Monday, December 7, 2009

Do Kenneth Biros and Romell Broom Deserve Better?

One could say Kenneth Biros (pictured on the left) is on the cutting edge. After all, his execution may make history. Biros could become the first person in the United States to be executed with a single dose of an intravenous anesthetic if his execution proceeds on Tuesday. Proponents argue that such an injection eliminates unnecessary suffering. California and Tennessee previously rejected the one-drug approach; however, this is Ohio which is known for being progressive. Still, those planning to block the injection argue that this has never been used on an inmate in the United States.

Why the controversy? If this injection is used, Biros will likely die more slowly than inmates put to death with the traditional three-drug method. In essence, a lethal injection of thiopental sodium kills by putting people so deeply asleep that they stop breathing. (Sound like Michael Jackson? LINK.) The down side is that it takes longer for the injected person to die. How much longer? In theory about 7 to 15 minutes longer. Currently, Ohio inmates take about seven minutes to die after the three-drug IV injection, which combines thiopental sodium with the drugs pancuronium bromide (paralyzes muscles) and potassium chloride (causes cardiac arrest).

Why the switch in technique? The switch from three drugs to one was ordered last month because Ohio's failed attempt on Sept. 15 to execute convicted rapist and killer Romell Broom (pictured above on the right.) Executioners unsuccessfully tried to find a usable vein for injection for two hours. They hit bone and tried 18 needle sticks. Gov. Ted Strickland subsequently halted the execution. Broom, 53, is appealing any attempt by Ohio to execute him again. Ohio has executed 32 men by injection since 1999. Three of the cases involved complications. In 2006, executioners needed over sixty minutes to end Joseph Clark's life. Similarly, in 2007, executioners struggled for several minutes to find a suitable vein for Chistopher Newton's execution. Then it took Newton 15 minutes to die.

Why should Biros be executed? Biros, 51, killed 22-year-old Tami Engstrom near Warren, Ohio in 1991. He had driven her home from a bar. After killing her, he scattered her body parts in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
What are other states doing? Thirty six states have the death penalty. All use some form of lethal injection. Thirty five states use the three-drug method. Nebraska hasn't finalized their injection procedure. Euorpean euthanasia typically utilizes thiopental sodium and pancuronium bromide. Do those sentenced to death deserve the same humanity? The State of Ohio apparently says yes.


  1. To me, convicted killers waive all rights to humane treatment in their execution.

  2. What difference does it make, they still die.

  3. Just fry the guilty?

  4. Romell should be set free. It's double jeopardy to try to hang the same dude twice for the same offense. Let him GO!

  5. Romell is an innocent black man who has been sentenced and survived. Not his fault he survived. Now be fair and let him go rehabilitate.

  6. God has spared Romell Broom. May he accept God's gift of life and find salvation. He has more to do on this earth. Spare him execution and let Romell demonstrate that rehabilitation with the Lord's help is possible.

  7. IN-Ject a soule into them!

  8. i think he should be let free he survived now he can go on with life without being in jail =)

  9. Yup give em another chance...

  10. there is somethi ng fundamently wrong with a so called civilized society that keeps a man on death row for twenty six years,then spends two hours trying to kill him,and then calmly decides to have another go,where else but the god fearing country of america could this kind of society exist. nick carpenter england

  11. Well, Nick. Murderers in this country get more chances than Carter has pills. So why shouldn't executioners get a second shot?

  12. LOL. second shot for executioners... why not just give em a gun just in case?
