Thursday, September 23, 2010

Real Life Murder Mysteries V. Novels

On a recent auto trip I had occasion to listen to an audiotape reading of "To Kill A Mocking Bird" which is classified as one of the best books of all time. It caused me to ponder whether real life murder mysteries such as April Tinsley, Haleigh Cummings, and Caylee Anthony are simply not entertaining enough for some folks. Apparently in a search to avoid boredom, some readers apparently turn to murder mystery novels. First as a law student and then as a lawyer required to consume large volumes of verbose briefs and legal submissions, it is easy to appreciate the need to be efficient in selecting what to read in one's leisure. To help aid readers in efficiently finding some good books, Law Enforcement Schools has an article entitled "10 Good Murder Mysteries to get Your Hands On." The list can be found at this LINK.
Please feel free to share other novels that you recommend in the comments. As the first donation to the list, I suggest reading the murder story described in the "Good Book" pictured above!


  1. I think the Gresham novels are all good. They seem to all involve a death or two. Lol


  2. I'll have to take a trip to Borders.

  3. Speaking of fiction, Two cannibals, a father and his son, go out and try to get something to eat. The pair walk deep into the jungle and wait by a path. A little old man walks by.

    The son says: “Oh Dad, there’s one.”

    “That’s not even enough meat for the dogs. We’ll wait,” he replies.

    Later, a fat man comes along. The son says: “He’s big enough.”

    “No,” says the father: “We’d all die of a heart attack from eating the fat on him. We’ll wait.”

    An hour later, a gorgeous woman approaches. The son screams with excitement. “Now there’s nothing wrong with that one, Dad! Let’s eat her.”

    “No,” says the father: “We won’t eat her either -– we’ll take her back alive and eat your mother.”

  4. I agree with Shell. I used to love Sidney Sheldon books. I now have joined a murder mystery book club at my local independent bookstore called "Mondays are Murder" and we meet once a month. I love them but I also love Ann Rule's non-fiction murder books. She is the best in her field methinks. BTW, LP - You're right about the Bible ... plenty of murder there . . .

  5. If I remember correctly, ""To Kill A Mocking Bird"" is not a murder mystery. Only one muder in the story and we know who did it...Bue (played by Robert Duvall in the classic movie)

    "To Kill A Mocking Bird" was about racism.

  6. Well, you suspected the real killer, video guy but no real lawyer would admit he knew for sure until all the evidence was heard.

  7. All this time to read... and to think I mostly edit. LOL

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  10. Topix Poster AmberJune 25, 2011 at 4:16 AM

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