Monday, January 3, 2011

Will Owen Honors Ever Earn a Gramme?

When The Village People sang "In the Navy," many supporters of our armed forces thought it was inappropriate. After all, certain things should not be said about the defenders of our freedom. These men and women who serve our country deserve our respect and admiration. True. But, leave it up to the Navy to embarrass themselves. Owen Honors, Captain of the Norfolk-based USS Enterprise, allegedly produced a series of "raunchy" videos made aboard the Navy carrier in 200 and 2007. Report At the time of the filming, Owen Honors was the Enterprise's executive officer. Apparently, over 6,000 sailors and U.S. Marines viewed the films on board the ship during "XO Movie Night."

What is so wrong with a little humor? In one scene, two female sailors stand in a shower stall pretending to wash each other. They joke about how they should get six minutes under the water instead of three. In other skits, sailors dress in drag and use anti-gay slurs. In other instances, men simulate masturbation and a rectal exam. Another scene implies that an officer is having sex with a donkey.

Bad judgment, but what's the harm? Apparently the videos were made with government equipment. Some were allegedly produced at times when the ship was actively deployed. The video was also repeatedly broadcast on a weekly basis aboard the ship. Honor's intent was likely to entertain our armed forces. But several female sailors aboard the carrier found the material to be offensive.

Why the delay in complaints? Honors himself acknowledges that there were some anonymous complaints. Honors did not apparently think anything was wrong with a little humor. The Navy on the other hand proclaimed that the videos "... are clearly inappropriate. Production of videos, like the ones produced four to five years ago on USS Enterprise and now being written about in The Virginian-Pilot, were not acceptable then and are not acceptable in today's Navy. The Navy does not endorse or condone these kinds of actions."

What does the future hold? It is uncertain what if any punishment will be given to Owen Honors. Who knows, the film may even win an Emmie or a Gramme. Furthermore, if he is forced to leave the Navy, he has a likely career with Saturday Night Live, Mad, or MTV, where honor, dignity and good judgment are not prerequisites for employment.

Keep in mind Owen Honors is to be presumed innocent of any wrong doing unless otherwise proven in a Military Court or other court of law.

Update 1-3-11: "Which Navy are we talking about?" Pete Clarke, a family friend of Honors, said on NBC's "Today" show. "I think the political correctness at the Pentagon needs to be checked on this.""It's a shame that videos from four years ago are going to affect a heroic person."
Update 1-5-11: US Navy Captain Owen Honors was relieved of his command on Tuesday. Actress Glenn Close, who appears in one of the video's, confirms it's her in the clip but says "I am distraught that my image has been used to perpetuate something that I abhor. The cynical, unauthorized use of my image in this video is deeply offensive and insulting, and was the result of a seemingly innocent request of me during a visit to the aircraft carrier over four years ago."


  1. They ought to go back to having just straight men in the military. Back in the day, no one complained of a little off color humor or a good stag film.


  2. Spoken like a true male chauvinist pig.

  3. Still like the song! And I like YMCA too!

  4. Thanks for the links. I thought the XO video was bad judgment but it was funny. I can see where it was intended to boost moral. Just can't be so insensitive to "politically incorrect" remarks now days.


  5. That there is funny video, I don't care who you are...


  6. Sorry, but I laughed at the video. Now punish this commander.

  7. Give the man a break. The videos are being taken out of context. They weren't made for the public. They were intended to entertain our sailors, who work long hours, halfway around the world.

  8. I haven’t seen the videos but I’m sure they are funny, and I’m a big fan of political incorrect humor.

    The problem I have here is the rank of the officer involved and his ability to have his video shown over others. What if the female recruits made a video critical to the officers, would that video have been aired on the ship?

    What this is about is the officers’ position used to degrade and slander without reprisal, more than the humor.

  9. Video Guy, L>P: has the video links right in the original post near the bottom. Watch em. They are funny

  10. Update 1-5-11: US Navy Captain Owen Honors was relieved of his command on Tuesday. Actress Glenn Close, who appears in one of the video's, confirms it's her in the clip but says "I am distraught that my image has been used to perpetuate something that I abhor. The cynical, unauthorized use of my image in this video is deeply offensive and insulting, and was the result of a seemingly innocent request of me during a visit to the aircraft carrier over four years ago."
