Monday, May 16, 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Not Quite the Ladies Man He Was Thought To Be? 7-2-11 Update

Sooner or later they all get caught. Dominique Strauss-Kahn is suppose to be so smooth with women. In fact he was thought to be so smooth that he survived an affair with a subordinate. The International Monetary Fund leader was on a direct path to the French presidency. All that may change as Dominique faces his stiffest challenge, one in which he is accused of sexually assaulting a maid in his 28th floor hotel room. According to at least one report, Strauss Kahn entered the room naked, chased the maid, grabbed her chest and attempted to remove the maids pantyhose. He then allegedly grabbed her between her legs and "forced her to perform oral sex." The alleged victim is a 32 year-old single mother who lives in a borough of the Bronx. She is originally from Guinea (West Africa.) She has been an employee of the hotel for about 2 years.

The New York maid supposedly identified Strauss-Kahn out of a lineup. An arraignment will occur today. Strauss-Kahn's lawyer William Taylor said DNA testing along with a forensic exam have been completed. Early DNA reports are apparently consistent with the maids story; however, prosecutors are remaining silent. In the mean time, Strauss-Kahn is being held in isolation without bail. The IMF, which controls the European debt crisis, named an acting leader. Since the arrest, the public has thirsted for more details as to how this major political figure got caught. Legal Pub has heard that Strauss-Kahn apparently called the hotel on his way to the airport. Seems he made a common mistake folks in a hurry sometimes make, he forgot his cell phone. The maid had already reported the incident and the police were sent to meet the diplomat at the airport.

Another lawyer for Strauss-Kahn, Benjamin Brafman, told The Associated Press that his client will plead not guilty. And of course, Strauss-Kahn is to be presumed innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law. However in the mean time, another woman has come forward who claims she was a victim of Strauss-Kahn back in 2002. If true, why did this woman wait so long? While questions remain unanswered, Strauss-Kahn is confined to a 11 by 13 cell in New York's Rikers Island jail complex with little to no chance of bail. First Deputy Managing Director John Lipsky will function as acting manager director."

Update 5-17-11: Tristane Bannon, a 31 year old writer, claims that in 2002 Strauss-Kahn attacked her during an interview. She describes him as acting like a "chimp in heat." She describes a graphic struggle that ended in her kicking him. Who knows at this point what really happened, but one thing is for sure, Ms. Bannon can certainly tell a good story. LINK.

Update 5-18-11: So what are people saying? According to Assistant D.A. John McConnell, the suspect, "grabbed the victim's chest..., attempted to remove her pantyhose..., forcibly grabbed her between her legs..., forced her to engage in oral sex and anal sexual conduct." He also allegedly tried to force her to engage in intercourse but apparently the act was not consummated.

"I do not see how he can perform his duties as director of the IMF, so by definition, this issue should be resolved in the coming days." Jean-Francois Cope, Sec-Gen of UMP party.

"...obviously not in a position to run the IMF," says U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

However, Anne Sinclair, Strauss-Kahn's journalist wife, is sticking by her man. Before you jump to the conclusion that she is crazy, keep in mind that the Conseil Sondage Analyses (Council of Polling Analysis) published a poll that "57% of the French people think Strauss-Kahn was victimized." So the majority of the public disagrees with the politicians calling for his head. Entrapment theories are growing stronger and stronger in the U.K. 54% of the Strauss-Kahn Socialist Party think the party can still get a candidate elected president. Politics aside, the hotel maid victim is now represented by attorney Jeffrey Shapiro who has been quoted as saying, "She is very scared about her future." One suspects that Strauss-Kahn is probably also concerned about his potential schedule change for the next 25 years.

Update 2-19-11: According to Kristin Davis, Strauss-Kahn used her escort service twice in 2006. This is the same Manhattan Madam who allegedly supplied prostitutes to ex- Gov. Eliot Spitzer. Apparently Strauss-Kahn purchased two hours of "female company" for $1,200.

Update 7-2-11: Was Legal Pub one of the first to question the story of the victim?
It just seemed all too coincidental. On the brink of big financial meeting, INF leader attacks a hotel maid. The New York posted has no confirmed that the hotel maid
who accused former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique-Strauss Kahn of sexual assault has allegedly worked in the past as a prostitute. New York Post. It has been alleged that the Sofitel Hotel housekeeper would have sex with male guests at the hotel for money. It appears that there is evidence that the housekeeper sometimes earned "extraordinary tips" and had a lot of expenses "paid for by men not related to her."

