Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Could Liza Murphy Have Just Walked Away From Her Life?

Is it possible that a person can be so fed up with her life that she simply walks away and disappears? Some claim that is exactly what 42 year old Liza Murphy did on August 19 2007. From what we can tell, Liza had an argument with her husband. She then apparently walked out of her home in Emerson, New Jersey without taking her purse, her cigarettes, her cell phone or her three children. There has been no trace of Liza since that August 19, 2007 day.

Murphy' was reported missing the next day. Sophia Stellatos, Liza's mother, told the press,"In my heart, I fear the worst, that my daughter is gone." Police searched a reservoir near her home, but nothing was found. Cadaver dogs apparently caught her scent near the George Washington Bridge, but nothing further. To make matters worse, Joe Murphy, Liza's husband, apparently tried to commit suicide a few days after Liza disappeared by walking in front of a fire truck. Joe Murphy recovered from his injuries, but apparently on advice of counsel would no longer cooperate with investigators.

Joe has no criminal record and no history of violence. His attorney, Joseph Rem, has said that there is no evidence of any physical violence in the marriage. He added to the press that his client has not been named as a suspect or even a person of interest. Police confirm that the Murphy home and vehicles were forensically analyzed and their is no evidence of a struggle discovered.

Liza would now be forty four. Her family and friends claim that she would never have left her three children voluntarily.They claim she was a heavy smoker and would have never taken off without her cigarettes

Sources do say that Liza Murphy and her husband were having marital problems. Liza's mother has described Joe Murphy as possessive of his wife, never allowing her to go out with her friends. The Murphy's children are 15, 13 and 10 years old now. Joe Murphy has full custody. Liza's parents apparently have not seen their grandchildren since shortly before their daughter disappeared.

Could Liza have jumped in an act of suicide? Liza apparently had been diagnosed with depression and was on medication for fibromyalgia. It is also possible that she may have been accosted after she left home that day. Or, it may be possible that she wanted to repress her current life and start all over. From what the Emerson Police have discovered to date, anything is possible.

In the mean time, if you know anything about "Name: Liza Murphy (Stellatos) DOB: 5/2/1965 Height: 5′2″Weight: 120 lbs. Law seen wearing blue denim short, a grey zippered sweat shirt, a brown tank top, and brown flip-flops," than please call Emerson Police.

Update 1-20-2015:  The husband of Liza Murphy  was arrested after investigators discovered he allegedly entered the country illegally. He is accused of living under a false identity for more than two decades.  Apparently, Paschal Delahunty, a 51-year-old Irish immigrant has been in the United States since December 1990 using the false name of Joseph Murphy. Paschal Delahunty apparently had a New Jersey driver’s license and other government documents under the name of Murphy.

Meanwhile, the investigation into the disappearance of his wife, Liza Murphy, remains open.  Liza was last seen Aug. 19, 2007 at her Broad Street home, where she reportedly had an argument with her husband.  Liza apparently left on foot around 2 p.m. that day without taking any money or her cellphone.  Five days later, Delahunty was hit by a fire department vehicle in what may have been a suicide attempt.  ABC News.  Authorities never found Liza Murphy.  

Delahunty has never been named a suspect in his wife’s disappearance.  

The tip lines:  201-226-5532 or  201-262-2800.


  1. Yes it is not only possible but there are other documented cases of a mental condition where folks walk away from their lives and get a form of amnesia...


  2. While possible, I think it rare. I suspect foul play.

  3. I seriously doubt she walked off to start a new life. There has to be some foul play here, methinks.

  4. She probably just jumped. HE TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF. What makes you think she did not try to kill herself but she was more successful?

  5. My guess is she jumped off the bridge where the cadavera dogs last smelled her scent.

  6. "There is a hole in the story dear Liza, dear Liza.

    There is a hole in the story dear Liza, dear low..."

  7. The hole in the story is that the trail is just plain cold!


  8. The hole is that no one knows the Whole story!

  9. I think he tried to kill himself out of guilt.

    This doesnt feel right. I suspect foul play too!

