Wednesday, March 7, 2012

9-Year-Old Is Sorry His Negligence Seriously Wounded His Classmate.

The nine year old boy who brought a .45 caliber handgun to school on February 22, 2012 was in court again. He says he's sorry. As you may recall, this 9-year-old took a handgun to Armin Jahr Elementary School in Bremerton. The gun accidentally discharged and seriously injured another third grade classmate, Amina Kocer-Bowman. Sorry The youngster plead guilty to possession of a gun, bringing a dangerous weapon to school, and reckless endangerment. Under the plea agreement, the boy will be required to complete 48 hours of community service, before serving 12 months of probation. The victim's father was not pleased with the sentence.

The gun accidentally discharged when the boy slammed the backpack down. Amina Kocer-Bowman, an 8-year-old classmate, was seriously injured by the bullet. She remains in serious condition. HeraldNet. The boy will probably testify against his mother, Jamie Lee Passmore, and her boyfriend, Douglas Bauer, who allegedly allowed him access to the gun.

The boy was represented by Eric John Makus.


  1. Sure, everyone is sorry. But we need to make people use their heads before tragedy strikes.

    Shame on the adults for letting this happen.

  2. I just can't phantom anyone allowing a 9 year old to play with a gun.

  3. Too easy to say I am sorry...

    What is he going to do to help his little classmate get better?

  4. When i was nine I knew not to fool with real guns, but I also did not know where my father hid them.

  5. Sure, everyone is sorry. But we need to make people use their heads before tragedy strikes. Shame on the adults for letting this happen.

  6. Good point
    Actions speak louder than words
