Monday, May 2, 2011

R.W. McQuarters Shot In the Back by Mask Man For Unknown Reasons

Osama bin Laden was not the only man shot over the weekend. Locally, Former NFL player R.W. McQuarters was shot in the back in his hometown of Tulsa. According to police, McQuarters was leaving a friend's house in north Tulsa on Saturday at about 12:15 in the afternoon when the incident occurred. McQuarters claims that he saw a masked man standing around outside his friends home. He claims the man disappeared so he left the house and started to drive away. According to McQuarters, he was shot by the man wearing a ski mask as he drove away.Multiple shots were allegedly fired but only one hit McQuarters. McQuarters then says he drove himself to the hospital. McQuarter's condition is not believed to be life threatening.

McQuarters was shot once in the upper back. He was taken to a local Tulsa hospital by ambulance. His condition is stable. McQuarters had been a star in the NFL. He played for the Chicago Bears and most recently with the New York Giants in 2008. He graduated from Booker T. Washington High School and played for Oklahoma State before starting his NFL career with San Francisco.

The circumstances of being shot by a man in a ski mask has raised a great deal of scrutiny with the local police. Robber of the 34 year old McQuarters did not appear to be the motive. Police will want to know who knew McQuarters would be at this residence and why McQuarters did not initially report the man in a ski mask to police prior to exiting the residence.

For more information see Mcquarters.


  1. These acts are rarely random. It may have been a set up

  2. Seems like something is up on this one. Just doesn't make sense unless it is a jeolous husband/ boyfriend or is drug related.

  3. He's home already. He was in his car and was shot in the back at a north Tulsa intersection.

  4. Don't speculate. This is jus life in da hood.

  5. Was it a grudge, gang related, drug related, someone trying to rob him? Any of the above is all too common in north Tulsa

  6. I think it actually happened at 12th and Boston. Not exactly the hood.

  7. The whole story sounds like something someone doesn't want the cops to know why he was shot at. Hope I am wrong.

  8. North Boston is close to several hospitals. It makes sense to drive straight to an ER if you're already in the car.

  9. I would drive to the ER too if I could. Who can count on 911 anyway.

  10. Yeah, but why not call the cops right away?

  11. if your shot, you could pass out due to blood loss and never reach the hospital.

    Noq you might drive far enough away to be certain you are safe from the shooter. If the hospital is about the same distance, you might go there first.

  12. I'm not saying there wasn't any foul play involved, but I am saying that he should get the benefit of the doubt.

  13. I too would have bolted. I wouldn't be thinking about passing out, and I sure as hell wouldn't be worried about looking suspicious. Give the dude a break.

  14. Sounds a bit fishy…a masked man sneaking around a house in the middle of the day and no one in the house is suspicious enough to go out an investigate thoroughly.

    If this story is true than I agree with the other poster that said it is probably a jealous X-boyfriend/husband of a girl he is seeing. But I would think an amateur like that would have been scared off after being discovered stalking around earlier. Unless they did not go out to investigate, which makes no sense as I stated before.

  15. I agree with video guy.

  16. R.W. might stand for really wrong.

  17. If you think about the OJ Simpson case, when Kato told OJ about a possible prowler on the property OJ was not that concerned. And the reason is because OJ knew who the prowler was…it was him.

  18. The more I think about it the less I believe this masked prowler story. For someone to be after him personally they could have waited at his house, and not his friends house. I think he is covering for his friend, a friend he got high with at that house where the drugs were delivered. McQuater probably stiffed the dealer one to many times thinking his status and physical superiority would be enough to intimidate him.

  19. Does sound like the oj story...

    both are hard to believe.

  20. Anony 9:10 PM

    “Hard to believe”…Read Mark Furhman’s book about the OJ case, excellent read. Furhman takes you through the crime scene and his thought process. It really distinguished himself to me as a good detective.
    Clark use him as a whipping boy for their failure…even Bugliosi ripped them (Clark and her sidekick ??) a new A-hole in his book about the case. He said they NEVER should have lost that case and went about pointing out how they did. Bugliosi says their decision to NOT introduce the video of OJ’s attempt at flight, and the slow drive home in the Bronco was one of the worst things they did. He said that, that video alone was and admittance of guilt by OJ himself.

    In Christopher (Dryden…??)’s book, he says Marsha Clark’s biggest concern was what to wear for the TV cameras…no wonder they lost the case, fashion outweighed fact!

  21. Clark was a piece of work, that is for sure.

    But Greta got a tv show out of the deal.
