Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Was Amber Dubois A Victim of Human Trafficking? Update: Amber's Remains and Chelsea King's Murder Related?

Reader: Why have you not covered the Amber Dubois disappearance? They need help now more then ever to find her.

Legal Pub: It is difficult to cover every interesting story and still personally try jury trials. But since you asked, here goes:

Amber Leeanne Dubois is the 14 year old California girl who disappeared on her way to school in February. Surveillance video from Escondido High School shows a mysterious red truck which may have been involved in the abduction. A witness believes Amber had been walking with a tall dark skinned boy shortly before her disappearance. A friend of Amber's apparently told police that she had started chatting with two boys on the Internet approximately a week before her disappearance. Amber's mom, Carrie McGonigle, monitored her daughter's Internet activity. She recognizes that Amber could have been lured by someone she met on the internet.
Recently Amber's parents have closed the center that was the staging ground for search efforts. The cost of maintaining the center was not justified by the handful of volunteers who were coming to the center. The center's electric and telephone bills simply were becoming cost prohibitive. That is not to suggest that the search for Amber will stop. After all, Amber DuBois was not the type of kid who would go anywhere without telling her parents or friends. The search will continue with a small group of dedicated volunteers. If you want to help, you can go to Amber's website: (http://www.bringamberhome.com/) Maurice DuBois, Amber's father, promises that the search will continue and it shall.

In the mean time, if any one saw Amber who was walking to Escondido High School or a red truck by the school on February 13, 2009, contact police. If you want to know more about Amber, here are some links: Amber's childhood. BringAmberHome.com

After watching the movie TAKEN, one has to wonder if there is in fact a real life human trafficking ring that sells young girls in an under world sex trade. Police admit that a human trafficking problem does in fact exist around San Diego. They have not publicly said that they think Amber was abducted by such a ring. However, if in fact Amber was abducted for such a purpose, she may still be found alive or she may some day escape.
Human trafficking is a multi-dimensional threat: it deprives people of their human rights and freedoms. It is a global, not a local problem. Human trafficking is a universal health risk thought to be associated with organized crime. Human trafficking has a devastating impact on victims and their families. Furthermore the impact of human trafficking undermines the safety and security of our freedoms. It needs to be stopped. In the short term, let's start with finding Amber. In the long run, let's cripple the human trafficking problem with harsh legal punishment and sentences.

Update 1-30-10: Due to excessive spam by investblog, comments are closed. You may thank them by never clicking on their spam or giving them any business. For readers with additional input feel free to email at legalpub@legalpub.net

Update 3-1-10: Amber's family is taking the search to a new level. Amber's father Moe used donations from Wes Adams and Tom Wilhelm of GP Color Imaging in North Hollywood, CA, for a great new look for his truck. The new wrap features beautiful large images of Amber, as well as her website address and tip line phone number. The wrap was installed by two Vinyl Graphics Professionals, Rob Nell and Al Gonzalez of Kingsize Installers in Bellflower, CA. Please consider patronizing such vendors for their kind acts.

Update 3-3-10: Amber Dubois family joined in the search of missing 17 year old Chelsea King. That search, however, is now apparently over. It is being reported that authorities believe that Chelsea's body was found in a shallow grave. A registered sex offender has been arrested in connection with Chelsea's murder. The same suspect may also have assaulted a 22 year old jogger in December in the same Rancho Bernardo Community Park on the northern edge of San Diego. Capt. Jim Collins said that evidence has linked 30-year-old John Albert Gardner III to both park related cases. However, there are other reports that a swab taken from the elbow of the Colorado woman did not match Gardner's DNA. Gardner is held without bail for investigation of murder and rape in the King. Gardner pleaded guilty in May 2000 to molesting a 13-year-old female neighbor. The neighbor girl was physically assaulted before escaping. Gardner served five years in prison after prosecutors rejected a psychiatrist's advice to seek stiffer punishment. Gardner had no significant prior criminal record before the 2000 incident.
Chelsea King was a straight-A student at Poway High School. She ran cross-country and volunteered in the peer counseling program. Prior to moving to California, she lived in Naperville, Illinois. At this point, there is no definite connection between King's murder and amber Dubois disappearance other than her family volunteered to help in the search. Yet there are some who feel there may be a connection. In the mean time, keep in mind that all suspects are innocent unless otherwise proven.
Update March 8, 2010: The remains of Amber DuBois, the California-area 14-year old girl who was missing for more than a year, have been found. Skeletal remains were found early Saturday in Pala -- a rural, rugged area in northern San Diego County, California. Identification has been confirmed according to Police Chief Jim Maher of Escondido, California. Suspicion is growing that Amber's murder is related to the murder of Chelsea King. John Garner proclaims that he is innocent of all charges related to King's murder and presumably of any involvement in Amber DuBois' death.


