Monday, March 25, 2013

Luke Bresette Victim of Tragedy

For no apparent reason an electronic sign falls and kills an innocent little boy.  Sound like Final Destination 2013? Well perhaps in Montgomery, Alabama the next movie will be based on reality. sounds a lttle too accurate.  In the local airport, a 300-pound arrival-departure panel fell off the wall and onto a family killing Luke Bresette, a young boy.  Heather Bresette, Luke's mother and two of his brothers were seriously injured by the panel at the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport. Heather had two broken ankles and a crushed pelvis.  She is in intensive care and sedated. Five year-old Tyler, suffered a concussion. Eight year-old Sam suffered a broken nose and a broken leg.

The Bresettes family was coming back from spring break in Destin, Florida when the tragedy occurred. Ryan Bresette, Luke's father, and an older brother and sister were not injured. It took six people to lift the large board off the victims so that first responders could attend to the injured.  Almost immediately investigators started pondering how this could have happened at the newly renovated airport which opened on March 13. The family may never recover from this emotional loss.  Groups in Birmingham and Kansas City are collecting donations for the family. Luke was 10 years-old.


  1. God bless that poor child.

  2. Now this family has a legitimate lawsuit!

  3. I feel for the mom waking up to find out your son is gone.

    Horrible tragedy.

  4. WTF...Who ever installed that sign is in BIG trouble.

  5. Negligent installation of the sign may have caused a wrongful death of an innocent child.
