Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thomas Parkin Has A Great Defense To Charges He Impersonated Irene Prusik

He has a defense. Say what you want about Thomas Parkin, the 49-year-old New York man impersonated his dead mother, but his case is winnable. For the last six years, Parkin has apparently represented himself to be his 77 year old mother, Irene Prusik. Sometimes this was in paper work (like a power of attorney or trustee) and other times in person (such as a stuntman or body double .) Apparently Parkins is accused of collecting more than $100,000 in his mother's name.

Surveillance video allegedly depicts Thomas Parkin dressed as his mother at a DMV office on April 29. (The blond wig, red sweater, sunglasses and scarf demonstrated a deficiency in fashion.) Parkins allegedly collected more than $52,000 in Social Security benefits and another $65,000 in city rent subsidies. Mhilton Rimolo, 47, is accused of being his accomplice. Mhilton pleaded not guilty to 47-counts of a grand jury indictment (including perjury, grand larceny, conspiracy, forgery and criminal impersonation.) Brooklyn District Attorney Charles J. Hynes appears to be ready to set an example for impersonators. Bail was set at $1 million each. If convicted, each could be sentenced up to 25 years in prison.

Let's keep things in perspective.  It is not like Parkin killed his mom. Afterall, Irene Prusik died in September 2003. Case report. But questionable conduct by Parkin may extends to the time his mom was still living.  For example, in 1996, Prusik apparently gave the deed of a building his mom owned in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn to her son. By 2000, Parkin was apparently in debt over some bad reality investments. Perhaps by forging his mother's death certificate with a false Social Security number and birth date, he sought to keep his financial security blanket alive? Since she was already apparently "helping him" with his finances, how natural for him to continue to collect her Social Security. Similarly, why not sue in her name? Afterall, the defendant bought mom's building in a foreclosure action. Say what you must about our legal system; however, this litigation is apparently how authorities discovered Parkin's alleged wrong doing.

Sources suggest that an investigation began in 2008 after the civil defendant claimed that "Prusik"and Parkin (Not so ironically one in the same) were filing false affidavits against him. Prusik of course had a great defense, after all, she had been dead for five years. Parkin on the other hand, well his defense is a bit more complicated. During the investigation, Parkin and Rimolo agreed to have investigators meet Prusik at the building in dispute. Parkin showed up dressed as his mother, wearing a red sweater, lipstick and an oxygen mask. Authorities were on to Parkin at that time.

But the accusations may not be without a defense. Parkin has told authorities, "I held my mother when she was dying and breathed in her last breath, so I am my mother." And there you have it Legal Eagles. Truth is an absolute defense! And the truth here may well be that the defendant is delusional and incapable of the mens rea necessary to commit the crimes as alleged!

5-6-2013 Update:  Thomas Parkin was convicted May 3 on charges including grand larceny and mortgage fraud. He was sentenced to 13 2/3 to 41 years in prison.


  1. You better be right L.P. Otherwise, it will be another "cutie" off the market for us girls.


  2. Shell,

    stop that. I got first dibs on this one ...

  3. I see no crime here.
    ~Norman Bates, Esq.

  4. Norman, you are so right! If he truly believed he was her, there is no intent to commit fraud.

    If he is just plain psycho nuts like you, Mr. Bates, than the insanity defense is legitimate.


  5. He makes an awful woman!

  6. He looked to young to be an old lady...

  7. I see the point on the defenses.

  8. Oh my god! All seven of us kids had hands on my mother to comfort her as she died! Does that mean...

    Guess that explains why I like sardines when I couldn't stand them before! Dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee

  9. Yes, but you only received one seventh of your mom's spirit!

  10. One of your best stories!

  11. T.P. will be BACK!

  12. Perhaps he never left...

  13. Thomas Parlon is perfectly sane and knoes exactly what he is doing. Brooklyn DA Charlie Hynes should put him away for 30 years. I have known Parkin for over 20 years and have photos of him and his brother dressed as the dead mother.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Mr james show us the pics! My friend has alot of pic of mhilton rimilo too! Wow what a team! They are one crazy team. Tell mhilton we said hi from 19th street in bklyn ny.

  14. why don't you share the photos?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Personal attacks on posters should not be made on this forum. If you have information about the case, please share. Opinions are also allowed as long as you make it clear that it is your opinion.

  17. Please everyone deserves a 2 nd chance. No one is perfect. This man did a bad thing but he didnt kill anyone. I hope he learns from his mistake.

  18. Hey james phillps why dont you share all the piicsbyou jav . We would lobe to see them!