Should the maid's extensive background negate her accusations that Strauss-Kahn chased her through his luxury suite, tried to pull down her pantyhose and force her to perform oral sex? Well, the charges, which include attempted rape, have not been officially reduced. However, considering that the Manhattan District Attorney's Office revealed that the 32-year-old woman had committed a host of minor frauds to better her life, including lying on immigration paperwork, cheating on her taxes, and misstating her income so she could live in an apartment reserved for the poor, one suspects the charges may be dropped.

Prosecutors also admit that the alleged victim originally misrepresented what she did after the alleged attack by Strauss-Kahn. Rather than flee his luxury suite to a hallway and waiting for a supervisor, she went to clean another room and then returned to clean Strauss-Kahn's suite. Only then did she report the alleged encounter. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance admits that the investigation has "raised concerns about the complaining witness's credibility." Strauss-Kahn attorney William Taylor said, this case demonstrates "how easy it is for people to be charged with serious crimes and for there to be a rush to judgment... It is so important in this country that people, especially the media, refrain from judgment until the facts are all in."

But Ken Thompson, the accuser's attorney, said that Strauss-Khan's claim of consensual sex is a "lie." He said, "The victim here may have made some mistakes, but that doesn't mean she's not a rape victim." See: hotel-maid-


  1. Just another in a long line of policitcal creeps.

  2. I don’t know much about this guy but it sure sounds like a set-up to me. Go to a foreign country and force yourself on the hotel maid?? Especially a man of his position who could, and has probably had some of the highest quality sex services in the world, people that can keep quiet.
    1) He was the #1 candidate to oust the incumbent French President who the French people can’t stand.
    2) He was negotiating with the world banks, who have ripped off every country and everybody in the world, and especially Europe, (Greece, France, Italy, Germany…ect). People who support the incumbent French President.

    Have to see what the Internet news has to say about this guy...since the MSM now a days just reads what is stuck in front of their faces as apposed to actual journalism.

  3. I agree with the set up theory. A guy like this doesnt need to acoust a maid. He could afford high class girls who don't kiss and tell.

  4. The gal from 2002 who claims to be a victim is very nice looking.

  5. This is huge! A bailout of Portugal and Greece was about to happen. This man was to guide the world economy through this chaos.

    Now Dominique Strauss-Kahn is imprisoned in New York’s Rikers Island jail accused of sexually assaulting and attempting to rape a hotel housekeeper.

    The trial of Strauss-Kahn will end his career and Europe’s single currency. It is doubtful that the next head of the IMF will support the euro.

  6. Update 5-17-11: Tristane Bannon, a 31 year old writer, claims that in 2002 Strauss-Kahn attacked her during an interview. She describes him as acting like a "chimp in heat." She describes a graphic struggle that ended in her kicking him. Who knows at this point what really happened, but one thing is for sure, Ms. Bannon can certainly tell a good story

  7. Strauss-Kahn allegedly attacked a maid in his penthouse suite Saturday afternoon at a hotel near Times Square. He is charged with attempted rape, sex abuse, a criminal sex act, unlawful imprisonment and forcible touching. He faces five to 25 years in prison if convicted.

  8. If Mr. Strauss-Kahn was the supposed villain who attacked a hotel maid while half-naked, I would rather believe that Mr. Strauss-Kahn has a mental condition that was previously hidden from the outside world until now. I would rather believe in Mr. Strauss-Kahn's innocence than looking at him as someone capable of such an insane act. Great men have their weaknesses. Think of the "Exterminator", whose decade-old extramarital affair was exposed recently under mystifying circumstances. God bless Mr. Strauss-Kahn's tormented soul. But even great men with such weaknesses are supposed to have mental control over their own acts unless they are mentally incapable of doing so. Mr. Strauss-Kahn's case is probably one of those rare cases.

  9. I just don't get it. A rich powerful man can buy it. Why the need for force?

  10. i have more than a theory, I have a hypothesis with data to back it up.It is the same old hide the weeney story that keeps recurring: John Edward, Bill Clinton, Rev Jackson, Tiger Wood, Schwartnegger and so on. The reason is not necessarily sickness. I have reason to believe that most married women tend to push away their husbands hand when they asked for sex.

    The result, the need to get it elsewhere. Whether it is to satisfy a physical biological need or a mental need does not matter. Until women step up to the plate and admit their role in this repeating saga, history will continue to repeat itself.

  11. Well he is married to Anne Sinclair, a popular journalist. According to Reuters, she fully supports her husband's innocence.

    Maybe he is afterall more of a ladies man than we are giving him credit for!


