Monday, January 16, 2012

Captain Francesco Schettino Another Gilligan?

The captain of the cruise ship that capsized off Tuscany may be no little buddy, but he sure sounds like he made a Gilligan like mistake. Apparently the misguided captain made an unauthorized, unapproved deviation from the ship's programmed course. "Human error" or "Major Screw Up" it still resulted in the grounding of the ship and at least six people dieing.

Costa Crociere chairman and CEO, Pier Luigi Foschi, openly criticized Captain Screw-up who may be charged with manslaughter as well as abandoning ship before passengers were safe. (This is a violation of Italian navigation code.)

The Costa Concordia apparently breached it's hull when it hit a reef Friday night. The ship capsized into the port area of Giglio. 4,200 people on board were evacuated. Coast Guard officials recently suspended the search because the ship was making sounds that might be consistent with shifting on the rocks.

Video inside the ship

Sixteen people remain missing.

Update 1-19-12: Violinist Sandor Feher has been identified as one of the dead. Feher was last seen ready to get into a lifeboat. But for some reason, Feher turned back to get something -- and never returned.


  1. Gilligan is really going to catch it this time.

  2. Environmental concerns are now foremost. An oil spill would be a complete disaster.

  3. Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. And not to Democrats alone do I make this appeal, but to all who love these great and true principles.
    Abraham Lincoln ~August 27, 1856 Speech at Kalamazoo, Michigan

  4. Captain stupid ought to be locked up for a long time.

  5. I’ve heard he maneuvered the boat closer to shore so when it sank, it would not be in deep water…then he jumped ship!
    LOL…I can hear him barking to the passengers as he sped away on a lifeboat, “Swim to the island but be careful of the sharks, I’m going for help!”

  6. Did you hear about what the last order of the Captain of the Valdez was ??…He slurred; “I said another rum and coke on the rocks, NOT run the boat on the rocks!”

  7. Too funny, v.g. Now. Capt claims he fell overboard

  8. Update 1-19-12: Violinist Sandor Feher has been identified as one of the dead. Feher was last seen ready to get into a lifeboat. But for some reason, Feher turned back to get something -- and never returned.

  9. Now he fell overboard...maybe he had to many rum and cokes on the rocks.
    A cook said he was having dinner with a female cruise director and all kinds of stuff was falling off the shelves...WTF!

    They also said that a 5-year-old girl and her father were still missing...that is sad and prob avoidable as they are saying the crew did not instruct the passengers...guess they jumped ship too.

  10. I just heard the captain tripped and fell into a convenient.

    Reminds me of the story where a perp said a man ran around a corner right into the knife he was carrying...17 times!

  11. excuses... excuses...

    bet capt was on a booty call when all this went down.

  12. Francesco Schettino is ready to captain another ship after jumping the stricken Costa Concordia. Yessir, one from the toy store. That way, nobody will be injured or killed ! A dumbass mutt like Schettino has only one way with ships. To sink them. Better open a pizza shop, Francesco Schettino.

  13. Scratch your arse, Francesco Schettino. The only boat thats safe in your hands is a plastic bathtub boat. What were you doing when you crashed the Concordia ? Looking down your underpants ?

  14. Francesco Schettino has thought of a new way to save a sinking ship. Thats right, ladies and gents. Blast another hole in that shp to drain the water out ! Ain't nobodys ever going to sink my ship, says Captain Brilliant !

    Aye aye, Cap'n !!
