Monday, December 14, 2009

Did Soange Magnano Die As A Result Of Complications From A Cosmetic Surgery?

When does the price for beauty become too high? No, the use of steroids for narcistic purposes has been discussed ad nausea. Rather, this concerns cosmetic surgery. By all accounts, Solange Magnano was an Argentine beauty. If fact she was an Argentine beauty queen. But something happened along the way. Solange Magnano began to grow old. She allegedly approached Dr. Guillermo Blugerman in 2004 about liposuction. He performed the procedure; however, when she returned five years later requesting silicone injections for a butt lift, he said no. (This procedure is not legal in Argentina or the U.S.)

It is likely that Magnano shopped around until she found someone who could give her the injections. Unfortunately, the former Miss Argentina died November 29, 2009 from an apparent pulmonary embolism. (Blood clot to the lungs.) Embolisms can occur as a complications of silicone injections or after any surgery. While we don't know if Magnano ever received any silicone injections, speculation runs rampant. Solange Magnano's Death

Seek out unapproved medical procedures at your own peril warns one patron. Another says, let the individual decide what risks are worth taking. Still another says, how else are you going to catch the eye of a politician or a golfer unless you take risks. For medical advice, try American Society of Plastic Surgeons or Food and Drug Administration.

Statistics reveal that for every 100,000 liposuction procedures in the United States, there are between three and 100 deaths. Food and Drug Administration. In the big scheme of things, that is not a very big risk. The key is to have a good and frank discussion with your physician. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. You can check a facilities credentials by consulting
the Joint Commission or the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care. But the biggest criteria is "look yourself in the mirror and ask, do I really need this?"


  1. You can get a blood cut from sitting too long. Birth control pills are also a risk factor.

  2. guess I will put the nose job on the back burner.

  3. and here I've been saving up for that butt-job for years ...

  4. So if I had it done, am I a criminal?


  5. Beauty has its price.