  12. Almighty Robert: Good points. Speaking of Schwarzenegger, Mildred Patricia Baena, 50, is the mother of Arnold's child. Baena, who goes by Patty, was a housekeeper for the Schwarzenegger family for 20 years. According to TMZ, she began to "pursue Arnold" in the late 1990s. She reportedly had unprotected sex during the day at his house. She didn't tell him that he was the father of her son until the boy was a toddler.

  13. Update 5-18-11: So what are people saying? According to Assistant D.A. John McConnell, the suspect, "grabed the victim's chest..., attempted to remove her pantyhose..., forcibly grabbed her between her legs..., forced her to engage in oral sex and anal sexual conduct." He also allegedly tried to force her to engage in intercourse but apparently the act was not consumated.

  14. "I do not see how he can perform his duties as director of the IMF, so by definition, this issue should be resolved in the coming days." Jean-Francois Cope, Sec-Gen of UMP party.

    "...obviously not in a position to run the IMF," says U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

  15. However, the Conseil Sondage Analyses (Council of Polling Analysis) reveals that "57% of the French people think Strauss-Kahn was victimized." So the majority of the public disagrees with the politicians calling for his head. Entrapment theories are growing stronger and stronger in the U.K. Furthermore 54% of the Strauss-Kahn Socialist Party think the party can still get a candidate elected president. Politics aside, the hotel maid victim is now represented by attorney Jeffrey Shapiro who has been quoted as saying, "She is very scared about her future."

  16. Excellent! Very comprehensive!

  17. I remember reading a Hunter Thompson book where he wrote, “What happened to the old days in politics where you slipped you opponent a micky in their drink than took pictures of them passed out with a naked underage girl”.

    Now…my thoughts were not like others who would read this and conclude, “Yep, been that way for a while.”
    My thoughts are, who the hell are these people that would do such things and how do they have access to underage girls?
    Do they use their daughters…I think not.
    What that sentence says is that the people that do such things have access to underage prostitutes and probably from using them themselves.

  18. Let's hope not, Video Guy. I do think it is possible that he was set up. he is a target and I would bet his ego makes it real easy to get him to act on his impluses.

  19. Update 2-19-11: According to Kristin Davis, Strauss-Kahn used her escort service twice in 2006. This is the same Manhattan Madam who allegedly supplied prostitutes to ex- Gov. Eliot Spitzer. Apparently Strauss-Kahn purchased two hours of "female company" for $1,200.

  20. Tristane Banon was a very hot 21 years old at the time. She was a news trainee seeking an interview with Dominique Strauss-Kahn. After this incident most female reporters were scared to interview the man.

  21. So what does Kristin Davis coments prove? Nothing. In fact, it seems to prove a habit of paying for sex, not forcing someone to have sex. Besides, after Bill Clinton, most folks figure oral sex is not considered "sex" anymore.

  22. Who is the room service person who told the maid it was ok to go ahead and clean the room? What is his name? When did he enter/leave the room? Does his key-card record support the times given by the maid? Why did he tell her it was ok to enter/clean the room when DSK was apparently still in the room and when this would be strictly against hotel policy?

    Why did the maid volunteer to work on DSK's floor? How recently had she volunteered to work the 28th floor? Was it normal practice for maids/cleaners to volunteer to cover floors left vacant by no-show co-workers or were floors normally assigned by management? Who was the co-worker who was on leave, so that the 28th floor was not covered? What is her name? Where is she? Why did she go on leave? When did she go on leave? Is the right to go "on leave" a right/privilege normally accorded to the cleaning staff by the hotel? (My employer certainly does not just grant us/employees the right to go "on leave" whenever we want.)

    Why is this maid being treated so differently from the usual rape victim; most rape victims are NOT taken into protective custody; most are NOT protected from the paperazzi. Why is she being hidden away like this? A minimum wage worker, who lives in subsidized housing provided by an AIDS society does NOT have the financial resources to disappear so completely the press cannot find her.

    I would be the first to support a rape victim as opposed to a powerful scumbag wanker but in this case, sorry, there are just too, too, many holes in the story for now. And too many strange relationships among the actors!

  23. ANon 9:26 Excellent questions. After you raise those points, I can see how much this looks like a set up. I hope answers are found!

  24. The New York posted has no confirmed that the hotel maid who accused former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique-Strauss Kahn of sexual assault has allegedly worked in the past as a prostitute. New York Post. It has been alleged that the Sofitel Hotel housekeeper would have sex with male guests at the hotel for money. It appears that there is evidence that the housekeeper sometimes earned "extraordinary tips" and had a lot of expenses "paid for by men not related to her."

    Strauss has been released without bail.

  25. Dude was apparently innocent. So, yes maybe the french rico suave is in fact the ladies man he is portrayed to be.
