Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Does Shaquan Duley Give Us Pause To Ponder When Should A Bystander Act?

You may have heard it before. If you did, you probably didn't think it was a real threat and it probably wasn't. "You make me so mad I could just ... shake/ hit/ drown/ etc./ (fill in the blank) you!" When does such a statement become a legitimate threat? Did Shaquan Duley ever make any statements that might foreshadow the future death of her two toddlers?

Duley's two children were found dead in a submerged car. Both infants were still strapped into their car seats. Duley allegedly has confessed to suffocating the children before she drove her car into a South Carolina river. While at first blush it could have been an accident, Orangeburg County Sheriff Larry Williams told reporters that Shaquan Duley admitted she staged the accident.

Shaquan Duley's alleged confession has lead to murder charges. The motive behind the alleged suffocation is not clear. However, Duley apparently became upset after arguing with her mother. This may have led Duley to cover her children's mouths with her hand. She then is charged with driving her car into the North Edisto River. "The Early Show." The bodies of Devean C. Duley, 2, and Ja'van T. Duley, 18 months, were both pulled from the river on Monday. Originally Duley claimed it had been an accident. However, she allegedly recanted the claim that it was an accident. Car submerged, boys drowned in car, children suffocated

So did Shaquan Duley ever say anything to foreshadow this tragedy? Nothing has been reported at this time. But keep this story in mind the next time you hear such words and then see if you react any differently? Take a recent example in today's news. Was a Southwest Airlines flight attendant on a flight from Dallas to Albuquerque thinking about this story when she reportedly took away a baby from its parents after the mother allegedly slapped the infant? Flying the friendly skies. The flight attendant later returned the 1-year-old child to its parents. However, at the airport the parents were apparently greeted by police. Apparently there were no signs of abuse and no charges were filed. But tragedies in the news may lead one to ponder when it is appropriate to intervene.


  1. I think the flight attendant was over the top. A parent can discipline a kid without committing child abuse!

  2. I don't blame the flight attendant. A crying kid is so annoying to everyone else on the plane!

  3. I'm feeling zero sympathy for this mother who suffocated her kids. Sorry.

  4. I also have heard she suffocated her children because she could no longer provide for them...anyone else heare this?

    To answer your question, I think we should always question something that appears to be abusive, or suspicious. I have read time after time where witnesses of a child abduction say they seen and heard the child crying out, but they just let it pass thinking it was a parent disciplining their child…one never knows.

  5. If you can't afford your kids give them up for adoption, don't kill em. I am not buying this excuse...

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  7. Always do the right thing.
