Monday, October 5, 2009

Does A Pyramid Of Evil Contribute To Murder And/Or A Coverup?

At times, crimes simply solve themselves. Recently, William Inmon, a 21-year-old man, walked into a small Arizona police station in Springerville to tell cops that out of town cops were in their jurisdiction. Imnon initially suggested that they run these cops out of town. In the end, Inmon confessed to murder. News

William Inmon, of Springerville, Ariz., plead guilty to killing a teenager and two older men. The teen age victim was 16-year-old Ricky Flores. Inmon confessed to being a serial killer, admitting to two more murders and two failed attempts at murder. Inmon claimed that in each murder he had an accomplice. Inmon's motive for murder was to rid the world of those who didn't live up to his standards. Four other people have been arrested in association with the three slayings.

Inmon has admitted to killing Flores and to fatally shooting William "Stoney" McCarragher, 72, and Daniel Achten, 60. As a result of pleading guilty, Inmon will avoid the death penalty. Inmon claims that he killed McCarragher in 2007 after he "inappropriately touched him."
Inmon shot Achten because of his "constant humming, because he used drugs, shot Inmon's dog and generally mistreated people." The alleged reason for killing Flores appears even less compelling. Inmon allegedly killed Flores after the father of Flores' girlfriend had allegedly encouraged him. Inmon's girlfriend, is also apparently charged in connection with Flores murder.

Flores body was uncovered in a shallow grave in a part of the National Forest known to locals as the "Blue Wilderness area". The body was wrapped in various materials and may have been partially burned. William Inmon, 21, of Springerville and 44-year-old Storm E. Williams, were both arrested August 28th. Three days later, a third suspect, 43-year-old Jeffery Alan Johnson of St. Johns was arrested. Inmon and Williams are facing charges of first-degree murder and other lesser crimes. Johnson is facing a charge of conspiracy to commit murder and other lesser charges. Melissa Johnson, wife of suspect Jeffery Alan Johnson, faces a possible felony charge of hindering an investigation and a lesser charge of giving false information to police.
Caution: All Subjects are presumed innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law!


  1. This guy had to be sick to kill for such trivial reasons.

  2. This guy had to be sick to kill for such trivial reasons.

  3. Once an attorney was lecturing our class during school days. He said, "If there are any idiots in the room, will they please stand up."

    After a long silence, I stood up.

    "Now then mister, why do you consider yourself an idiot?" enquired the lawyer with a sneer.

    "Well, actually I don't," I said. then I added, "But I hate to see you standing up there all by yourself."

    Seems to me had William Inmon been in the class, he might have stood up for a different reason.


  4. Well, I think "constant humming" is more than enough reason for homicide ...

    Jester that was great!

  5. Depends what tune he was humming...

    If he was humming "Hail to the victor ladies" at a Notre Dame game, I can see Inmon's point...

  6. LOL Ms C!!! Plus he shot Inmons dog. More than enough reason in by book.

    That was cute Jester.

  7. Do unto another what he did to your dog.

    Not sure I remember that one from my biblical training.


  8. Awesome question. Unfortunately the answer is darn scary.
