Tuesday, February 28, 2012

T.J. Lane, Profile of A Psycho Killer or Just A Bullied Tormented Sole? Update 2-29-2012

Profile of a psycho or just another mixed up teen? That seems to be a question that the FBI thinks is important in these post Columbine days. T. J. Lane was described as a quiet kid at school. A few describe him as quiet loner. But despite being a loner, some said he was witty and quick to share his humor. No one suspected the 17 year old would shoot and kill two of his fellow high school students. Most said Lane was quiet and never had fights or arguments. He never talked about guns. Russel King Jr. (17) and Daniel Parmertor both died as a result of the senseless rampage. Parmertor was shot while waiting for the bus. Demetrius Hewlin has also died, bringing the total deaths to three. (Two others were also wounded in the Ohio shooting, including Nate Mueller who called 911.)

Thomas "T.J." Lane will be arraigned today for the Chardon High School shooting. Investigators have discovered that T.J. came from a family with a history of violence. His father has a record of being arrested several times for abusing women. (Lane's mother was one of the alleged victims.) The Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Investigators have discovered that Lane was considered shy and was sometimes the target of bullies. While the shooting took place at 7:30 a.m. in the Chardon High cafeteria, Lane was actually enrolled at Lake Academy Alternative School. He was attending the Alternative School because he was considered an "at risk" student. CNN. Lane's December Facebook foreshadowed possible problems when he authored the following poem: "In a quaint lonely town, sits a man with a frown. No job. No family. No crown. His luck had run out. Lost and alone. So, to the castle he proceeds, like an ominous breeze through the trees. 'Stay back!' The Guards screamed as they were thrown to their knees. 'Oh God, have mercy, please!'" The Daily Beast.

Meanwhile, FBI agents search for a motive they may never truly understand. Police searched his home and confiscated computer files, phone records and other possible evidence. In the past, T. J.'s dad had been warned by police or the court to stay away from T.J. and his mother. While the evidence may help us to understand more about this young man, the lingering question of why will likely never be answered. Attack.

The domestic abuse angle is hard to ignore. Lane's parents are divorced. T.J. lived with his grandparents. In the mid-1990s, his mom and dad were arrested for domestic violence. (Apparently fighting with each other. ) Thomas Lane Jr., his father, has a long record. TV station WEWS. In 2002, Thomas Lane was charged with attempted murder, assault and kidnapping. The murder charge was dismissed and the kidnapping count reduced. Under a plea, he was sentenced to four years in prison. His female victim subsequently asked for authorities to let him out early from prison.

What role did domestic violence and not seeing his dad have on T.J.'s mental health? LINK

Will it take more jury verdicts against those tolerating student bullying to end this madness? LINK.

Lawyer Bob Farinacci represents T.J. Lane and of course we caution, T.J. is presumed innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law.

Update 2-29-12: Yesterdays court appearance of T.J. Lane held no surprises. When Judge Timothy J. Grendell asked T.J. if he understood his right to remain silent, T.J. responded, "Yes, I do." T.J.'s face was not allowed to be photographed or filmed pursuant to the judge's instructions to the media. TJ Lane speaks

Recent remarks by the prosecutor may indicate that Lane is suffering from mental illness. T.J. apparently admitted to taking a .22-caliber pistol to Chardon High and firing 10 shots in the cafeteria. A prosecutor said Lane was " not well" and that he didn't know the victims but chose them randomly. (This seems to contradict Nate Muellers statements.) The judge has ordered Lane held for at least 15 days.


  1. Great job on the story. This answered all the questions but why?

  2. This is becoming too common of a trend

  3. Not sure if it was the lack of a dad or having a bad dad as an example that screwed this kid up.

  4. No real public evidence of tollerating any bullying of T.J.

    Some class mates say he never really fought or argued. Others claim he was picked on.

    Guess more needs to be known.

  5. I think it is time to stand up and take notice. you take a life and not in self defence, then your life will be taken. Then maybe this will stop!!!

  6. Stop making excuses for someone who commits murder. I agree if you murder someone you should be taken out of this world. If a dog bites they put them to sleep. Do we not deserve the same safty? Put him to sleep forever. He is a bad seed.

  7. Im sick and tired of hearing about bullying. It is called teasing and has been going on forever. Get over it kids. The problem is everybody seem to make up all the excuses i aggree. What is our world coming to? Just get over it and grow up people.

  8. Demetrius Hewlin passed a few hours ago. May he also rest in peace.

  9. teasing is a natural consequence of growing up. deal with it and move on.

  10. I think you can't kill someone if they lacked capacity. Hitler wanted to get rid of all the bad seeds too, but that was equally wrong. You got to reach out and help the sick. Get to them before they commit crimes.

  11. More verdicts against those who look the other way and do not stop bullying, PLEASE

  12. Dude just lost it, man

  13. It was so awful. He couldn't have been right in the head.

  14. The suspect’s lawyer states that his client is remorseful and saddened by his actions.

    No sh!t...

  15. The gym teacher chased T.J. out of the building. That may have saved him from finishing off Nate. M.

  16. This is exactly why the death penalty was made. This murdering brat deserves nothing better. An eye for an eye period. Juvenile laws suck in Ohio. If ya want to act like a grown up, then suffer the consequences like one. Get rid of this type of sub human garbage.

  17. This is exactly why the death penalty was made. This murdering brat deserves nothing better. An eye for an eye period. Juvenile laws suck in Ohio. If ya want to act like a grown up, then suffer the consequences like one. Get rid of this type of sub human garbage.

  18. "This is becoming too common of a trend"

    No it is not...back in the 60's when I was in grade school a local high school kid entered the high school and shot his x-girlfriend for breaking up with him, than shot a Coach and some others before he was tackled by a teacher and other students...killed the girl. The difference was, there was not all this 24hr news coverage about it. It was reported in the local news that evening and that was it.

    "Im sick and tired of hearing about bullying. It is called teasing and has been going on forever. Get over it kids."

    Not all is teasing, I had a few bullies bother me when young and they were violent, always hitting me on the playground, or after school. One reason I did not fight back was because my father said if I ever fought at school he'd send me to a military school. When older and figured out he couldn't afford the privet school I began to fight back...and the bullies left me alone.

    In this case...did this kid shoot his tormentors or just anyone??

  19. He shot his former friends who no longer included him in their group.

  20. Update 2-29-12: Yesterdays court appearance of T.J. Lane held no surprises. When Judge Timothy J. Grendell asked T.J. if he understood his right to remain silent, T.J. responded, "Yes, I do." T.J.'s face was not allowed to be photographed or filmed pursuant to the judge's instructions to the media.

  21. Recent remarks by the prosecutor may indicate that Lane is suffering from mental illness. T.J. apparently admitted to taking a .22-caliber pistol to Chardon High and firing 10 shots in the cafeteria. A prosecutor said Lane was " not well" and that he didn't know the victims but chose them randomly. (This seems to contradict Nate Muellers statements.) The judge has ordered Lane held for at least 15 days.

  22. Hangem high and low no matter what the state of his illness. You gotta set an example that this acting out will be punished in the most severe fashion... death.

  23. oh my God....murdering brat, sub human garbage? you sound like a real piece of work. . this was a boy who was bullied probably for a good part of his life and he lost it.( some of the kids at the school said he WAS bullied.) the human mind can only take so much before it shuts down your whole being. how dare you say such a horrible thing about a child. and YES he is still a child. shame on you. i hope you dont have children of your own. and bullying should not be expected as a part of being a child. i cant believe some of the remarks on here.

  24. You can understand our anger. You can understand our desire for punishment and deference of others

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