Thursday, December 2, 2010

Did Shmeco Thomas and Aileen Brown Weigh In On The Retail Shoplifting Epidemic?

Can being overweight benefit one in their profession? Outside of the fat person at the circus, a football lineman, a wrestler or perhaps a power lifter, it is hard to imagine that excess weight could help someone perform their job. Nevertheless, two Oklahoma women may have thought of a way to use their excessive girth to aid in shoplifting. Aileen Brown, 28, and Shmeco Thomas, 37, are accused of hiding $2,600 worth of valuables under their skin folds. Edmond police arrested the pair on suspicion of shoplifting $2,600 worth of footwear, denim and accessories. The items were allegedly hidden under rolls of fat on their stomachs and beneath their breasts.

Concealing goods under excess skin may be considered "thinking outside of the box" but if the intent was to steal, then it is a crime. Between the two of them, they are suspected of attempting to conceal four pairs of boots, three pairs of jeans, as well as gloves and a wallet. Brown was in possession of a knife which could have been used to remove tags from the items. The suspects never made it out of the T.J. Maxx store.

Both are charged with felony shoplifting charges but are to be considered innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law.


  1. This grosses me out!

  2. This would not happen in the Phillipies where folks are more fit.

  3. Clever crooks but crooks none the less if guilty

  4. Hum. Is this a competitive advantage for Victoria Secret?

  5. Wait. Edmond Oklahoma?
    Boots, jeans, gloves and wallet? Wonder if they found my laptop and sunglasses.

  6. Just making a fashion statement or demonstrating the advantage of girth?
