Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Round Up All The Bad Boys Like Faisal Shahzad And Hangem From The Highest Tree?

Is it time to celebrate a victory Texas style? In the old west, whenever a diabolic plot was foiled and the villain apprehended, the town folks got together for a western celebration known as a trial and a subsequent event referred to as a lynching. Faisal Shahzad, a 30-year-old Pakistani-American has been arrested in connection with the failed New York's Times Square SUV bombing. Shahzad was arrested after he had boarded a midnight flight for Dubai at Kennedy International Airport. For his sake, let's hope Faisal is innocent. Otherwise, all of hades is about to break lose as it pertains to Faisal.
Attorney General Eric Holder revealed that Faisal Shahzad was born in Pakistan and had become a U.S. citizen last year. Anyone who is allowed to become a citizen and then terrorizes that same country has commited treason beyond pardon. Shahzad will be formally charged soon in federal court. In the interim, he is held without bond and is considered a flight risk. (It is believed that Shahzad had recently spent five-months in Pakistan. ) Shahzad recently paid $1,300 for the Nissan Pathfinder that found in Times Square rigged with propane tanks, fertilizer and gasoline. The Washington Post.
The vehicles previous owner helped alert authorities to Shahzad. Two Connecticut cities (Shelton and Bridgeport) where Shahzad lived have become the source of continued investigation. Shahzad and his wife, Huma Mian, apparently lived in Bridgeport for three years. The New York Times. The couple apparently have a son and daughter. Authorities believe that the plot may involve more than one person. (Shahzad apparently claims sole responsibility.)
Justice will not be served until all that are involved receive a fair trial. While all are presumed innocent until otherwise proven in court, any one convicted should receive the harshest penalty allowed by law.
Update 5-5-10: Shahzad claims he was trained to bomb in Pakistan. (He must have graduated last in his class.) He was on the no fly list. So just why did Emirates Airlines allow him on the plane anyway?
Update 10-5-10: Faisal Shahzad, who tried to detonate a deadly bomb in New York's Times Square, was sentenced to life in prison. When he heard the news he smiled and said,"I'm happy with the deal that God is giving me... God is great."


  1. This guy was an idiot to bite the hand that fed he and his family.

  2. Scum bag should never have been allowed to become a citizen.

  3. Such terrorism can not be tolerated and we the people of this great state and nation will not take it!

  4. Update 5-5-10: Shahzad claims he was trained to bomb in Pakistan. (He must have graduated last in his class.) He was on the no fly list. So just why did Emirates Airlines allow him on the plane anyway?

  5. He may get off because they did not read him his maranda rights before taking his statement.

  6. Update 10-5-10: Faisal Shahzad, who tried to detonate a deadly bomb in New York's Times Square, was sentenced to life in prison. When he heard the news he smiled and said,"I'm happy with the deal that God is giving me... God is great."
