Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Does Zenaida Gonzlez Deserve Her Pound of Flesh?

Most of the United States probably remembers the Casey Anthony's criminal trial.  LINK.  But now Casey faces a civil trial for defamation. The media claims she has been hiding, but her face is about as familiar as those on Mount Rushmore.
Anthony has been staying out of the limelight as she serves her probation for fibbing to police, the only charge she was convicted of in the criminal trial.  Casey, 26 years old, will soon have to defend herself in the civil action in Orlando.  Zenaida Gonzlez claims in the civil lawsuit that during the initial investigation into the whereabouts of 2-year-old Caylee, Casey claimed her daughter was kidnapped by a babysitter named Zenaida Gonzalez.  

Gonzalez never met Anthony.  She never babysat Caylee and she was not involved in the case.  However, she claims when Casey Anthony mentioned her name to police, she was publicly defamed.  She claims the defamation ruined her reputation by using her name in association with the toddler's disappearance.  The civil case is likely to be tried in January of 2013. Does she deserve a a big monetary judgment against Anthony? Did the 20 minutes of fame for Gonzlez really "ruin her life?"  Perhaps a civil jury will let us all know very soon.

Update 5-23-12:  When will the media stop sensationalizing things?  Casey Anthony has not been on the run or hiding.  She has been staying out of the public spotlight and complying with the terms of her probation.  Her attorneys accepted service for her in the civil case.  The media will only stop when the public starts to demand responsible journalism.


  1. leave the chick alone. she has her own demons she must wrestle with...

  2. How was she damaged? I would not even have remembered her name but for this civil lawsuit.

  3. Update 5-23-12: When will the media stop sensationalizing things? Casey Anthony has not been on the run or hiding. She has been staying out of the public spotlight and complying with the terms of her probation. Her attorneys accepted service for her in the civil case. The media will only stop when the public starts to demand responsible journalism.

  4. I think all the press about the case also cleared Zenaida's name.

    Yes the press sensationalize many cases while ignoring more important crimes...but there is also the sense that Anthony got away with the murder of a child and the public takes offense to this. It is an injustice in their eyes, and since the public has little faith in our broken judicial system anymore, Anthony is being judged in the world of public opinion and the press knows they wish to know more.
    She is far from the last to experience this treatment, "Mary Bell", "Karla Homolka", and even O J experienced similar coverage.

    When the public knows a wrong has been committed they do not just bow down to a judicial decision. Especially if they feel the decision was made by fancy legal maneuvering and not of facts. They seek true and a just justice.

    They are still protesting in the streets about the injustice of our political, Banking, and corporate unsavory and undemocratic alliance. Ya think they are going to let a mother who killed her child because she was tired of raising her get rich off it? This is a moral issue that the courts failed with a just decision. So in this case if the press hounds her the public support it. Or else they wouldn't watch.

  5. She has been cleared. No one beloved Casey so how was zenada harmed

  6. Because I followed this case from the beginning. I find Casey GUILtY of murdering her daughter. If Zenaida was cleared or not. I hope everyone that was mentioned gets all the money they can out of Casey. Although I doubt they'll cash in. I want Casey to spend the rest of her life in a court room for what she did during that trial. I also think it's outrageous that the parents got by with what they did as well. In it unjustified.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Can't she just discharge the debt in bankruptcy?

  9. Shyloh: You have been consistent in your views and your support of Caylee.

    You also write some real nice poems! Hope many readers visit your site. L.P.

  10. Aweee thank you dear one. (blushing)

  11. Shyloh even has a play...


  12. Legal Eagle WOW! I forgot all about that. Looking back. GEESH! I am getting OLD!!!

  13. yup, we actually read that stuff! Course Legal Eagle 3 is incharge of deletes not me. LOL.

    Love your comments.
