Monday, March 8, 2010

Did Jacob Nodarse Kill The Kramer Family At The Request of Johnny Borizov Because Of A Child Custody Dispute? ~by Legal Pub

Jacob Nodarse, 23, of Countryside and Johnny Borizov, 28, of Willow Springs are accused of killing Jeffrey Kramer, 50, Lori Kramer, 48, and their son, Michael Kramer, 20 at their home in Darien, Illinois. A fourth person apparently survived by hiding in a bedroom closet. Jacob Nodarse and Johnny Borizov are being held without bail on murder charges.

Attorney Jeff Muntz will lead the prosecution in the Dupage County trial. Darien triple homicide
The exact motive has been the subject of much speculation. Suspect met with survivor's ex:
The most popular theory is that Borizov hired Nodarse to kill Jeffrey Kramer, Lori Kramer, and Michael. Jeff Muntz told Judge Terry Sheen that Nodarse and Borizov met to discuss the killings on Feb. 25. That same day Nodarse quit his job at a BMW and bought a gun. Why? It appears domestic conflict over a custody battle over a child born to Jeffrey and Lori Kramer's daughter, Angela. Borizov was the father of the child and developed a strong dislike of the Kramer family over the dispute. Nodarse was a friend of Borizov.

On March 2, while Borizov was at the Empress Casino in Joliet. Mean while, Nodarse apparently used a hammer to break into the Kramer's home. He first shot at Michael Kramer, who was sleeping on a couch with his 17-year-old girlfriend. Then he apparently shot and killed Jeffrey Kramer. Next Lori Kramer was murdered. Than he apparently finished off Michael who'd secured a knife. Michael's 17-year-old girlfriend escaped, as did Anthony Kramer but she successfully hid in the closet. Nodarse fled south. He apparently stopped in Terre Haute, Indiana to ditch a gun and his clothes. These items were found in an IHOP dumpster on U.S. 41 in Terre Haute. Nordarse called Borizov on a pre-paid cell phone after he had fled to Florida. But by the time he called, Borizov was already in Darien Police custody.

Since returning to Illinois, Nordarse allegedly gave a statement outlining the details of the murderers. But Borizov's attorney, Marc Wolfe, said there is nothing to link his client to the crime. Nodarse's attorney, Randy Rueckert was not present during Nodarse's alleged confession. Borizov is charged with three counts of first-degree murder, four counts of solicitation of murder and one count of conspiracy to commit murder.
Nordarse is charged with three counts of first-degree murder, one count of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder and four counts of solicitation to murder.

As is almost always the case, Among the true losers is Borizov's 13-month-old son. The violence arising from domestic squabbles concerning child custody is becoming an epidemic. LINK.
All suspects must be presumed innocent until convicted in a court of law!


  1. Scum!

    You don't kill just because someone won't let you have your kid when you want him!

  2. Agreed. Violence is never the answer.

  3. This is just plain crazy. Think before you act, dudes! You will always get caught when you got motive!

  4. Poor kid. At least his momma will be able to care for him.

  5. If the laws were equal and joint custody was the rule we would have less of this...usually the mother is issued custody unless it is proven she is incapable. This can lead to acts of vengeance during a messy divorce, weather the mother wishes to get back at a father or vice-verse...the children are used as pawns.

    Much money is made during these custody battles as well as bitter divorces...the lawyers always win.

    Don't get married and sign a joint custody agreement before any children are born!

  6. What you say Video Guy is a correct observation based on my observation. Unfortunately, 'joint custody agreements' during the marriage are not enforceable in most states. Specifically, judges look at who is the best parent at the time of the divorce. I agree that the presumption that one is better than the other is archaic at this point in history.

  7. Simply a slimey thing to do no matter what the motive.

  8. Creepy. If a man needs someone else to handle his personal problems, the term "man" should not apply.

  9. A real man steps up and handles things himself as a man. Not as a crybaby coward who gets others to solve his problems.

  10. A real man steps up and handles things himself as a man. Not as a crybaby coward who gets others to solve his problems.

  11. the reason doesn't matter, tis still murder.

  12. Johnny Borizov and Jacob Nodarse are both scum of the earth, nothing more. Death is too easy for them, yet so is prison because prison is simply just an inconvenience for them and they may one day be free to walk again, we have no guarantees. Mike was an amazing person and he is beyond missed dearly as are his parents. Nothing is the same without them. Fuck you Illinois for taking the death penalty off of the table for these worthless pieces of shit. I hope they get the shit beat out of them and continually raped in the ass until the day they die in prison. Rot in hell both of you. Mike, Lori and Jeff, you are NEVER forgotten EVER. 3-2-10, gone but never ever forgotten <3

  13. T- but tell us how you really feel!
