court if the lad wants his day in court to speak out against whatever the hell he was trying to destroy with all of this unnecessary violence.
