Monday, March 19, 2012

Just Whose Voice Called Out For Help, Zimmerman or Martin?

It all comes down to whose voice it is on the audio calling for help. Residents at the Twin lakes Retreat in Florida had become used to stolen bikes and grills. 28 year-old George Zimmerman offered to start a neighborhood watch. Now George Zimmerman is accused of shooting an unarmed Miami Gardens teenager. This has triggered racial tensions as Trayvon Martin, the teenager is African American.

Zimmerman took the neighborhood watch very seriously. He had a license to carry a weapon and regularly patrolled the area with his dog. Zimmerman was also studying criminal justice. Zimmerman was even credited with solving a few neighborhood crimes. But now 17-year-old Trayvon Martin is dead. Did Zimmerman have a false sense of authority that cost Martin his life? Trayvon’s family’s attorneys claim racial profiling in this gated community led up to the murder of Trayvon Martin.

Yet Zimmerman did not work alone. He called police 46 times since Jan. 1, 2011 to report disturbances, break-ins, windows left open and other incidents. Nine of those times, he saw someone suspicious. On the night in question, Zimmerman called police dispatch and stated, “Hey, we’ve had some break-ins in my neighborhood, and there’s a real suspicious guy at Retreat View Circle. This guy looks like he’s up to no good.” Zimmerman apparently reported that the black male was walking slowly, looked drugged and appeared to be looking at people’s houses.

Calls to 911 reported a scuffle and someone crying for help. A shot is heard. Subsequently, Trayvon is found face down on the ground near a pathway. Zimmerman told police that he was the one crying for help. He claims the unarmed Trayvon Martin started the fight and that he shot him in self-defense. Zimmerman has yet to be charged; however, the matter remains under investigation. In the mean time, racial tensions have skyrocketed. On at least two previous occasions, Sanford Police have been accused of giving favorable treatment to relatives of officers involved in violent encounters with blacks. Whether Zimmerman will be charged remains unknown. However, no matter what the result of the investigation, it is certain that someone will be upset with the outcome. Trayvon-Martin-

Update 3-20-12: Still no charges filed against Zimmerman; however, a 13 year old witness has surfaced. Austin McLendon was apparently standing less than 20 yards away from Martin when he was shot. He said he heard screams for help and than heard a gun shot. In another account, it is said that Austin saw a someone laying on the ground screaming for help. Police interviewed Austin early in the investigation so whatever he originally told authorities is likely to be most accurate.

Update 3-21-12: Trayvon apparently was talking to his girlfriend seconds before he was shot according to Benjamin Crump, a lawyer for Martin's family. The phone call between Martin and his girlfriend allegedly describe the last moments of Martin's life. The statement of Crump has resulted in the involvement of the U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division and the FBI. Outrage. Florida State Attorney Norm Wolfinger has also stated that he had ordered an "expeditious review" of the investigation "utilizing the investigative resources of the Seminole County Grand Jury, which will be called to session." You can bet it will center around the audio tape for the 911 call. 911 Video

It will also center on the 16 year old girlfriend's recollection of the phone conversation: "He said this man was watching him, so he put his hoodie on. He said he lost the man," Martin's friend said. "I asked Trayvon to run, and he said he was going to walk fast. I told him to run, but he said he was not going to run... Trayvon said, 'What are you following me for,' and the man said, 'What are you doing here.' Next thing I hear is somebody pushing, and somebody pushed Trayvon because the head set just fell. I called him again, and he didn't answer the phone." (ABC News.)
Emergency and nonemergency calls concerning the attack describe the following:
"These a**holes always get away," Zimmerman said.
Dispatcher: "Are you following him?"
Zimmerman: "Yeah."Dispatcher: "We don't need you to do that."

An altercation seems to be heard.... A few moments later several 911 calls flooded in and Martin is killed by a single bullet. Now the national protests calling for justice grow louder. Can a Grand Jury do its job based only on the evidence?

Update 3-24-12: President Obama has called for a full investigation of the matter. Mean while, does one witness support Zimmerman's self defense claim?

Update 3-28-12: Geraldo Rivera has publicly apologized for saying that Martin was partially responsible for his own death because he was wearing a hoodie. "I'll bet you money, if he didn't have that hoodie on, that nutty neighborhood watch guy wouldn't have responded in that violent and aggressive way," Rivera said. Monday Rivera apologized to those who were offended by his remarks. "I apologize to anyone offended by what one prominent black conservative called my ‘very practical and potentially life-saving' campaign urging black and Hispanic parents not to let their children go around wearing hoodies."

