Thursday, January 24, 2013

Manti Te'o Girlfriend Captured Taking A Shower?

Many questions exist regarding Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te’o and his mythical girlfriend, the most interesting of which is how someone got a hold of this picture of her taking a shower.  Manti Te'o recently gave an interview to Katie Couric which shed some light on his naive character. Nevertheless, the Jan. 16 investigative report by Deadspin, raises questions about potential motives behind the death of Te’o's mythical girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, on the eve of his biggest game. We all now know that Kekua’s very existence was a complete fabrication. Te’o has yet to fully explain why he lied about his relationship even after he reportedly discovered the hoax.  If Te'o was not aware of the hoax, why did he not make any substantial effort to see her in person or by skype?

Te’o says he was sincere about his relationship with the woman he knew as Lennay Kekua, in spite of the fact that they never met. ESPN claims that they have possession of data indicating Te'o participated in over 1000 telephone calls to a number with a 661 area code.  ESPN   Te'o allegedly believed the number belonged to Kekua. They allegedly discussed Kekua's treatment following a car accident and  leukemia.

Perhaps he was initially duped and was embarrassed to admit so to the public. Or perhaps, he felt the story increased his popularity and marketability.  In any event, will we ever know the complete story?  Should we really care?


  1. What I want to know is when did Te'o realize it was a hoax?

  2. He said in an interview that he MET her after the Stanford-Notre Dame game. Has that changed? His Dad said she went to see him in Hawaii a couple of times. So is the lady in the picture part of this scheme or did they lie?

  3. I think he was initially fooled but at some point he learned the truth. Yet he apparently continued the charade. Why?

  4. Notre Dame used the media to portray Te'o as the great, high character Samoan warrior who overcame all these obstacles to become a ND legend.

    Unfortunately, the truth and Alabama ruined exposed the truth and destroyed the myth.

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  6. C’mon, nobody is that stupid!
    It was a hoax, and a hoax he was involved with to create attention and sympathy for himself in regards to the Heisman Trophy.

    The University was not involved but will stick up for him since every trophy won increases their sports program’s value.

    Don’t believe they all would deceive us? Look at the Lance Armstrong scandal, not only Lance was involved, so were trainers, other riders…ect. Even the sponsors would have kept quite. And the things Armstrong did to the people that knew and told the truth…he destroyed them, and with funds the sponsors gave him.

    I don’t think Te'o thought it through, or that people would check his story out that well and take him for his word. I don’t care how good this guy is on the field, this shows an incite to his demeanor…I hope the NFL doesn’t draft him. Let him play football in Canada.

  7. He is exactly what the nfl drafts, characters

  8. No reason to think too hard on this one. It appears to be a story of a guy embellishing a relationship because it generated a lot of intention.

    Pretty simple quid pro quo.

  9. Teo had an opportunity to generate a lot of buz for his heisman campaign and it worked. He finished second. Pretty impressive for a defensive player.

  10. Is it possible that he ran with the embellished story in order to cover up the fact that he prefers men? Just asking...

  11. I think you would be shocked how common this"catfishing" thing is.
    Lot's of folks fall for the trick and many lonely people get real hurt.

  12. Elenor Rigby

  13. In an interview with Dr. Phil McGraw Ronaiah Tuiasosopo says the voice of Manti Te'o girlfriend Lennay Kekua was his. RT says the star Notre Dame linebacker had no role in the hoax.

    In an ESPN article, RT says he was in love with Manti...
