Monday, August 20, 2012

Why The Senseless Killing In Chicago? ~by Legal Pub

People are outraged at the casualty reports in Afghanistan.  There were 2,000 troops killed in Afghanistan! But as awful as that sounds, 5,000 people were killed in Chicago over the same time period. And its not all U.S. cities.  For example, New York City hit a record low 193 murders in the first six months of 2012.  But more than 250 murders occurred in Chicago during that 6 month period.  Keep in mind, New York is three times larger than Chicago.
Murder is about crime, and criminals. Chicago is becoming the crime capital. Police blame gangs, weathermen blame the heatwave.  None of it makes much sense in explaining Chicago's 36 percent increase in murder. Especially when you consider New York City's 17 percent decrease in murder since last year. In fact, New York is on pace to record fewer than 400 homicides this year which would be the lowest number since 1963. Of course, the NYPD employs the controversial  "stop and frisk" policy which apparently is only used on governors in Illinois. Chicago politicians side with the weathermen; however, it has been hot all over the country. (Especially when Lady Gaga goes on tour.)  The experiment in New York suggests that crime is not inevitable.  Is Chicago willing to admit it has a problem?


  1. Surprise you didn't try to blame Chicago's trouble on President Obama.

  2. The NCAAP is against such stop and frisk policies as they discriminate against minorities. New York needs to end such policies that have a disparate impact on minorities.

  3. Reducing the murder rate is not worth giving up our civil liberties.

  4. Poverty breeds crime…Fu*k the stats, things are bad here. For a city that is based on hard working blue collar jobs, things are becoming more cutthroat than ever before. And for the labor force that has been slowly slipping into poverty…what do you think they are going to do with poor paying jobs if they have them? Drink, use drugs, and steal stuff…

    The politicians always like to pass the buck, or problem on…if we have a crime problem it is their fault and not the weather. Peoples 401K is worth 30% less, homes lost value, fuel is double, and the parking meter scam that was given to the politicians special interest friends went through the roof. They also doubled the tolls making it more expensive to get to a job…and we still have shitty roads…what do they do with that money?

    Republican or Democrat…makes no difference as they are all on the take and could care less about the rest of us.

  5. Well, that's one mans view...

  6. Sucks to be right sometimes…
    Shooting in NY today….why?
    52 year old man was unemployed for over a year and the odds of him finding another job at that age is very small since insurance companies don’t like to insure older employees.
    He apparently went back to his last place of employment and shot his boss… This is a guy who most likely would have never thought of such a thing back in the 60’s.

    Canada has as many guns per citizen as the USA…so it is not the guns. It is the desperate environment our leaders have created. They don’t care since the average worth of a congress critter is in the multi millions.

    Look at Paul Ryan, after only 10 years in congress he is worth as much as $7 million (prob more). How does that happen when his pay is only $200, 000 a year? Bribes from corporate lobbyists that’s how. The same lobbyists that have made it so easy to export jobs overseas, charge us ten times the amount for the same drugs sold in Canada, bail out banks that have crashed our economy…Fight against the minimum wage that corps like Wall-Mart hate to pay.

  7. But tell us how you really feel, v.g.?!

  8. Crime rate is out of control.

  9. Sucks to be right sometimes… Shooting in NY today….why? 52 year old man was unemployed for over a year and the odds of him finding another job at that age is very small since insurance companies don’t like to insure older employees. He apparently went back to his last place of employment and shot his boss… This is a guy who most likely would have never thought of such a thing back in the 60’s. Canada has as many guns per citizen as the USA…so it is not the guns. It is the desperate environment our leaders have created. They don’t care since the average worth of a congress critter is in the multi millions. Look at Paul Ryan, after only 10 years in congress he is worth as much as $7 million (prob more). How does that happen when his pay is only $200, 000 a year? Bribes from corporate lobbyists that’s how. The same lobbyists that have made it so easy to export jobs overseas, charge us ten times the amount for the same drugs sold in Canada, bail out banks that have crashed our economy…Fight against the minimum wage that corps like Wall-Mart hate to pay.

  10. Barry, violence sucks no matter where or why it occurs!
