Monday, November 30, 2009

Is Tiger Woods Really Human Or Does The Press Have Tiger By The Tail (He Has Been Allegedly Getting?)

Does Tiger Woods have a right to privacy? If not, how far may the police and the public intrude? In perhaps the poorest kept secret in the universe, Florida State police have announced that they will continue investigate Tiger Wood's single-vehicle crash. On Sunday, Woods canceled his meeting with police investigators who want to know his side of what happened early Friday. What we do know is that Tiger pulled out of his driveway in his Orlando neighborhood about 2:25 a.m. Tiger was driving a 2009 Cadillac SUV that struck a fire hydrant, and then crashed into a tree. While the injuries were first reported as serious, it turns out that they were relatively minor.
Tiger's web site offered no details of his wreck except to say he had cuts, bruises and was "pretty sore." Woods went on to say, "This situation is my fault, and it's obviously embarrassing to my family and me... "I'm human and I'm not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn't happen again." TIGER WEBSITE. Tiger's statements have only further fueled the rumors started by the National Enquirer which last week alleged that Woods has been seeing a New York nightclub hostess. The Associated Press contacted the woman and she apparently denied having an affair with Woods.

Why does it seem like so many successful African Americans are targeted by the press and public? No one can deny Wood's domination on the greens. The 33-year-old has won the Masters tournament and the PGA tournament each four times. He has also won three U.S. Open Championships. Off the greens, the rumors continue to accumulate like Woods acculades.
An initial police report indicated that the wreck was not alcohol-related. But Woods has three times cancelled interviews with State troopers.

Agent Mark Steinberg has stated, "We have been informed by the Florida Highway Patrol that further discussion with them is both voluntary and optional... Although Tiger realizes that there is a great deal of public curiosity, it has been conveyed to FHP that he simply has nothing more to add and wishes to protect the privacy of his family." Under Florida law, Steinberg is apparently well grounded in his remarks. Under Florida law, Woods must show his license, registration and proof of insurance to police; however, he is not obligated to give a statement on the crash. Wood's attorney Mark NeJame handed over the required documents to the troopers Sunday at Woods' home. Woods is only human

Police requested any surveillance tapes of the accident from neighbors, but none were apparently given to police. Wood's wife broke out the windshield with a golf club. Rather than spin this as domestic violence, Woods instead praised his wife Elin Nordegren. According to Woods, she "acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble." Nordegren apparently told police that she used a golf club to break out the rear window of the vehicle, then pulled Woods from the SUV. She has also been quoted as saying, "This is a private matter, and I want to keep it that way." Wood's final statement on the matter is that "...The only person responsible for the accident is me."

So why can't the public just let Tiger be? Afterall, Woods and his wife have two children, a 2-year-old and a nine month old. Is it really our business what really happened? Whether Tiger plays in this week's Chevron World Challenge in California ought to be secondary to his health and his family's happiness. While the tournament raises money for Tiger Woods Foundation programs, some times charity needs to start in the home. It might just be because Tiger is hiding some deep down dark secrets....
Update 12-7-09: Apparently Tiger has been spreading more than just holiday cheer. Perhaps as many as 7 women claim to have had extramarital affairs with Tiger. Last week's three. So many possible mistresses, so little time. How could any one do it? Well, he is Tiger... So who are the potential mistresses? Jamie Jungers is a 26 year old waitress and aspiring model. Tiger may have been getting with her for 18 months. Daily Mirror. Mindy Lawton is apparently a 36 year old manager at Perkins Restaurant. She has allegedly had Tiger's attention for about a year. News of the World. (Not so sure how credible this one, folks.)
Cori Rist is a 31 year old MILF who has allegedly known Tiger for six months. NY Daily News. Tiger may have transported her to various destination on the PGA tour as a good luck charm. Rist has a 7-year-old son. Proof of this one is sketchy at best. Holly Sampson is a 36 year old actress who has apparently appeared in soft porn. While questionable, the Daily Mail referred to her as a potential Tiger mistress. Some of her body of works include: 'Flying Solo 2,' 'Diary of a Horny Housewife,' 'Descent Into Bondage. ' Some how I am guessing that this lady has never been with Tiger.
Kalika Moquin is a Vegas Nightclub Marketing Manager. She allegedly has known Tiger for a few months. Life & Style. Did Tiger hook up with her a few times because he was not happy with his marriage? Life and Style elude to a hookup as recently as Oct. 23. Jaimee Grubbs is a 24 year old cocktail waitress and reality star. She may have had the tiger by the tail for over two years. Us Weekly exclusive. Grubbs was recently on VH1's 'Tool Academy' . She claims to have voice mails and text messages from Tiger. Us has one of the voice mails, in which Tiger allegedly tells Grubbs: "I need you to do me a huge favor. Can you please take your name off your phone? My wife went through my phone and may be calling you." With any voicemail evidence, Tiger may have a difficult time shedding these accusations.
Rachel Uchitel is a 34 year old club promoter. She has denied all reports of a fling with Tiger. Days before the accident, the National Enquirer alleged that Uchitel and Tiger were more than buddies. RadarOnline, took it a step further in their allegations concerning a rendezvous in Australia. Woods paid for Uchitel? Maybe it was just a coincidence. According to TMZ, Tiger's wife called Rachel on the night of his crash. Tiger may have some explaining to do on this one...

