Monday, September 12, 2011

Legal Pub Law Student Day!

Today is a special day for law students and legal scholars. No it is not a national holiday. It is a Legal Pub gift to a small segment of readers who toil everyday in law school.

Every pupil wants to be a better student. Here are some helpful tips designed to improve a law students chance for success . First, determine that some things are just not funny. Take for example the hackers who sent out fake NBC News tweets similar to the following:
“Breaking News! Ground Zero has just been attacked. Flight 5736 has crashed into the site, suspected hijacking. more as the story develops.” NBC News Twitter feed at 5:48 p.m. EDT.
Four minutes later a twitter read: “Flight 4782 is not responding, suspected hijacking. One plane just hit Ground Zero site at 5:47.” Three minutes later, “This is not a joke. Ground Zero has just been attacked. We’re attempting to get reporters on the scene.” Finally, a message appeared: “NBCNEWS hacked by The Script Kiddies.” Lesson to be learned, somethings are not funny. Expect the "kiddies" involved to be tracked down by the FBI and severely punished. For more conventional learning tips, visit the sites below.
Especially note the suggestions on how to become a better listener. TED Talks for Law Students LINK.

Then, when you need a break from the books, here is some entertaining fictional reading: Fictional Police Officers LINK.

Update 6-25-14:  Back to learning!  Principles for Voir Dire (Jury Selection.)

Now, don't you all feel smarter for taking the time to learn?


  1. How about us that just don't care to learn much more?

  2. Thanks for the advice but no thanks. Listening is overrated. I would rather come to my own conclusions.

  3. My Experience with Justice...

    The first thing I remember after my painful hospitalization was sitting at the defense table in a court room. The prosecutor was a villainous looking beast who snarled as he stared at me.

    To my left sat a raggedy public defender who obviously never understood the need for a good tailor or barber. However, we sat before a distinguished looking judge in full flowing robes.

    After the Judge took his seat behind the bench, the prosecutor rose and sneered,
    "... I am here to show you why this woman deserves the maximum sentence..." He proceeded to state every lie and everything I ever did wrong in my whole life, all without objection! While I knew I was being railroaded, all I could do was slump down and hang my head in embarrassment.

    I knew that I was not perfect, but certainly I had some mitigating qualities? When my attorney finally arose from his chair, he still did not speak. His tired blue eyes looked up to the sky. His long hair dangled upon his ragged suit coat. He stroked his beard and then without saying a word, he spread his arms out away from his side and closed his eyes and the court room went silent.

    After three minutes,the silence was broken by the Judge's voice which radiated splendor and majestic wisdom as he uttered the words, "Very well so it shall be."

    The gavel slammed down on the bench and for the first time in my life, I was truly free.

  4. I bet your defense attorney was Jewish and was persecuted without any reason...

  5. Who could possibly lose with a real "savior" as lead defense counsel?

  6. The folks responsible for the following may need a savior. Hackers sent out fake NBC News tweets similar to the following:
    “Breaking News! Ground Zero has just been attacked. Flight 5736 has crashed into the site, suspected hijacking. more as the story develops.” NBC News Twitter feed at 5:48 p.m. EDT.

    Four minutes later a twitter read: “Flight 4782 is not responding, suspected hijacking. One plane just hit Ground Zero site at 5:47.” Three minutes later, “This is not a joke. Ground Zero has just been attacked. We’re attempting to get reporters on the scene.” Finally, a message appeared: “NBCNEWS hacked by The Script Kiddies.” Lesson to be learned, somethings are not funny. Expect the "kiddies" involved to be tracked down by the FBI and severely punished.

  7. not a cool move faking a terrorism attack report

  8. pretty simple messages for students to learn.

  9. Kids this aint funny!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    This contains a nice review of tips for Jury Selection.

  12. Hey law students: Do you know what happened to the suspect who threw sodium chloride at his victim?

    He was charged with a salt

  13. What a great way to teach law... law, facts, procedure, all with a touch of humor. Thanks