  1. From the begining I have wondered if she was kidnapped by some abduction ring. But it could be some lone internet predator that kidnapped her too.


  2. I recently saw "Taken" ... very frightening, indeed.

  3. How is one to know what really happened to her unless a witness comes forward?

  4. We need a hero like in the movie to track down the bad guys and kill them. Are you up to it L.P.?

  5. To think she was a victim of human trafficking is a stretch.

  6. Human trafficking sickens me!!!

    So sad. I pray they find this girl alive and hopefully unharmed.


  7. Human trafficking is big business and more common than you think!

  8. I have been drawn into this case for some reason. It just one of those cases that you hear about and they strike you. Amber's story has gotten to me and for my own sanity I have needed to find a answer to what happened. Maybe because it is a local story and a local girl for me. So after spending hours researching all the reports, reading the eye witness account, I have even driven by the spot she disappeared a couple times, poured over all the police statements and I have to say it just all does not seem to be all what it seems. I think she ran away.

    There are just too many signs that suggest that. How does a girl disappear outside a busy high school, on a busy street at the busy time? If anything abnormal or strange had gone on, like the red truck forcing her into the truck abduction style, people would have seen something. Everything must have looked normal other wise people would have noticed. No one saw anything, which is bizarre but makes sense if she willingly got into a vehicle and not caused a scene. Friends have called her kind of "geeky, mom even called her "naive" She was a freshman at high school, that's tough times for a fragile inward girl as Amber seemed. She turned to the internet, facts show she was talking to boys/persons in chat rooms. Eye witnesses that morning right before she disappeared have said two interesting things in my opinion. The first one saw her running like she is in a hurry, a few minutes later the second saw her walking with someone.

    Was she running to meet someone that she knew was waiting for her? Then was the person walking with her the person she met? Did she causally get into his/their truck without causing a scene as so not to get noticed? I hope so. I hope this is all true. Amber looks like a wonderful girl and if this is true its more likely she is alive and hopefully safe. And that helps me a little when thinking about her and this case...

  9. Commenting on Belinda's post: It seems wierd that a young girl would be abducted in front of a busy high school however it is very common for people to not notice things that are happening around them or to simply not want to get involved. Too many times there have been tragic events that take place right in front of a public place. This is a sad fact but it brings us to an awareness that we must take our moral human responsibility to keep our eyes open and not look the other way. In a psychology class I once took, there was an expample given of a young girl screaming in the middle of the night while being attacked. She finally was able to escape her attacker but only to be found again by the same attacker 15 minutes later. The screams resumed and everyone who heard these screams that night thought to themselves "Someone else propbably reported this so I'm not going to get involved". The girl who was attacked was murdered. Someone who heard could have helped but chose not to. This may help us see how important it is to get inolved in order to protect the innocent. My prayers are with Amber and her family.

  10. The fact is IF she was teken into human trafficking.
    Tricking her into leaving is HOW it is done, Not by kidnapping..
    Then once she is out of the area, she finds out what her new life is really going to be like. Various methods are used to keep her in place and not contacting anyone for help. These methods have been used for many years and include extreme violence.

    Dr.Donna Hughes writes on this subject and has a particular article called Hiding in plain sight.

  11. A very famous case of human trafficking is in a former miss Brazil Taiza Thomsen, who disappeared from Brazil and a world wide search began to look for her at the request of her parents.. Corruption and privacy laws played in favor of her pimps/captures.. She was found working as a nude dancer/hooker in London and all it took was for her to call Brazil police and tell them she was fine and that she did not want to be contacted..
    The End
    When a woman is drugged and coerced and her family and her friends lives are in threat, she will not leave.. she is 24 and not a child..
    But this is why Human trafficking is hard to prosecute.. The woman has to say she is victim.. If she does not, well that is one reason why there are so many prostitutes in our world..

    Here are the links that show her disappearance and when she is found..Notice she never talks with her parents and ONLY to Brazil police who are in fact extremely corrupted.



    She has never been contacted ever again..
    She had a loving relationship with her family and her father and mother are besides themselves to understand what could have happened..

    What happened was forced human servitude and for all anyone knows she is dead now.

    Amber at age 14 is a minor and if she can be found quickly, then her loverboys, a term used for modern day pimps can in fact be prosecuted..

  12. My point is this...

    Modern day Pimps are Con Artists..
    A person really needs to understand that word, "Con Artist" it is a profession..
    They convince the girl to leave of her own accord. Often times they promise her the moon.
    The fellow seen walking with her could very well be one of these people that do this for a living and she would get into the vehicle and even travel outside of our nation believing every thing he promised will come true..
    A 14 year old can be very naive, and she may in fact get some of the items promised like, tattoo
    fingernails, hairdos and many other things.. BUT, NOW she owes him, and the trouble begins. It is all part of the plan and before she knows it she is traded off to another man or group for drugs or cash and raped again and again and traded again and again and the tattoo are now "Brands of ownership"
    You can see those same type of Brands on Craigslist, But now that the authorities have blocked craigslist adds for hookers we will not be able to look for victims any longer..
    You have to wonder WHO was really behind blocking those adds.. It was not craigslist.
    The modern day pimp also comes in a form of a woman, not just a man..
    AND the new way to sell girls is on web cam shows, these web cam shows make a lot of money..Also it makes it virtual and almost impossible to find the girl..