  10. The Police haven't named the husband as a suspect or person of interest. Yet CNN has pointed the finger at the husband. This will undoubtedly put public pressure on the Police and prosecutors to charge the husband with the crime. It also follows the theory of low hanging fruit, most Police departments, rather than do a thorough investigation grab whoever is in front of them. Viola we have the husband.

    CNN has also just tainted the jury pool. Thanks for following the likes of Fox News. Just great.

    As a society have we become so desperate that we will sacrifice anyone in the name of a story. Does journalistic integrity mean nothing anymore?

    Perhaps the husband is guilty, perhaps he is innocent but no we will never know because the justice system will railroad him. Thanks CNN, thanks a lot

  11. i know the family & kids very well. She hadnt wanted to be a mom or wife in the years leading up to her disappearance and she had well documented drug and depression issues. DYFS was constantly being called and the police were always being called b/c she has a violent drunken brother who she had actual physical altercations with before her disappearance. She also had been caught having an affair and knew because of her relapse she would be ordered by dyfs /courts to go into rehab again...The husband was so depressed by her betrayal that he tried to kill himself.
    Now he has full custody and deals with constant harassment from neighbor stephanie, who fought with liza constantly ... and her brother tony who lives across the street and terrorizes the kids on a daily basis without consequence b/c hes buddies with the police.
    This news thread was the 1st we , in emerson, had heard about cadaver dogs tracing her to the GWB... instead the police left that tidbit of info out hoping to keep the husband under suspicion.
    I know him... i am sure in my heart , as are his kids, that he didnt kill her...

  12. I agree with the above post. She could have easily walked away. Run a way and started a new life. Or she may have been so depressed that she jumped.

    I don't think any one really suspects the hubby.

  13. I agree with the above! I don't think any law enforcement believes the husband is responsible. No evidence of violence in the home. Perhaps even a child confirmed that she walked out alone.

    Husband should have no worries as far as prosecution, at least at this point.

  14. Secrets, the hubby tried to kill himself because the love of his life had been unfaithful and it appeared the marriage was now over!

    He was devistated. Nothing links the man to his wife's disappearance other than rampant speculation.

  15. Definitely a stereo type! Every time a woman comes up missing its the boyfiend or husband who is suspected! Talk about prejudice!

  16. Unlike Anon...I don't hide behind anything. I am Stefanie, the neighbor that supposedly "harrasses" Joe and the kids. It is very frusterating living next door to this insanity, that is obvious, however, I think its important to note that while I never really commended Joe or Liza on their parenting and had issue with their lack of supervision of their children, I do not and never have harassed him. Toni, why not just come out and put your name to your words? Why hide behond ANON??? Have courage and conviction and man up and author your words with something other than ANON.
    If you want to call me having to call the police numerous times because the 13 year old is a piromaniac and lights unattended and uncontrolled fires in his back yard which backs directly up against mine, harrassment, go right ahead. First and foremost, I have a family to protect. And it takes but a minute for fire to engulf an area. If you want to call me alerting the police when the children tell me to "F-myself" and throw names like "Whore" and "Cunt" at me when my children and I are getting out of my car harrassment, FINE. These children are the same children that I used to care for and used to take with us on family day trips ALL THE TIME. When their mother went missing, I took them to the mall to replace clothing that was destroyed by the luminol that was sprayed in thier home. I am such an awful neighbor! Their son has absolutely ZERO supervision and something awful is going to happen because of it, mark my words. The fact that he still has custody of those kids is appauling. He tried to kill himself over a half a dozen times! As recent as January he was on my driveway telling me he was going to overdose on pills and leave the children because they would be better off without him. I have no reason to make any of this up. Its all FACT, not FICTION. Before someone accuses me of HARRASSMENT, look up the definition. I am simply defending my property and my family from something awful that I know in my heart is going to happen because these kids are not cared for appropriately.

  17. Stephie thanks for sharing. The fact that you chose to reveal your identity may add credibility to your post; however, please don't assume you know who wrote an annon post or condem a poster who chooses to remain annonymous as that is their right.

    You sound like a caring person who has sought to protect your family and help your neighbor. It would be hard for anyone to wish you anything but the best of luck. Please keep the rest of us posted on the developments in the neighborhood.

