Monday, August 30, 2010

Go to Jail For Loved Ones Or Let Sleeping Dogs Lie ~by Jay

Priorities? Obsession? No matter what label is given, it must be a difficult choice for some. Give up your pets or go to jail that is the ultimatum Wanda Moran, a Silver Grove Kentucky woman, must face. Is it really worth going to jail rather than give up one's pets? Wanda Moran has six dogs that she refers to as "family." She keeps her companions inside her home on East First Street at night. However, her companions roam her back yard during the day. As one might imagine, the dogs sometimes bark which apparently disturbs the local customer gossip at a nearby dairy bar.

A Silver Grove regulation indicates that a residence is limited to two dogs. Some question how fair that ordinance can be since a Kentucky resident can marry more than one cousin and have as many offspring as they want. As such, family reunions can create a whole heck of lot more disturbance than a few barking dogs. So authorities are faced with the dilemma of forcing Wanda to give up four of her canine family members or simply tell the rest of Silver Grove to just let sleeping dogs lie. Next week, Silver Grove will perhaps address the growing problem of too many rabbits within city limits.


  1. Jay, animals are family.

  2. Oh, don't be offended. I too come from an animal loving family. You see, growing up, we named our family dog after my dad. Our dog's name was Dad. That got confusing, as you can probably imagine. Like one time at a family gathering, Dad crapped on the carpet. I wasn't there to see it happen; I was out walking the dog. Ruined Mother's Day. 'Mother' is our cat.

  3. What this woman is doing is fighting for her pets because they are part of the family. She is willing to go to jail for them.

  4. I know that she is willing to go to jail. Jail is not always the worse alternative. I had an aunt who woke up in the middle of the night to find my uncle sobbing in the basement. My aunt went down into the basement, turned on the light and found my uncle curled up into a little ball, sobbing.
    My aunt asked my uncle, "Honey, what's wrong?"

    My uncle explained,"Remember, 20 years ago, I got you pregnant, when you were 16? ...And your father threatened me to marry you or to go to jail?"

    My aunt responded, "Yes, of course."

    My Uncle continued,"Well, I would have been released tonight."

  5. "My Uncle continued,"Well, I would have been released tonight."...LOL, and free!

    So where do we draw the line on animal hoarding?
    Does anyone truly believe that an animal that’s instincts are to roam and run can be happy cooped up in a city backyard, let alone half a dozen of them?
    What about the sanitation issue?

    If this woman was located in some rural area let her have as many dogs as she likes, but there must be some reasoning involved when dealing with a healthy environment for her, her neighbors and the animals themselves.

    I’m the last one to agree with the many big brother regulations we have, but this one deals with logic and is in the best interest of all involved…especially the dogs.

  6. Why do people where sunglasses?… Nope! Deep down inside, psychology they don’t want to be recognized.

    What did Tarzan say when he seen a herd of Elephants stampeding over the hill?… Wrong again, he said; “HERE COME THE FU*KEN ELEPHANTS STAMPEADING OVER THE HILL…RUN FOR YOUR DAM LIFE!!!!”

    Ok Jay you not doing so well here…last one; What did Tarzan say when he seen the herd Elephants stampeding over the hill…and they were wearing sunglasses?…

    …he didn’t say anything because he didn’t recognize them.

  7. She should invite all her kin to come live with her unless the county lets sleeping dogs lie.

  8. Good job Video guy! Bet Jay chuckled when he read that...
