Saturday, November 7, 2009

Why Women Like Men With The Bad Boy Edge ~by Secret L.A. Reader

First, I never dreamed I would submit an article to "Legal Pub." But I got hooked on this site and I really am tired of being asked by men, "Why don't you ever give a nice guy a chance?" So from here on out, L.P., I am just going to refer the inquisitive to your site.

Why are most of us women not attracted to "nice guys?" Get a clue! In my observation, most "nice" guys are not as nice as they like to think. In fact, the majority of "nice guys" are whiny, close-minded, judgmental, spineless, controlling, and weak. Most of us independent women don't find such traits to be "nice" or "attractive." The type of man most of my peers are attracted to have the following traits: decisive, action oriented, determined, aggressive, intelligent and successful. Unfortunately sometimes those traits also come with a "liar" and a "cheat" attached. But who can say no if you are attracted to them?

"Nice guys" tend to be needy and boring. I hate boring. A person succeeds at dating when you give the opposite sex what they truly want. Most women want a man who will stand strong and remain in control of himself. Young women may want an OCCASIONAL COMPANION who wants to have fun. But they almost universally do not desire some full time clinging, whining snivelling leach. Codependency is not a turn on, guys! Young women want EXCITEMENT. We want to have fun with impulsive, thrill seekers that have the "player's edge." Males that exude testosterone inspire desire and that leads to passion. Games and lies are just sometimes an unfortunate part of the wild ride.

"Nice guys" project neediness. They create an impression that they need a mother rather than a lover. Men that go out of their way to please a women will be used and soon rejected. In sum, once a man allows a woman to have the upper hand in the relationship, she loses respect for him. Once respect is gone, sexual attraction fades quickly. The man gets kicked into "The Friend Zone" and from there fellows, it is terminal.

Want a woman? Be the guy that never allows a woman to control him in any way. A good relationship evolves only after attraction. Once trust and decisions making protocols develop over time, only than is marriage an appropriate topic. Than the rules of the partnership can be discussed and negotiated before any permanent union. Fortunately for a few of you nice guys, women's taste in men mature as women age. As choices in lifestyle, dress, and career change, so does the type of partner that a mature woman seeks. Over time, the woman transitions and begins to look for a husband and father. More emphasis is placed on honesty, work ethic, family values, and responsibility. Don't be confused, women still don't want a weak, whiny, judgmental, superior acting man. It's just that a mature woman is willing to compromise some of the bad boy traits in exchange for stability.

But short of marriage, why SHOULD any woman be attracted to a "nice" guy? Before I started reading this forum, I thought there must be some sort of law about it or why would people discuss "nice guys" on Legal Pub? Well I can't find a legal statute any where, so why should I be treated like a criminal just because I prefer thrill seeking, impulsive men that the public labels as "bad boys?" Sometimes, guys, I like what I like and that simply is not most of you. And before you condemn me, I have my own career, my own money and even more importantly, I am attracted to "MARRIAGE STRIKE" guys.


  1. Secret L.A. Reader:

    I enjoyed reading your unique view point on why you like bad boys. Hope you give us more stories in the future.

  2. Secret,
    Great post! When I was single my #1 reason that I was attracted to a guy with a bad boy edge was so I could fix em! When I realized that wasn't going to work out so well in the long run, I found me a fun lovin "nice" guy with a motorcycle. Just had our 29th anniversary. They are out there. :) hehe or they used to be...

  3. Nice guys like me don't stand a chance:


  4. I only like the baaaaddd boys too!


  5. Great advice for guys.


  6. You should be charging for this kind of advice. Ian Coburn wrote a great book on meeting women. Many so called pick up artists like Mystery and Neil Straus (The Game) charge for similar advice. Yet you give it up for free. No wonder you are a Hollywood star.


  7. Spammers will be billed and pursued for collection. $350.00 per add per day. Don't do it unless you are prepared to pay!

  8. NOt all women like bad boys... take for instance my 70 year old mom. she used to tell me that she did not like it when I was bad!

  9. Bad boys what you going to do when Shell comes for you...


  10. Luv it? Shell are you a bad girl?

  11. Guys, if you blow this advice off and find ways to discredit her, it's your loss. Women are usually too "nice" to tell any guy the truth or won't admit what they truly want out of fear of judgement. She is not saying she wants an actual evil man (I assume) but someone with a pulse who takes charge and doesn't put up with anyone's s***. I am not bragging but I don't have problems with the ladies and this article hits it on the head. Stop being a needy punk and man the eff up.

  12. Girl Dreaming of Real MenJuly 20, 2015 at 8:58 PM

    Must admit, anime above is spot on.... I want a take charge independent man. Got no plans for a wimpy man.

  13. Put another way, MAN UP GUYS.

    Sissy whiners are losers in the eyes of most women.

  14. This makes so much sense! If you could bottle it and give it away to men for Christmas, there would be hundreds on my list!