Update 3-29-12: Spike Lee issues an apology to the McClain family as he erroneously retweeted their address as being Zimmerman's to 2500 followers. Is it ever right to harass friends and families of suspects or defendants?

Update 4-8-12: The special prosecutor investigating the killing of Trayvon Martin has decided not to convene a grand jury. The decision whether to file charges against George Zimmerman will be made by State Attorney Angela B. Corey. The former state prosecutor, Norman Wolfinger, recused himself from the case, saying that he was stepping away "in the interest of the public safety of the citizens of Seminole County and to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest." Gov. Rick Scott appointed Corey to replace Wolfinger. In the mean time, the investigation continues.

Update 4-20-12: A photograph released by ABC News shows blood on the back of George Zimmerman  head from two minor cuts. The photo was taken three minutes after Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin, If valid, it may support the contention of a violent confrontation prior to the shot. Zimmerman allegedly told police that Martin punched him in the face, climbed on top of him and slammed his head into the sidewalk. When the local police arrived at the scene, they found Zimmerman with a bloody nose, swollen lip and lacerations in the back of his head. Although paramedics gave him first aid, he did not need to go to the hospital.  A judge set Zimmerman's bond at $150,000.

Update 5-16-12:  Early media reports stirred up a lot of racial tension.  Was the purpose of such half truths to create a media frenzy to increase ratings?  Myth 1:  This was a white on black crime.  Truth 1: George Zimmerman is a Hispanic mix.  His skin color is not all that much lighter than Trayvon Martin's. Friends of Zimmerman claim he has friends of all races and is not a bigot as suggested by the media.  Myth 2:  The police never arrested Zimmerman or took him into custody.  Truth 2:  A few weeks after the incident Zimmerman is seen on video in the police station in handcuffs.   It is only after the states attorney said there was not enough evidence at that time to pursue prosecution that Zimmerman was released.  Myth 3:  The police video showed no injuries to Zimmerman.  Truth 3:  Enhanced video documented two cuts to the back of Zimmerman's head. Myth 4:  Zimnmerman sought no medical treatment.  Truth 4:  Zimmerman was treated at the scene for cuts and an injury to the nose by emergency personnel.  The next day he saw his family physician.  He had a broken nose, black eyes, cuts on the back of his head and a minor back injury according to medical records compiled by his doctor, ABC News reports    Myth 5:  Travon had no injuries to his hands so therefore no struggle occurred. Truth 5:  Recently released autopsy reports document broken skin on Trayvons hands consistent with punching someone.

Neither Trayvon nor anyone else deserved to die that day and this tragedy certainly could have been avoided. But people need to stick to the facts and quit sensationalizing these unfortunate incidents in order to stir up a media frenzy.  The original prosecutor did not feel there was enough evidence to pursue charges.  Yet under public pressure, a new special prosecutor known for liberally charging defendants was appointed to the case.  Keep in mind that our system of justice demands that every person is presumed innocent unless proved otherwise after a fair trial by a jury of his peers.


  1. Sounds like he was quick to pull the trigger

  2. WOW!!! If they don't charge him...all hell is going to break loose!!!

    @Anon....quick to pull the trigger TWICE...while the boy begs for his life. That's MURDER!!!

  3. Murder it appears.

    Unless the boy started it, look for charges to be brought.

  4. Youte and Secrets

    You are both right. Murder occurred unless there was justification. If no justification, we got to demand justice.

  5. If travvon were white would he have been labeled suspicios?

  6. Oh come on it was a gated community. Did travon even belong in there?

    1. U are the stupidist son of a bitch in the world...bitch im black we have money to stay in gated communities..sounds like you dont belong on earthdie and go to hell

    2. Wao Ur a dumb ass if u heard he was at his stepmoms house b4 He even enters the community He fucken enterd a code get Ur fuckn facts straight did ' did He even belong there wtf r u serious what if u were at Ur stepdads an a black guy shot u hed b right in prison right fuckn people that's y the fuckn world's gonna end customer God can't deal with stupid dumb ass people

  7. He shootem more than once?

  8. Did he belong there? His father lives there! Keep your racist speculation out of this. If the races of the involved parties were reversed would you be asking that same question?

  9. Update 3-20-12: Still no charges filed against Zimerman; however, a 13 year old witness has surfaced. Austin McLendon was apparently standing less than 20 yards away from Martin when he was shot. He said he heard screams for help and than heard a gun shot. In another account, it is said that Austin saw a someone laying on the ground screaming for help. Police interviewed Austin early in the investigation so whatever he originally told authorities is likely to be most accurate.

