Thursday, June 11, 2009

Did Extremism Cause James W. von Brunn To Kill Stephen Tyrone Johns?

Extreme views on any subject can fuel disaster. James W. von Brunn, an 88-year-old Maryland man, may be another example of this recipe for tragedy. James has a history of ties to white supremacist groups. He is considered a suspect in Wednesday's fatal shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Holy Western Empire web cite has writings by James von Brunn and a biography. They are not flattering. Neither is von Brunn's history.

James served six years in prison for trying to "arrest" members of the Federal Reserve Board in 1981. After his conviction, he blamed his conviction on "a Negro jury, Jew/Negro attorneys" and "a Jew judge," according to his Web site, Holy Western Empire.
James apparently has a long history with neo-Nazis and white supremacists. He's written inflammatory criticism of Jews and African Americans.

Von Brunn was born in St. Louis, Missouri. He graduated from Washington University in 1943. He served as a Navy officer in World War II. Subsequently he worked as an advertising artist. But sometime in the 1970's he adopted extremist "neo-Nazi" attitudes.Brunn's history with neo-Nazis . His wife divorced him because of his racist views.

In December 1981, von Brunn entered the central bank's Washington headquarters armed with a pistol, a shotgun, a knife and a mock bomb. James entered under the disguise of a photographer. He was subdued by security guards as he attempted to flee. He claimed to have planted a bomb; however, no bomb was found. Jame' motivation at the time was "high interest rates" which he thought was triggering the recession. James was convicted and sentenced to 11 years in prison for attempted kidnapping, second-degree burglary, assault and weapons charges. von Brunn's criminal record

More recently, von Brunn questioned the authenticity of President Obama's birth certificate. (Some argue that President Obama was born overseas and therefore would be constitutionally ineligible to hold office.) Yet no one foresaw that von Brunn, 88, would shoot up the museum. Now Von Brunn is in critical condition after being shot by a security guard. Stephen Tyrone Johns, a security guard, was killed in the shooting. . Witness describe shooting.

The FBI believes the shooting was done by one man, suspect James von Brunn. However, he is to be presumed innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law.


  1. A true American Idiot!

  2. I fear zealots. This man was clearly full of hate.

  3. Von Brunn also has close ties to Battle of Baghdad dissident "Captain Eric May", and it appears that May himself may have ties to Steve Reimink (the real owner of Von Brunn's website), and to various Islamic groups:

  4. CJ, so what you are saying is this guy is bad and so are his associates...?

  5. Cythia, thanks for sharing!

  6. Fear=


    Fear nothing as Legal Pub has taught us...

    Legal Eagle 3

  7. Every Rose has its thorn.

  8. Extremists are out of control. They do not know how to deal with the reality of a changing country with ideas different than their own.

  9. Crazy is as Crazy does!


    But this was an old dude. Go figure.

  10. Extremists tend to employ violence (not so much to send a message, but to vent frustration) when reality seems to contradict their zealous ideals. With this new page in American history already being written, the nut jobs are coming out of the woodwork.

  11. Any thing extreme is bad.
