Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Peterson's Remains Identified!

Headlines streamed across the prompter that Peterson's body had been positively identified. An instant, but incorrect thought, was that it was the body of Stacy Peterson. But it wasn't. It was Patricia Peterson, a 24 year old Mesa woman, who went missing nearly four years ago. Patricia Peterson is believed to be one of more than 500 victims in a series of unsolved highway serial murders.Patricia disappeared in November 2006 after being seen hitchhiking at a truck stop in Tulsa, Okla. In 2009, skeletal remains were found along I-40 near Lupton, Ariz.The victim had no identification and was listed as a "Jane Doe." The medical examiner concluded that the woman had been beaten to death. KPHO News

Only last month was a positive identification made by DNA. No suspects or people of interest have been named.The FBI has taken over the investigation into Peterson's homicide. The Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation suspected murdered women's bodies were being dumped along the Interstate 40 corridor in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi during the past 30 years. Not even the radical Drew Peterson haters can try to blame Drew for those cases...
Update 9-13-10: Drew Peterson coverage can be found at: http://legalpublication.blogspot.com/2008/05/legal-pub-is-firm-believer-in-our.html


  1. You had me going there...

    Not that the family of Patricia doesn't deserve our sympathies, they do. It's just that I thought it was Stacy.

  2. Wow, 500 murders? Could it be just one killer?

  3. Bet a certain suspect cringed if when he read this headline...

  4. Stacy probably ran a way. No way would her body not have been found by now if she had been murdered and dumped.

  5. Serial killer? Maybe gangs along that area, perhaps? 500 is a very big number ... just sayin'

  6. WTF…500 stiffs in 30 years, that’s sixteen a year. There must be some kind of pattern there, or is it a southern thing. Murder your x-wife or anyone else you hate and dump them on the interstate as the good-ol-boy state police do not investigate such things, they are to busy wrangling out-of-state speeders and searching for drugs…these things bring in profit to the state as a body found on the side of the pavement only cost them money.

    Not to mention the donut shop time they would lose out on.

  7. lot of bodies... but most are hitch hikers, I would guess.

  8. Wrong Peterson. Sorry for this families loss.

  9. Frighening realization that so many bodies have been dumped over the years...

  10. I think every truck driver in the 3 state area ought to be investigated.

  11. Might have been a more appropriate Halloween story.

  12. Wow LP, you had me going for a second there.....there were 2 searches in a public lake near my home in August and a search in a field about 30 miles away back in June for Stacey.


    The search in my town was said to be related to the tip in June.
    Who ever this informant is, he/she seems to be running the ISP around. I'm sure it's a relief for Stacey's family to know they are still actively searching.

    For the families of all the missing in our country sending up prayers for strength and hope. I can't think of a deeper sorrow than not knowing what has happened to a loved one. You always hope for the best , but so often that's not the way it works out.

    For Patricia's family....deepest condolences.

  13. Katfish, thanks for your thoughtful post. I enjoy your blog. L.P. will likely be one of the first to know when Stacy turns up. I personally think that when she does, she will be alive and TALKIN about the Savio death.

  14. Drew Peterson has been the public whipping boy for the last 2 years, why not continue it a bit longer? lol.

  15. Let's wait until the trial before we decide who did what...