  10. Was it one or two shots?

    Did Austin orginally say it was Martin on the ground or Zimmerman or he couldn't tell.

    I agree with L.P. the witnesses original statement to authorities will hold a lot of weight as to whether charges will be filed soon or not.

    My bet is charges will be filed because of all the public attention this case has gotten.

  11. Charges will be filed because it was murder if this poor boy was defenseless and shot simply because of racial profiling!

  12. Update 3-21-12: Trayvon apparently was talking to his girlfriend seconds before he was shot according to Benjamin Crump, a lawyer for Martin's family. The phone call between Martin and his girlfriend allegedly describe the last moments of Martin's life. The statement of Crump has resulted in the involvement of the U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division and the FBI. Outrage. Florida State Attorney Norm Wolfinger has also stated that he had ordered an "expeditious review" of the investigation "utilizing the investigative resources of the Seminole County Grand Jury, which will be called to session." You can bet it will center around the audio tape for the 911 call

  13. I think Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law is insane, and the reason this guy was not questioned more intensely. Two people could be arguing over a football game, or a love interest…with no witnesses one could shoot and kill the other and just say he/she felt threatened…or go provoke a fight with ones enemies and shoot them, than say they felt threatened.
    I seen a stat that said before the law there were about 30 deaths caused by self-defense actions, and since passed, over a hundred each year. This would mean that before the law ¾ of confrontations were solved without deadly force…they found a way to resolve things. Or, people are using the law to seek revenge.

    In this case I heard that this Zimmerman guy may have been drunk. Booze and guns don’t mix well. Why didn’t this guy carry a video camera instead of a gun…the footage would have been more useful in court than his word should he happen upon a crime. There is a guy who videotapes the prostitutes around his neighborhood and uploads the footage to the internet, and has had much success. The cops loved him until he taped them beating the hell out of someone and put that on the internet…LOL

  14. Anderson cooper is stirring the pot big time

  15. Well anyone who questions what happened is labelled a racist. There was only one shot. There was an altercation. Witnesses seem to be changing their stories...

    While Zimmerman may have been at fault for using horrible judgment, I doubt he set out to murder martin

  16. To Kill A Mocking BirdMarch 21, 2012 at 7:25 AM

    •"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." Atticus Finch

  17. Zimerman followed this kid while in his car, than got out and confronted him = a good thing for a neighborhood watch person to do..."IF" there is suspicious activity.
    So what is considered suspicious activity? I don't think walking down a public sidewalk while talking on the phone is suspicious, or should be considered suspicious activity.

    One does not have the right to confront someone for simply walking down a public sidewalk. And anything that happens afterward would/should be considered Zimerman's fault as this makes Zimerman the aggressor.

    Now, if this kid was walking from the public walk up to peoples homes and looking in the windows, or checking the doors to see if they were locked...than there would be a reason to confront him.

    To me, all this kid seems to be guilty of is walking while black in a white neighborhood.

  18. Zimerman's Defence: Since there are no witnesses all he now has to say is he followed this kid and seen him do something suspicious, or illegal, and confronted him and a fight ensued.

    The problem with that is this victim knew zimerman was following him and weather up to no good or not, it would be unlikely that he would attempt anything illegal while being watched.

  19. What probably happened was this: Zimmerman exits his vehicle and confronts Martin (Zimerman is now in the wrong and an aggressor)
    Martin knows his rights and is not doing anything wrong so he tells Zimerman to leave him alone and continues on his way. Zimerman says the police are on their way and tries to restrain Martin (Zimerman is now guilty of assault)
    A scuffle ensues and Martin gets in a lucky punch or kick (Martin is within his rights of self defense)
    Zimerman pulls his gun and shoots Martin (Zimerman is now guilty of murder)

    None of this had to happen if Zimerman had stayed in his car, he could have followed Martin until the police arrive. Once he left his vehicle and confronted Martin on a public walkway he is the aggressor...even if it was just to talk to him.

    Now, anyone can exit their car to talk to someone on a public walkway, if only to ask for directions...but the point is, once you leave your vehicle and approach another, you are an aggressor no matter what the I right about this Legal?

  20. Here is another situation that many people do. A friend of mine was driving down the highway and was cut off by another driver. At the red light my friend exited his vehicle and confronted the other driver (many people do this). The other driver excited his vehicle and punched my friend, and a fight ensued.
    Even though the other driver excited his vehicle and punched my friend first, my friend was arrested because exciting his vehicle and approaching the other driver was considered an aggressive move, and the other driver had every right to feel threatened.
    My friend could have taken down the licenseplate number and filed a complaint later, but he did not have the right to exit his vehicle and confront the other driver.

