Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mike Plumadore Arrested In Association With the Murder of Aliahna Lemmon?

For those concerned about the missing 9-year-old Indiana girl, Aliahna Lemmon, the worst nightmare has come true. Aliahna was found dead in Allen county. Mike Plumadore, a family friend, was watching her before she disappeared. Plumadore was apparently charged yesterday with Aliahna's murder according to Allen County sheriff's spokesman Cpl. Jeremy Tinkel.

Plumadore, had been watching Aliahna and her sisters before she was reported missing late Friday. Apparently, Aliahna and her sisters were staying there because their mother had been sick with the flu. Aliahna's stepfather works at night and sleeps during the day. Plumadore was reportedly a family friend.

Plumadore was not on Indiana's registered sex offenders list. A criminal records search suggests that he has convictions in Florida and North Carolina for trespassing and assault. Emergency workers searched Saturday for Aliahna around the mobile home park, where she was last seen. Search dogs and FBI agents were at the park and the girl's home on Monday. Tarah Souders, 28, told The Journal Gazette that her daughter had vision and hearing problems, attention deficit disorder and night terrors. Plumadore reportedly said that he left the three girls in his mobile home about 6 a.m. Friday in order to buy a cigar. A store's surveillance video confirms his presence at that time.

Plumadore claims that when he got back all three girls were still there. He smoked his cigar and went back to sleep. Plumadore allegedly woke up about 10 a.m. at which time he discovered that his door was unlocked and that Aliahna was missing. Aliahna's 6-year-old sister allegedly told Plumadore that Aliahna had left with her mom. Plumadore claims that he first learned Aliahna was missing after he spoke with her mom about 8:30 p.m. Tarah Souders indicates that miscommunication between the two of them caused the delay in reporting the disappearance.

Contrast the quick arrest in this case to the stagnate April Tinsley case. LINK.

Update Afternoon: Plumadore allegedly confessed to bludgeoning the 9-year-old girl to death with a brick. He then dismembered her, hiding her head, hands and feet at his home and dumping the rest of her remains nearby. A police affidavit further indicates that Michael Plumadore killed Aliahna Lemmon on Thursday.

It should be noted that charging does not amount to guilt. Mike Plumadore is to be presumed innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law.

Update 12-28-11: The girls allegedly stayed with Plumadore for about a week while their mother recovered from the flu. Their stepfather apparently worked days. Thank God the younger children were not harmed. (IndyStar.com)

Feel the need to twitter your thoughts? LINK.


  1. I hear this trailer park had a disproportionate amount of sex offenders living in it. Unless the child has his DNA all over her body, I would question the quick charging of Plumadore.

    In the absence of a confession, I question whether they got the right guy.

  2. Poor child. With all the disabilities, she has been burdened with an uphill struggle all her life.

  3. First Anon: I see the point. When one contrasts the stagnate investigation in April Tinsley murder to this one, police acted very quickly. Either they know something that we don't know, or they are a little quick on the draw before DNA results.

    See April Tinsley story: http://legalpublication.blogspot.com/search?q=april+tinsley

  4. First Anon: I see the point. When one contrasts the stagnate investigation in April Tinsley murder to this one, police acted very quickly. Either they know something that we don't know, or they are a little quick on the draw before DNA results.

    See April Tinsley story: http://legalpublication.blogspot.com/search?q=april+tinsley

  5. He told them where to find her dismembered body ... I think that makes him look pretty guilty. From what else I have heard he has also confessed to killing her now.

  6. If its true about the confession, then that makes sense. But why did he do it?

  7. I just heard about this one today and apparently he admitted to killing this child...brutally !
    It was reported on TV news that he bludgeoned her to death with a brick than dismembered her body.

    The question is why? Did he lose his temper, or is this something he has been doing for sometime? Dismembering a body is not something that many will do...even if it is to assist with disposing of the body. I'm sure they will try to link him to missing children in Fla, and the Carolina's

    I get the feeling he chose her because of her disabilities figuring she would be an easy mark...but it went badly when she resisted.

  8. So this happened in Ft Wayne...hummm. Wonder what his background is, when he lived in the other states? This girl was about the same age as April Tinsley.

  9. Update Afternoon: Plumadore allegedly confessed to bludgeoning the 9-year-old girl to death with a brick. He then dismembered her, hiding her head, hands and feet at his home and dumping the rest of her remains nearby. A police affidavit further indicates that Michael Plumadore killed Aliahna Lemmon on Thursday.

    It should be noted that charging does not amount to guilt. Mike Plumadore is to be presumed innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law.

  10. Update Afternoon: Plumadore allegedly confessed to bludgeoning the 9-year-old girl to death with a brick. He then dismembered her, hiding her head, hands and feet at his home and dumping the rest of her remains nearby. A police affidavit further indicates that Michael Plumadore killed Aliahna Lemmon on Thursday.

