Friday, March 26, 2010

Dr. Mark Viner a.k.a.. "Doctor of Mind" Should Not Be Condemned For Using A Different Approach ~by Legal Pub

Dr. Mark Viner. A controversial doctor or someone who has merely found a creative way to make a point? The Nevada Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services has launched an inquiry to determine the answer. Viner, a board certified psychiatrist, makes YouTube films under the alias of "Doctor of Mind." According to KTNV News, the Division of Mental Health plans to consult the Nevada attorney general's office this week to "determine the proper course of action." Viner works for the state-run Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services, specializing in suicide intervention.

His video uses funny voices and his appearance comes across as less then professional. Click on the video below to watch him in person.

However, despite the complaints, his message appears to be clear, effective and very humerous. Is this simply an innovative doctor who presents a message in entertaining fashion? After viewing a few videos (he has hundreds), one suspects that an entertaining message, while potentially offensive to some, is nevertheless a message that will be heard. And after all, is that not what the profession needs? Those that can get their message across to those in need? After reading about the rash of suicides (six just on one campus alone this year), one would suspect that it is time to try something different. Thus, Dr. Viner's message and the forum that he uses should be studied and evaluated prior to passing judgment. That's Legal Pub's opinion, what is yours?


  1. Funny man. His reviews on YouTube are overwhelmingly positive!

  2. Nice to see L.P. take a stand. Would love to see you interview the good doctor.

  3. Good video... get the message. Don't over medicate.

  4. I get the message. Don't over medicate. He didn't have to say it like an addict, did he?

  5. If it helps ONE person ... let him be.

  6. Dr. Mark Viner is getting out there and reaching the general public with information on topics that would otherwise not reach the average person. He is helping to educate many about mental illness which eventually help remove stigmas associated with these REAL diseases. Thank you Doc!

  7. Dr. Mark Viner is getting out there and reaching the general public with information on topics that would otherwise not reach the average person. He is helping to educate many about mental illness which eventually help remove stigmas associated with these REAL diseases. Thank you Doc!

  8. Doc Viner is da bomb! Keep up da good work good docta!

  9. the FRUIT does not fall far from the VINE!

  10. Why do all the spam advertisers try to ruin everything? Because it is all about the money. Therefore, hit em where it counts! Do not patronize any company that posts spams on here.

    Dollar Bill

  11. Dr. Mark Viner <3

    He has given me much info and help. Good man. LOVE HIM!

  12. Dr Viners patients do seem to love him and think he is a great doc!

  13. Viner knows that the fruit of the vine falls near the stem.

  14. More than a doc in a box. Guy really helps people.

  15. More than a doc in a box. Guy really helps people.

  16. humerous is not spelt humerus

  17. Thanks. That is true unless you are referring to the funny bone, right? LOL. Thank you.

  18. Loved this article. The doc has a new fan.

  19. First of all, that's his REAL voice. Secondly, he probably comes off as a bit odd with his mannerisms because he does have Aspergers as he states in one of his videos. He's brilliant and completely legitimate. Wonderful wonderful guy.

  20. Dr. Viner is my doctor and has always kept close watch on me and any of the medication's prescribed by him and my general doctor as well so, there's no bad cross mixing. Dr. Viner get's "ME" and doesn't treat me like I'm just a crazy person. He values what I tell him about my illness and doesn't come across as a clinical cynic like so many other doctor's. I've been to other doctor's who talk to you for 5 mins and give you meds. When you have an apt with Dr. Viner he gives you a full hour and he asks you a lot of question's.

  21. I only wish Dr. Viner lived here in New York. I'd use his services in a hot second. This is exactly what the medical industry needs.

  22. I only wish Dr. Viner lived here in New York. I'd use his services in a hot second. This is exactly what the medical industry needs.

  23. I am a patient of Dr. Viners. Of the MANY psychs I have seen. I stick with him. He can identify and understand. He loves his work and truly cares for your recovery. Would never choose to be seen by anyone else!!

  24. I moved to reno and viner was recommended...he told me over the phone that my meds were killing me and to stop taking them ( I did) to call on Monday..on monday I called, it would be 6 wks before he could see me, lecturing..6 wks I call, still no meds and he tells me he has to be gone 2 more wks..I ended up in the emergency room and in the hospital for days..extremely unprofessional
