Friday, June 4, 2010

Can Michael Bragnuier's Alleged Conduct at Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Be Another Reason To Dislike Banks?

What is it about banks that makes them easy targets? Perhaps it is public resentment over government bailouts. Or perhaps it is the relentless solicitation to apply for credit cards. Or even worse, perhaps it is the bill collectors that haunt one's evenings when times are hard. Well, perhaps there is a new reason to think unpleasantly of the banking industry. Jamie Nelson, a New Jersey woman has filed a lawsuit against Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, claiming that one of its employees implied that he would not correct a mistake on her account unless she sent him photographs of herself.

Allegedly, Wells Fargo withdrew money from Jamie Nelson's checking account with another bank in order to pay her monthly mortgage loan payment. Nelson apparently reported the problem to a customer service representative of Wells Fargo. Nelson allegedly gave her cell phone number to Michael Bragnuier (sued as "Michael Doe") an employee of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage in West Des Moines. Plaintiff contends that "Michael Doe" called Nelson, saying "he would not reverse the erroneous transaction unless she engaged in 'phone fun' with him and provided him with photographs of herself" via text message. He also allegedly asked if she was "near a bathroom." Plaintiff contends that this implies that "... he wanted naked photographs in exchange for his providing customer service on behalf of the Wells Fargo defendants."

Nelson was apparently on business in Chicago when the allegedly unauthorized withdrawal occurred from her checking account. Nelson apparently did not send pictures; however, she allegedly spent a day asking him to reverse the transaction. Michael Bragnuier, who worked in a mortgage service center, was apparently terminated for violating company policy in January 2010.

If the conduct occurred, one would have to agree with the complaint that this was "extreme and outrageous." Legal Pub has done past stories on nude texting. LINK. But in this day and age of cable t.v. one also has to question just how " severely and permanently injured emotionally and physically" the plaintiff could be? The attorney for either side are encouraged to submit comments on the allegations. In the interim, keep in mind, allegations are not to be taken as the truth until proven in court or otherwise admitted.


  1. If true, this bank employee was incredibly stupid.

  2. I can't believe he would harass her unintentionally. Perhaps he thought he was merely harmlessly flirting.

  3. She may be making most of this stuff up! His message may infer one thing to one person and a completely different thing to another.

  4. I know this person. There were over 50 text messages, over a period of many hours where the guy was straight out asking for photos and "phone fun" in return for fixing the transaction on that day. WF management said they would reverse the funds b/c it was their mistake; but just not on that day. Therefore the woman was stranded on business travel and the WF rep saw it as an opportunity to extort her with her own funds. It's sick & the actions of this Wells Fargo rep needed to be reported. It's beyond inappropriate. & WF had the opportunity (months) to respond and take appropriate action, but chose not to acknowledge it whatsoever, until their reputation was exposed in the media.

  5. ( It's beyond inappropriate. & WF had the opportunity (months) to respond and take appropriate action, but chose not to acknowledge it whatsoever, until their reputation was exposed in the media.)

    Well said...this is a case of extortion, theft, sexual haressment by a pervert who suddenly realised he had the power of destiny over a pretty woman, and chose to use it for his personal desires.

    This is the type of guy that would put a camera in a shopping bag so he could photograph under your daughters dress at the mall...and hell probably get off with a slap on the hand when he deserves to spend a few years in prison being beaten and raped.

  6. The man sounds like a complete pervert. How could any gentleman exploit a vulnerable lady?

  7. I am offended. Most women are not vulnerable. We can take care of our selves. I would have told him to cram it and spoke to his supervisor. No victim mentality here!


  8. Me too! The guy is scum but she should have told him to @#$% off. Then she should have reported him to his supervisor.

  9. What is everyone missing here? She was already told by a supervisor nothing could be done on that day to reverse the wrongful transaction. Not having funds was her main concern, WHICH IS WHAT MADE HER VULNERABLE BRENDA!!! LOL!?HELLO!!!! Why is she going to call the bank that has just stranded her and left her with no $??!! Then on top of that, the WF rep says he can help her, but instead he totally takes advantage of an innocent person and would have done it again if she didn't report it. Whomever thinks having a bank rep extort someone with their own funds as a quid pro quo for nake photos, should be handled lightly, should re-think that position. This woman handled this professionally. It would have been their word against hers if she called back the supervisor who already screwed her!

  10. I think the point is, women like us have to deal with jerks all the time. This gal should have gone over his head instantly. She still would have had the texts etc.


  11. The three biggest benefits on Reverse Mortgages Canada putting money aside, makes me feel secure, and being able to buy what’s needed for my- self and my family.

  12. Hi there, thanks for this information. I don't know how many mortgages are being submitted, but I feel that there's one which works the best - which is a mortgage about getting the most from the banks.

  13. This isn't the only case of WF abusing women.

    I have a WF account because I have to based on a monthly business transaction. WF has repeatedly given out my personal information to telemarketers despite by objections. They call repeatedly and dogmatically no matter how many times I do not want their insurance.

    Twice when I've refused to talk to these telemarketers I have received a second phone call, one making sexual assault threats (anal rape) and one to say they have my dog and are going to "chop it up into small pieces."

    I found this complaint by Cathy in Florida who describes a similar situtation with telemarketers and who has done quite a bit of research that they are targeting women:

  14. If true, someone should look into prosecuting the responsible person(s) at the company.