    I see this as the same actions taken by Zimerman in this case and self-defense was more on Martins side.

  21. Martin could have stopped and done nothing . Or Martin could have called the cops himself. What Martin should not have done is disrespect Zimmerman.

    Now before I hear the race b.s., the same is true for Zimmerman. He should have treated Martin with respect and not jumped to conclusions.

  22. "When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point," John said.on the Sanford city website, Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen. His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman's claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

    A witness we haven't heard from before paints a much different picture than we've seen so far of what happened the night 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed.

    The night of that shooting, police say there was a witness who saw it all.

    Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, and the back of his shirt was wet and had grass stains, indicating a struggle took place before the shooting."

  23. Zimmerman was getting his fat @ss kicked and so he pulled a gun.

    Zimmerman should have just taken his beating like a man and not relied upon a pistol.

  24. Traavon had every right to pull up his hoodee and go gangster on this prick. Zimmerman had no right to confront him in the first place.

  25. A voice calls out in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the lord

  26. Its Zimmerman calling for help yal...

  27. Witness has surfaced...

    Zimmerman called for help. Lends credence to self defense claim. Anderson Cooper stirred up a lot of sh!t without knowing all the facts. Now this poor man won't get a fair trial.

  28. Martin was on the phone at the time of the confrontation and it appears that he was pushed by Zimmerman first. BUT, it is apparent that this girl on the phone with Martin would be partial to Martin.
    The true fact is that Zimmerman had no right to confront Martin in the first place…call 911= yes, keep an eye on him= maybe, but confront him= no

    This means that anyone where this law applies can confront anybody, and should a fight pursue and you start to lose…just shoot. WTF!
    So if someone owes you money…start a fight than shoot them. If they steal your girl…start a fight and shoot them.

    Apparently there is a law similar to this in Indiana…what do you know about it Legal?

  29. Update 3-28-12: Geraldo Rivera has publicly apologized for saying that Martin was partially responsible for his own death because he was wearing a hoodie. "I'll bet you money, if he didn't have that hoodie on, that nutty neighborhood watch guy wouldn't have responded in that violent and aggressive way," Rivera said. Monday Rivera apologized to those who were offended by his remarks. "I apologize to anyone offended by what one prominent black conservative called my ‘very practical and potentially life-saving' campaign urging black and Hispanic parents not to let their children go around wearing hoodies."

  30. Sounds like Zimmerman got decked before he shot

  31. Sounds like Zimmerman got decked before he shot

  32. Video of Zimmerman right after the shooting as he is brought to police station shows no sign of injury of any sort…especially a broken nose as Zimmerman claims. Clothes look dry and un-disturbed. This looks bad for Zimmerman.
    Also, it was reported that Martin was the one with the broken nose and was reported during the autopsy…with the different stories floating around this case we will have to wait to see if the martin broken nose is true.

    I predict Zimmerman will be charged with manslaughter...soon

  33. Update 3-29-12: Spike Lee issues an apology to the McClain family as he erroneously retweeted their address as being Zimmerman's to 2500 followers. Is it ever right to harrass friends and families of suspects or defendants?

  34. Spike Lee wanted Zimmerman's address out there, so some "gangsta" could do a drive-by/burn the house...kill Mr. Zimmerman and anyone else unlucky enough to be in the home. Black Panthers offering $10,000 bounty on Zimmerman. He is NOT a wanted man! This is simple black racism! Spike Lee instigating trouble. Panthers a terroristic, hate different than KKK. Hold these "people" accountable, the same way Zimmerman held Traavon accountable that night. People have the right to defend themselves from attack. Someone's on top of you bashing your head into concrete...shoot their ass...and make NO apologies for it!

  35. Neighborhood "watch" means just

  36. Mr White, It appears that there is a double standard here with the Panthers and Spike Lee, especially since Zimmerman has yet to be charged, or convicted.
    And apparently there was a problem with burglaries in the neighborhood and many committed by young black teens. This would give Zimmerman the right to be suspicious of Martin as neighborhood watch person, and Martin was not from the neighborhood and just visiting.
    Even so, every bar fight I’ve ever been in the cops want to know, who threw the first punch??
    Did Zimmerman grab Martin? If so he is the aggressor. And for some reason I don’t see Martin just punching Zimmerman for no reason since Martin knew this guy was following him and trying to get away, to get home. Unless Zimmerman grabbed Martin, and “Z” had no right to do that when “M” was just walking home.

