Monday, October 15, 2012

Did Ashley Davis Have a Topless Mug Shot? Perhaps not but...

Ashley Davis was intoxicated.  She was perhaps disorderly.  But did the Leesburg police cross the line?  This 32-year-old woman claims that she was left topless by law enforcement officers after being arrested at a Leesburg's Bikefest in Florida.  She claims that when police they tackled her during a drunk and disorderly arrest, her top came off.  She claims she was then forced to remained topless in a Leesburg Police Department holding cell.  She claims officers gawked and ridiculed her.  She even claims that one officer put his hand over his mouth so she bit him.  She claims he retaliated by slamming her face into the ground chipping three teeth.  Ashley has now filed a lawsuit seeking compensation for what she claims is mistreatment. 

Stan Plappert, an Ocala attorney representing Davis, said even when officers transported her they refused to cover her up. The lawsuit was filed against the Leesburg Police Department and Lake County Sheriff's Office in Marion County.  The general theory of liability is alleged excessive force.

This may be a case to keep an eye on.


  1. Perhaps a bit of mishandling?

  2. Time to stop drinking.

  3. Drunks can be unreasonable to deal with, and she probably was too. But leaving her half naked in a cell is unreasonable as well.

    “IF” this happened, than the cops were going well past their authority during an arrest and were set on degrading her…and that is wrong.

  4. Drunks have rights too!

  5. Pretty hot chick. NO wonder the cops wanted to peek! Not right to do so, but red blooded american boys sometimes exercise real poor judgment.

  6. Drunks can be unreasonable to deal with, and she probably was too. But leaving her half naked in a cell is unreasonable as well. “IF” this happened, than the cops were going well past their authority during an arrest and were set on degrading her…and that is wrong.

  7. Drunks can be unreasonable to deal with, and she probably was too. But leaving her half naked in a cell is unreasonable as well. “IF” this happened, than the cops were going well past their authority during an arrest and were set on degrading her…and that is wrong.

  8. No one should be degraded. Especially a woman with great t!ts....

  9. More photos please.
