Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Should Mark Souder's Inappropriate Conduct Come As A Shock? It Should But Why Doesn't It?

The thirst for change and entertainment got a morsel with the recent resignation of Rep. Mark Souder, R-Indiana. Souder unexpectedly announced his resignation Tuesday, after admitting that he “sinned against God” by having a relationship with a staff member. Souder, 59, just recently won his primary. Now he will leave his office this week. While Democrats may see this as a cause for celebration, the 59-year-old Republican is a married father of three and such public disclosures are never easy on the family. He will submit his resignation to Speaker Pelosi on Friday. Those wanting change welcome the resignation of the social conservative while supports proclaim their shock at such out of character conduct.

Souder's choice of words should cause concern for the future of this mans family and the poisonous environment we know as Congress: "I sinned against God, my wife and my family by having a mutual relationship with a part-time member of my staff." So where did Souder learn such inappropriate behavior? Certainly not in the heartlands of the midwest. Souder has been in Congress since 1994. He and his wife Diane have been married since 1974. The couple has three grown children. While Hoosiers debate what caused their representative to abandoned his family values, Governor Mitch Daniels must contemplate when to hold a special election for Souder's vacant seat. In the mean time folks want more details about Souder's romantic relationship with Tracy Meadows Jackson. Jackson apparently has worked in "various capacities" in Souder's district office.

Sen. Arlen Specter is also a victim of change. Fortunately his ticket out of office was orchestrated by good old democracy in action. Specter was punished for trying to be a chameleon. (In April of 2009 Specter shifted his allegiance from the GOP to the Democratic party.) After 30 years on Capitol Hill, Specter lost Tuesday in the Democratic primary for his Senate seat to Rep. Joe Sestak. Pennsylvania may never be the same. But public polling shows that Sestak surged as Specter fell.

Missteps have not been limited to the Republican party. Two months ago, Rep. Eric Massa, D-New York, resigned after admitting to groping male staff members. Nor is bad judgment limited to politicians. For example, Mary Richardson Kennedy, the wife of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., was arrested for drunk driving after a police officer saw her run over a curb outside a school in Bedford, New York. Kennedy's blood alcohol level was 0.11. Think she is not a perfect fit for the always political Kennedy family?

The real question is why people express such shock and dismay when they read the headlines concerning such missteps. Politicians have become victims to the same "entitlement syndrome" as athletes. Once elected, the world owes them special treatment. Staff members become looked at as personal property. Money that previously may be seen as a bribe is now just compensation. Change is good. But change needs to be for the right reason. Athletes, Politicians and ordinary citizens all need to be held to the same standards and expectation both in and out of the public eye. Only with such real change in expectations can we truly lay the "entitlement syndrome" properly to rest.


  1. Politicians are a disgrace. But as you point out, so is the rest of society.

  2. Souder was just trying to please his staff with his rod...

  3. Don't you think congressman see their attractive assistants as just another perk of the job?

  4. Kennedy should spend some time in the drunk tank.... regular family reunion.

  5. I suppose we are not surprised by these scandals anymore because we have become convinced that when it comes to politicians (especially those who claim to have some kind of moral authority)such behavior is to be expected.

  6. No Face: You are right on. the more they preach of superior morals the more likely they are to fall flat on their face!

  7. This guy Souder is so full of crap I can smell him through my computer, the only thing he is remorseful for is the fact that he got caught. He represents everything that is wrong with our politicians, crooks and liars.
    I’m sure he will use his religious beliefs as an excuse just like all the Christian hypocrites do, the devil made me do it…bla, bla, bla.. According to his beliefs he has committed the mortal sin of adultery with a married woman, and his good book says he should be stoned to death for these actions…I guess he don’t believe that part of the commandments applies to him, while he has made a career punishing others for much less.

    The only thing he cares about is his own personal wealth and power!

    During one of the worst recessions this country has seen in many years, and the continuing job losses of many in his district, he takes a trip to Germany with his son for several days that cost the taxpayers $14,000...a fact finding mission my ass. Five days of luxury for him and his son in Europe is all that was.
    Many of his 20 some member staff make 50K, 60K, 70K a year, and some much part time employees! Not counting the best healthcare in the world and pensions that they all receive...why we grovel for table scraps.
    This woman he was having an affair with was a part-time employee making $76,000 per year, plus another $10,000 in expenses...and for what? I’ll tell you what, she produced a few videos a year for this scum-bag at that price and if you ask me this is just another way our politicians get the tax payers to pay for prostitution...What else would you call it?
    This type of behavior won’t change as long as they are allowed to say they are sorry and resign...pension, connections and wealth intact.

    Maybe now would be a good time to ask him why he thinks two of the four letters April Tinsley’s killer left, were left in his home town of Grabill, one just a few blocks from his family owned business there.

  8. Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel. LOL. Yup, he is scum. Do we know the name of the young lady he slept with?

  9. Tracy Jackson is good looking. One can only assume that she can now do better than a married ex Congressman.

  10. Love the cartoon L.P.

  11. Souder's sour grapes cause he got caught.