    I also have no problem with a neighborhood watch person caring a gun, especially if they come upon a crime in progress and wish to use that gun to detain the perp until the police arrive…and if the perp attacks, shoot the SOB. But Martin was not involved with criminal behavior at the time, and Zimmerman has cast an ugly image for others who wish to accomplish the same by joining a neighborhood watch group.

    Of course we will never know who threw the first punch or if it escalated to justifiable use of deadly force.

    Here is what I think happened; Zimmerman follows Martin because he fits the profile of recent burglaries in the neighborhood. Once Martins course home takes him down a walkway “Z” can no longer follow from within his vehicle, he exits and continues on foot. He confronts “M” and wants to know what he is doing, “M” tells “Z” to fuck off and begins to move along quickly…remember “M” is prob already scared of this guy following him. “Z” runs after “M” and grabs him (prob with the intentions of holding him until the police arrive). “M” turns and blasts “Z” in the face and the fight is on. “Z” ends up on the losing end of this fight, and in his mind he is being beaten up by a prob ganbanger and his life is in now in danger…so he pulls his gun and shoots.

    If this scenario is true, and is probably close to the actual event…who is in the wrong? I say Zimmerman because he had no right to grab Martin or try to detain him on the public walkway while doing nothing wrong. He could have followed and kept an eye on him until the police arrived.

  37. Black panther bounty was over the top outrageous!

  38. Someday "Whitey" will revolt against the absurd political-correctness, the black racism, the black hostility, the black violence, the black worthlessness, etc....

  39. Mr. White: Here is the real issue... knowledge. Folks jump to conclusions. Everyone should have chilled on Zimmerman until all the facts were known. We still don't know everything that happened.

    What everyone should recognize is that violence and ignorance are both wrong.

  40. Update 4-8-12: The special prosecutor investigating the killing of Trayvon Martin has decided not to convene a grand jury. The decision whetheer to file charges against George Zimmerman will be made by State Attorney Angela B. Corey. The former state prosecutor, Norman Wolfinger, recused himself from the case, saying that he was stepping away "in the interest of the public safety of the citizens of Seminole County and to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest." Gov. Rick Scott appointed Corey to replace Wolfinger. In the mean time, the investigation continues.

  41. Update 4-20-12:A photograph released by ABC News shows blood on the back of George Zimmerman head from two minor cuts. The photo was taken three minutes after Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin, If valid, it may support the contention of a violent confrontation prior to the shot. Zimmerman allegedly told police that Martin punched him in the face, climbed on top of him and slammed his head into the sidewalk. When the local police arrived at the scene, they found Zimmerman with a bloody nose, swollen lip and lacerations in the back of his head. Although paramedics gave him first aid, he did not need to go to the hospital. A judge set Zimmerman's bond at $150,000.

  42. Update 5-16-12: Early media reports stirred up a lot of racial tension. Was the purpose of such half truths to create a media frenzy to increase ratings? Myth 1: This was a white on black crime. Truth 1: George Zimmerman is a Hispanic mix. His skin color is not all that much lighter than Trayvon Martin's. Friends of Zimmerman claim he has friends of all races and is not a bigot as suggested by the media. Myth 2: The police never arrested Zimmerman or took him into custody. Truth 2: A few weeks after the incident Zimmerman is seen on video in the police station in handcuffs. It is only after the states attorney said there was not enough evidence at that time to pursue prosecution that Zimmerman was released. Myth 3: The police video showed no injuries to Zimmerman. Truth 3: Enhanced video documented two cuts to the back of Zimmerman's head. Myth 4: Zimnmerman sought no medical treatment. Truth 4: Zimmerman was treated at the scene for cuts and an injury to the nose by emergency personnel. The next day he saw his family physician. He had a broken nose, black eyes, cuts on the back of his head and a minor back injury according to medical records compiled by his doctor, ABC News reports Myth 5: Travon had no injuries to his hands so therefore no struggle occurred. Truth 5: Recently released autopsy reports document broken skin on Trayvons hands consistent with punching someone.

    Neither Trayvon nor anyone else deserved to die that day and this tragedy certainly could have been avoided. But people need to stick to the facts and quit sensationalizing these unfortunate incidents in order to stir up a media frenzy. The original prosecutor did not feel there was enough evidence to pursue charges. Yet under public pressure, a new special prosecutor known for liberally charging defendants was appointed to the case. Keep in mind that our system of justice demands that every person is presumed innocent unless proved otherwise after a fair trial by a jury of his peers.

  43. George Zimmerman was acquitted as legal pub predicted over a year ago.
