Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Darryl Durr's Legal Struggles End In Execution By Sodium Thiopental.

Ohio finally ended all the legal wrangling by executing 46 year-old Darryl Durr at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville. Durr was executed by lethal injection as punishment for killing 16-year-old Angel Vincent in 1988. Vincent was abducted from her home on January 31, 1988. Her body was found stuffed into two traffic barrels at a park. Durr's girlfriend originally told Vincent's mother that Vincent must have run away. However, after Durr was arrested for two unrelated rapes in September 1988, she informed police of her belief that Durr was involved in the death of Vincent.

In 2009, Durr told the parole board "he wished to convey his apologies to the victims for their tragic loss" but maintained his innocence. The board voted 7-0 vote to deny Durr's clemency request. Governor Ted Strickland granted temporary reprieves in October amid confusion over the legality of the method of execution. (See the failed attempt to execute Romell Broom.) Ohio utilizes a one-drug method of lethal injection since December of 2009. The method uses a single injection of sodium thiopental. May the execution bring peace to all involved.


  1. The time and money involved in executing the convict calls into question whether it is cost effective.

  2. Single dose injections of sodium thiopental are fast and humane. I think now that exectutions are approved again, the time it takes to process the sentence to execution should diminish.

  3. ITs whether or not its cruel and unusual punishment not whether its efficient!

  4. Another example of delayed justice. It takes to long to put the convicted down.

  5. and another one bites the dust . . .