    Anyway.. The world of forced sexual servitude is alive and well and it is backed up by big money. The same money behind other virtual sins like online gambling, which is organized crime...LoverBoys are professionals and often times work for organized crime syndicates which corrupt political figures and police and just about anyone they want to.

    This is a big hard subject that is common in Europe Asia and South America and is now invading America.

    You can search any of those terms I mentioned and find many news articles addressing the subject matter.

    In one way I hope it did not happen to Amber BUT If it did happen it may be our only chance of finding her alive.

  13. This is bad sh%t! I really think she was taken. I did not realize this crap was so common. Now I am truly scared for her and other young women.

  14. One hypothesis is that an acquaintance (perhaps an Internet buddy) convinced her to ditch school. It was a last minute thing. But someone, was smart enough to leave behind her identification and cell phone.

    Run away? Perhaps. Abducted after a voluntary leave of the scene? Maybe. Abducted from the scene with force? Seems less probable based on the physical evidence.

  15. Modern day slave trade.

  16. The rich, powerful, and well connected have been kidnapping, raping, and murdering the children of the poor since the beginning of time...now days they pay people to do the abducting for them.

    Find out who she was communicating with on the Internet prior to her abduction and you will find her abductor.

  17. that may be true. But if i find any such trafficer, it will not be pretty

  18. Track em like dogs.

  19. Different twist on free trade?

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. This could be like the movie TAKEN

  22. Update 3-3-10: Amber Dubois family joined in the search of missing 17 year old Chelsea King. That search, however, is now apparently over. It is being reported that authorities believe that Chelsea's body was found in a shallow grave. A registered sex offender has been arrested in connection with Chelsea's murder. The same suspect may also have assaulted a 22 year old jogger in December in the same Rancho Bernardo Community Park on the northern edge of San Diego. Capt. Jim Collins said that evidence has linked 30-year-old John Albert Gardner III to both park related cases. However, there are other reports that a swab taken from the elbow of the Colorado woman did not match Gardner's DNA. Gardner is held without bail for investigation of murder and rape in the King. Gardner pleaded guilty in May 2000 to molesting a 13-year-old female neighbor. The neighbor girl was physically assaulted before escaping. Gardner served five years in prison after prosecutors rejected a psychiatrist's advice to seek stiffer punishment. Gardner had no significant prior criminal record before the 2000 incident.
    Chelsea King was a straight-A student at Poway High School. She ran cross-country and volunteered in the peer counseling program. Prior to moving to California, she lived in Naperville, Illinois. At this point, there is no definite connection between King's murder and amber Dubois disappearance other than her family volunteered to help in the search. Yet there are some who feel there may be a connection. In the mean time, keep in mind that all suspects are innocent unless otherwise proven.

  23. As of last summer, over $60,000 in reward money had been raised through individual and business donations. The money raised also helped defray family expenses related to the disappearance, such as taking days off work.

    Let's hope they find Amber.

  24. Can we raise money to put a bounty on this scimbag's head? Just In case the system fails us. I'm sure there are alot of inmates whose families could use the $! Make a public announcement that there will be $25,000 rewarded to the person that kills this monster!!

  25. Sbrnak:

    Our system of justice has evolved from the old west days of rounding up a possey. I would suggest to you that without a fair system of justice, more innocent people would be wrongfully convicted than guilty people being set free.

    If the suspect is guilty, I sincerely doubt that he will be set free. No reason for a lynch man mentality. Give justice a chance to work.

  26. Update March 8, 2010: The remains of Amber DuBois, the California-area 14-year old girl who was missing for more than a year, have been found. Skeletal remains were found early Saturday in Pala -- a rural, rugged area in northern San Diego County, California. Identification has been confirmed according to Police Chief Jim Maher of Escondido, California. Suspicion is growing that Amber's murder is related to the murder of Chelsea King. John Garner proclaims that he is innocent of all charges related to King's murder and presumably of any involvement in Amber DuBois' death.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. With confirmation of death, there is closure.

  29. One hypothesis is that an acquaintance (perhaps an Internet buddy) convinced her to ditch school. It was a last minute thing. But someone, was smart enough to leave behind her identification and cell phone. Run away? Perhaps. Abducted after a voluntary leave of the scene? Maybe. Abducted from the scene with force? Seems less probable based on the physical evidence.

  30. Lack of evidence is troubling
