Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Houston Kindergartner Brings Gun To School!

It could have turned out much worse; however that is little consolation to the students and their parents who were frightened by the thought of a kindergartner toting a weapon at a Houston elementary school. Two six year old boys and one girl were accidentally shot in the foot when the kindergartner accidentally dropped the loaded gun. (According to police, the six year old was apparently sliding the cocking mechanism on the Kel-Tec 9 mm when he accidentally pulled the trigger. The gun then apparently dropped to the floor.) The boy was merely showing off the weapon and did not intend to hurt anyone. All three were taken to the hospital in good condition!

What a scare? How could the parents allow a kindergartner access to a loaded gun? Authorities need to investigate this one very carefully. Steps need to be taken to prevent a future tragedy. A full investigation should lead to the parents answering some real important questions about supervision and maintenance of dangerous weapons.

Update 4-23-11: One reader suggested that guns are necessary for the weak because they lack the physical strength to protect themselves. They further opine that the disparity in physical strength is only negated with fire arms. After reflection on the issue, certainly there are alternative ways to avoid robbery, assault and abuse. See The Nursing School Degree article on avoiding sexual assault which is available by doing a Google Search.


  1. The video games are to blame with the youth's obsession with guns!

  2. Don't forget to blame all the violence on t.v. too!

  3. It appears to me that society is going downhill due to a lack of good parenting.

  4. Everyone makes mistakes.

  5. Anon 2:25PM

    I don't think video games have anything to do with it. when I was a child, long before video games, my friends and I ALL had toy guns. We played Army, cops & robbers, cowboys & indians all the time.

    My father had a few guns but I never even seen them until I was older, and then i would never touch them.

    parents fu*ked up here on this one. That kid should have never had access to that gun.

  6. I agree with video guy. I watched John Wayne shootem up movies and played guns. But I never brung one to school.

  7. It all has to start with parents taking responsibility to watch and supervise their kids.
