Monday, February 4, 2013

Open Letter to Jim Dykes!

End it now or we're coming after you our self.  That's the message we want 65 year-old Jim Dykes to hear and understand.  Six days of this bull crap is too much.  In Midland City, Alabama, they have a problem and unfortunately, it is rapidly becoming all our problem.  For six days a gunman has held a five year-old boy hostage after he killed Charles Albert Poland Jr., a 66 year-old school bus driver.  He is holding the child in an underground bunker and for most of us, our patience is running out.

The kindergartner has Asperger's syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and when Dykes chose to keep him as hostage, he enraged a whole lot of folks.  Folks he ought not want to cross.  Officers have sent food, medicine and other items into the bunker and apparently the boy is doing OK.  But enough is enough. Charles Poland was a hero.  He died saving the life of the other children on the bus.  Dykes, he is no hero.  He is a chicken who hides in an underground bunker with a sick child.  Come out Dykes and face your problems like a man.

The candlelight vigils and the media frenzy only feed the minds of sick criminals like Dykes and those similarly in need of attention.  End it now.  Put a media blackout on Midland City and all of these crazy attention seeking lunatics. We have swat teams, we have gas, we have drones and we even have special forces.  Bin Ladin didn't get away, and there is no way in God's green earth that Dykes should have been allowed to carry on this masquerade for six days. At some point, the message needs to be sent that these attention seekers will be met with overwhelming force. That time is now.  Dykes,  are you listening?


  1. I envision a lynch mob similar to the one that went after Frankenstein in the movie....

  2. FBI must still read Legal Pub. They stormed the castle yesterday and killed Dykes. The kid is fine.

  3. Know u would a got him l.p. cause you always capture the bad guy.

  4. This guy is an old Nam-vet still living the war. I’m always suspect of the rally cry “Support our troops”…until they have mental problems when returning home, than no one wants to deal with them since they must be weak.
    Only a psychopath could blow someone’s brains out day after day, no matter what the cause, without feeling some emotional duress.
    I had an uncle who was mated to a 50cal during the Battle of the Bulge…his wife, my aunt, could not wake him up in the morning without him trying to strangle her. So she called him from the other room. They suffered back then as well, but were not reported as it was considered a sign of weakness.

    Follow the story of the X-L.A. Cop who is out hunting other cops…this should be a good one.
    I read his manifesto, and unlike how the Media reports him…he is not crazy. Far more completed than what they are reporting.

  5. That should say;
    "Far more complicated than..."

  6. Anonymous 5:51 AM ...LP is going to get you for spamming.

  7. Yup, l.p don't like spammers