Elin Nordegren is Tiger's 29 year old, gorgious, wife. If she has not "gotten with him" much since their marriage in 2004, is that any excuse for infidelity? Elin has yet to speak publicly about her estranged marriage or the alleged affairs. One hopes for the kids that all of these allegations of infidelity are unfounded. Even if some are true, for the sake of the kids let's hope things work out. If not, maybe Tiger can star in a reality show to replace John and Kate...
Update 12-8-09: Tiger Woods apparently offered a post nuptial agreement which would pay his wife $80 million dollars to stay with him for another 7 years. But that may not be enough... Reports of a 911 run to the Woods home this morning may be consistent with Ms. Woods not feeling real good about the whole situation... While it was Tiger's mother in law that went to the hospital, one has the feeling that she is not the only one with a sick feeling in the stomach at that residence...
Update 4-23-10: Tiger is now the subject of "Tiger Woods Affair Tour 2010," a raunchy, sexually explicit video game. The creators describe the game as a mixture of "Grand Theft Auto" and "South Park."


  1. Cause we're jeolous of his success.

  2. He's got women, money, success, fame, noteriety and he ain't sharin it!

  3. Cause he has forgotten where he came from.

  4. His roots got nothing to do with it.

  5. Ultimately I don't care, but Tiger's story doesn't pass the smell test. As long as a crime wasn't committed, what transpired between Woods, his wife, hand his car is completely his business.

  6. Rumor from TMZ is that cops are seeking a subpoena of Tiger's hospital records. This will say whether alcohol is involved and will also contain his statements about how the injuries were inflicted.

  7. It's his business and the media should leave him alone. He's a good guy and everybody has personal problems ... I don't care who you are. Let's focus on helping each other out especially now during these holidays instead.

  8. Come on Tiger, hand out some money to bail the rest of us out.

  9. "Anonimity is something you don't miss until it's gone and you can't get it back." I heard that from every celebrity I've ever met. It should just be Tiger's biz but it won't be. Funny how lots of people blame the media and papparazi (probably not even close to how you spell it) for infringing on celebrities' lives but if the public didn't flock to it like moths flying to the flame... yup, they wouldn't infringe. It's our fault.

  10. When is the next book coming out, Ian?

  11. His neighbor said he didnt smell any alcohol on him.

    I read a story this afternoon that seemed plausible. She found out he was cheating. He got in his truck...she starting smashing the windows...then he drove off....she pursued in the golf cart...he turned around to survey the damage and crashed.

    I posted their post crash Christmas card on my blog...LMAO

  12. Loved the Tiger X-mas card, Secrets.

  13. Here's the lates jump off...alleging she had an affair with Tiger. She's a 3 compaired to his wife.

  14. Perhaps as many as 7 women claim extra marital affairs with the Tiger. Tiger, you devil you...

  15. Talk about naming names...

  16. Update 12-8-09: Tiger Woods apparently offered a post nuptial agreement which would pay his wife $80 million dollars to stay with him for another 7 years. But that may not be enough... Reports of a 911 run to the Woods home this morning may be consistent with Ms. Woods not feeling real good about the whole situation...

  17. Chinese animated reconstructionof the accident is here:

  18. While what Tiger did might not have been a crime, I certainly question his behavior--red flag behavior to me is lying, cheating, and a duplicitious life not consistent with his image. Why is he working to re-negotiate the pre-nup in order to pay Elin more and to keep her quiet in the media? Covert behavior not good!

  19. Dmcmanus, you are the man. Everyone questions Tiger's secret motives...

  20. It was Tiger's mom in law that went to the hospital...

  21. Tiger Woods should change his name from tiger to Cheetah!

  22. Holly Sampson may turn out to be one of the more decent of Tiger's alleged lovers. Denver lawyer, Andrew J. Contiguglia, said that Sampson hasn't taken money in return for her silence and that she can prove that her relationship was "legitimate" and pre-marital. (Apparently she got with Tiger at his bachelor party.)

    Contiguglia's statement:

    "The statements made by Holly Sampson in the webcast interview with Naughty America in May of 2009 are truthful, accurate, and without any malicious intent. Holly Sampson has not requested and will not accept any monetary amount for her silence regarding her past relations with Tiger Woods. Holly Sampson confirms that her relationship with Tiger Woods was intimate and that this relationship occurred while Mr. Woods was not married. Holly Sampson will be releasing details of this legitimate relationship."

    So, maybe Holly deserves a little more respect than what has been given to her in the media.

  23. Santa Clause stops at three hos, Tiger apparently does not.


  24. Now checked into the sex rehab clinic....

    wonder who he will bang there?
