Monday, April 16, 2012

President Obama Does Not Approve of Prostitution?

In this time of a recovering economy, one wonders what our President's position would be on the Secret Service putting women back to work in the oldest profession known to man. Would it be seen as stimulating foreign commerce or as a moral mistep. Our speculation was soon answered by our President. President Barack Obama responded to allegations that Secret Service agents hired prostitutes, by saying, "of course I'll be angry" if those accusations are proven true by an investigation.

The Secret Service is supposed to represent the United States and are supposed to conduct themselves with the highest levels of dignity anywhere in the world. Consequently, our President explained,"Obviously, what's been reported doesn't match up to those standards." President Obama has generally been treated gently by the press. Is this the beginning of the press taking a more aggressive stance against the incumbent?

That depends upon how our President responds, explained one reporter who wished to remain anonymous. President Obama seems to be saying the right thing when he stated, "I expect that investigation to be thorough, and I expect it to be rigorous;" however, actions will ultimately speak louder than words.

Meanwhile in Columbia, the President tried to focus on America's trade relations with partners throughout the Americas. Our President wants to reserve judgment until the investigation is concluded. Will the press and the public do the same?

Little is actually known about the five U.S. military service members and the eleven Secret Service agents who had stayed at Cartagena's five-star Hotel Caribe. None were assigned to directly protect Obama. Congress may hold hearings on the misconduct. This incident appears to not be a safety issue but rather an issue of confidence in the integrity or our leadership. Only time will tell whether our President can distance himself from this latest scandal.


  1. I question the timing of these allegations given the upcoming election.

  2. Certainly not the presidents fault these guys were horny!

  3. This may be the break Romni needed...

  4. Elephant at Heart sounds more like a Jackass to me!

  5. Now it is bad enough for our country to go into debt with china, but now we owe hookers?

  6. "Now it is bad enough for our country to go into debt with china, but now we owe hookers?"

    LOL...yes, where will this outsourcing stop? I'm sure they work cheaper than our own unionized Hookers and don't get time and a half for overtime.

  7. But ya got to look for the union label...

  8. "But ya got to look for the union label..."

    Is that the same as a certificate of good health from a VD clinic?

    Where is "Helen's" opinion on this subject? Should we be forced to subsidize foreign prostitutes for government employees when unemployment is so high in the US?

  9. I'm not Helen, but I do say that women should never be giving it away for free. But I am against protitution. It degrades the value of marrying up and then effectuating a profitable divorce.