    It should be noted that charging does not amount to guilt. Mike Plumadore is to be presumed innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law.

  11. So where the heck were her other siblings when all this was going on? Apparently he was watching 3 children that night.
    I finally seen a picture of Plumadore on the evening news...appears to be in his mid 20's

  12. The details coming out are nothing short of shocking. The children were apparently in this guys custody for about a week. Thank God the younger children were not injured.

  13. Aliahna Lemmon and her family lived in the same trailer park as Plumadore. They had moved there so that Aliahna's mom, Tarah Souders, could help take care of her terminally ill father (who happens to be a convicted sex offender.)

    The trailer park has many convicted sex offenders. Aliahna's mom worried about the sex offense records of neighbors but had been assured by others that her kids would be safe.

    The assurance was apparently misguided.

  14. 15 sex offenders living in a mobile home park with 24 units?

    What was Tara Sounders thinking?

  15. Nancy Grace said Aliahna's two sisters were still in Plumadore's home when he dismembered their sister

  16. (15 sex offenders living in a mobile home park with 24 units?)
    While researching the Tinsley case I became familiar with the sex-offender register and I noticed many groupings like this, homes with 2-3 and Apt Bld’s with 7-8. I figure that the reason is because people do not want them in their neighborhoods, so to avoid protests they are grouped in specific areas.

    (What was Tara Sounders thinking?)
    And here lies a problem with this offender registry. In states where the age of consent is 18yrs, if a 19yr male is dating a 17yr female and having sex with her, he can be arrested and classified as a sex offender. If a vengeful x-girlfriend screams rape, this male can be classified as well. This is a bit extreme but if a drunk male grabs a woman’s butt in the bar, he also can be classified if convicted. And there are plenty of prosecutors ready to pursue such cases with this conviction base reward system for prosecutors…and this is just crazy as people cannot distinguish between the real threats and the bullshit ones. Tara was probably told that the bad offenders were not amongst the local population when there prob is a combination of both. But apparently this guy Plumadore was not on the offenders registry to begin with…all I know so far is what I have read here and what TV news reported, I did not watch Nancy Grace. So if there is more information about him I do not know.

    Any profiler or psychologist will agree that people do not just wake up one day at 30 years old and start killing children…they have a past record of such/similar crimes. The question is, why did he kill her? Was it sexual or did he just want to kill someone, anyone? I doubt it was a fit of rage at the child because of the dismemberment of the body, in such a scenario I think he would have panicked and tried to hide the body intact…but who knows, there is no rhyme or reason for such crimes.

    I can’t believe he killed this child with her siblings so close nearby…WTF! Those children will be scared for the rest of their lives. Why the mother and father would leave their children with this guy for a week is beyond me…I’ll bet both will be charged with neglect.

  17. I’ll tell ya, these cases really get to me…and I know why. Growing up with four sisters it always broke my heart to hear them cry. And after my baby sister died of cancer several years ago, and there was nothing I could do to protect her…it really got to me and I see her innocent childish face in every one of these children. As a young adult I once put a peeping tom in the hospital for looking into the bedroom window where my sisters were sleeping, the second one I caught in as many years… and I don’t understand why no one was there for these children.
    Years later after I moved away and my baby sister was receiving sexual harassing phone calls with such claims as “I’m watching you”, after work my friends and I walked her home from school for several days figuring it was someone on her route home from school. And we confronted anyone looking out their windows on that rout home…and the calls stopped. When she was in Jr High she had a group of girls harassing her at school, much like the Shanda Sharer case. My friends and I went to the school and started up with the principle and told him he had better call these girls parents and tell them if a hair on her head is harmed by these girls we are going after their fathers…and it stopped immediately.

    People just don’t realize how dangerous it can be for a child out there and my friends and I learned at a young age that the police are never there to protect you, they are just there to take the report later. Mostly because these type of perps do not commit crimes when the police are present. We also knew that these types fear the police very little, what they do fear is someone that is willing to go out into the night after them, with a baseball bat.

    You may not think such tactics apply to this case but they do…Had that Childs father let it be known that he would seek vengeance before calling the police…I think all the offenders in that trailer park would have kept their distance from his children, including this so called friend, Plumadore. And the police do encourage this since they cannot be everywhere. After I caught the first peeping tom and we call the police, my father asked the cops if we could pound him a bit before they took him away. The cops said, you should have done that before we arrived, and said he fell. So the next time, we followed their advice…and never had a peeping tom problem again, even though other neighbors did

  18. Please tell me these people lost custody of the other two kids!!!

  19. Family services is supposedly now involved
