Monday, June 27, 2011

For Richard Poplawski It All Comes Down To Life Or Death

Innocent until proven guilty; however, Richard Poplawski has already had his day in court. So now, it all comes down to whether jurors think the man convicted of killing three Pittsburgh police officers deserves the death penalty. It is never an easy task to sentence a man to death. (Cruelty LINK) Jurors will have to listen carefully to what witnesses say about the 24-year-old Poplawski. Only last week, a jury convicted him of first-degree murder for the April 2009 deaths of Officers Paul Sciullo II, Stephen Mayhle and Eric Kelly. It all started as a result of domestic violence. Officers responded to a call after Poplawski's mother called 911 about a domestic dispute over her son's dogs. Rather than discuss the matter rationally, a bulletproof vested Poplawski decided to put his fate in an assault rifle, shotgun and handgun. As a result, Poplawski faces either death or life in prison. For the family and friends of the slain police officers, no penalty will bring back their loved ones.


  1. Killing Richard will not bring back the cops.

  2. Give him life... its cheaper on the tax payers in the long run.

  3. A boy and his dog... silly to fight with momma over this.

  4. Have to read more about this case...from what i gather from the blog, he decided he'd rather go out in a blaze of gunfire as apposed to being asked to leave?? or the worst, a domestic misdemeanor charge?

    I'm wondering if he just started shooting the moment the cops showed up at the door, or if there was an escalation to the violence.

  5. Going down in a blaze of gloy sounds a heck of a lot more exciting than rotting in a prison cell

  6. (Going down in a blaze of gloy sounds a heck of a lot more exciting than rotting in a prison cell)

    Exciting! These police officers that were killed had families who will miss them...when growing up there was a bank robbery in our suburb and two cops were killed answering the call. There was a woman in the get-away-car with a machine gun waiting for any cops who arrived on the scene when the robbery was in progress...she gunned them down.
    One of these cop's daughter sat right in front of me in history class. They pulled her right out of school that day and we did not see her for weeks...she was devastated!

  7. The three deceased officers were:
    Officer Eric G. Kelly, age 41, a 14-year veteran of the force survived by his wife, three daughters, mother, and sister;
    Officer Stephen J. Mayhle, age 29, a two-year veteran of the force survived by his wife, two daughters, parents, and two brothers; and
    Officer Paul J. Sciullo, II, age 37, a two-year veteran of the force survived by his parents, two sisters, and fiancée.

  8. According to friends and former acquaintances, Poplawski first married when he was 17. His first wife was a young woman whom he had encountered whilst detained in a juvenile correctional center. The marriage lasted for almost two years. His divorce troubled him emotionally until he found a new girlfriend. This new relationship was also very unsteady and on September 14, 2005, Poplawski allegedly assaulted his then-girlfriend outside his home. A month later, Poplawski allegedly violated an order of protection by showing up at the woman's place of work. Poplawski had recently lost his job at a glass factory, and was reportedly quite upset over the job loss. Neighbors also reported that Poplawski was involved in several arguments with neighbors, including a couple of fistfights, and one incident in which he insulted a black Stanton Heights resident by shouting a racial slur in his face.

    He was also thrown out of the Marines for throwing a food tray at his drill instructor.

  9. Poplawski posted that he believed that "the federal government, mainstream media, and banking system in these United States are strongly under the influence of -- if not completely controlled by -- Zionist interest. An economic collapse of the financial system is inevitable, bringing with it some degree of civil unrest if not outright balkanization of the continental US, civil/revolutionary/racial war . . . This collapse is likely engineered by the elite Jewish powers that be in order to make for a power and asset grab."

    Poplawski was a member of Stormfront, a white supremacist website, where he was a frequent visitor and poster

    ...well, he was right about the banks and we know that the MSM is a puppet show. He just went after the wrong people for the wrong reasons.
    Makes no sense to go after one's neighbors and local LE when the corrupt corporate lobbyist are the real problem. He'd a been better off picking up a sign and protesting instead of an AK-47.

    Is this the direction our corrupt political system is pushing our youth?
    Or is this a guy who would have found any reason to go on a rampage?

  10. But hey, Rich was protecting his dawgs!

  11. Yup, kill humans as long as you save your dogs. Real humane!

  12. holding dogs in higher esteem than humans is just plain wrong

  13. This isn't a case where we are pitting humans against animals. This is a case where Richard Poplawski killed another human being. Such killing can never be condoned