    Legal Eagle 7

  18. Doesn't take a detective to know it was Toni, she authored almost the identical post on another site and put her name to it, but not here. Not a difficult one to figure out.

  19. Even so, Steph, you made your point. Your post was an exclamation mark of credibility.

    You sound like a good person just concerned with doing what you thought best. We get it...

  20. Liza may turn up.

  21. let's just say that despite what you may think you know, the husband IS considered a suspect. He has quite a temper don't you know...

  22. While we all have our moments, that does not make anyone a killer.

  23. Steph,It's rare to see someone who actually acts on their concerns regarding other people's children. It sounds like the kids need some serious help. I would suggest you, however, look into how you can be protected from the kids, if your house ever did go up in flames.

    As for whether Joe Murphy is guilty or not, I don't know but some things don't make sense. Why would he throw himself into traffic a few days after her disappearance? For all he knew, she'd show up in a week. From my unfortunate and personal experience, posessiveness in a man is a sign of an Abuser. If a boy calls a female neighbor vile names, chances are he learned it from his father. Where are the grandparents who should be fighting for custody of the kids? Where is child services? Both parents have histories of drug/alcohol abuse. Joe has been suicidal for years. The wife disappears for whatever reason. It sounds like neither parent is competent or stable enough for custody. The kids need to be rescued from that environment while they are young enough to have a chance.

  24. P.S.  I also wondered how Liza would get by the GWB toll booths, police, and (I would hope) cameras.P.P.S. For the person who thought it is police prejudice to investigate the boyfriend or husband: I wonder if you've looked up the statistics on how often the "significant other" is to blame.  It usually IS the s.o.

  25. Statistics are dangerous and thats why they are not admissible in court. Lot of innocent people are convicted because of prejudice, stereotype and statistics.

    Any one trying not to be detected knows to not go to toll booths, silly.


  26. pretty smug there, aren't you y.? The statistics in this case aren't probabilities, they are hard cold facts. Look them up and stop being a smug know it all. As far as the toll booth comment, do you think you could go undetected across the gwb? That location would be like trying to get into fort knox ever since 9/11, so don't be so quick with your assinine comments, silly

  27. Good points by Y. and Anon.

  28. This is Toni
    Only one of the anonymous posts was mine and it was not done intentionally, i generally post my name as you know , stephanie... While we all know the kids arent perfect, it is also known in town that the calls to the police & DYFS have become excessive...fires, dangous stuff ... fine .. make the call. But for awhile , these kids couldnt breathe without the cops & dyfs showing up at their home or school.
    And the night you said the husband told you he was going to kill himself just doesnt add up ... first of al,l because he doesnbt trust you , so why would he stop & tell you that, of all people??? and since he had just left my home and was smiling , laughing, eating & having nice time it really seems odd that he would say do something like that so randomly. Even the police & medical professionals that waited at their house for several hours thought it was all ridiculous...
    I cant figure out why you seemed to have gone from really caring about these kids to absolutly hating them especially when they 1st came home & they really needed the support. I dont understand what changed & how it has come to this. These kids are not angels in any of this, but all this animosity & drama btw all of you really needs to end ...
    I probably should have kept my thoughts about the neighbor situation to myself in the original post & i apologize. But its hard to see the kids crying like that....

  29. Toni Thanks for sharing. As an outsider, I really hope that all the folks involved can get along for the benefit of those kids.

  30. Yes it is highly possible she got fed up with trying to fix what was permanantly broken and said fuc it imma walk away from life period. I have heard of people of different walks of life just leaving without notice. I dont think it is a mental thing i think it is a rage thing that builds over time until one day a person decides they will leave. However long that may be is up to that person. Most the time it is a result of financial problems. I really dont blame her for walking out on life especially during the recession.

  31. A similar mentality of those who commit suicide? Possibly...

  32. Toni- havent been on here in quite some time....but to anawer you....I was shoveling my steps when Joe walked back from your house that night. I actually was on the phone with my best friend who happens to be in law enforcement. When I saw Jow come up my driveway, I told my friend I would call him back, he even heard Joe approach me. Being not very comfortable around him, I held the phone close in my pocket because I dont trust the man, nor is he very stable, so this is all for good reason. You dont have to believe me Toni- but what do I have to gain by creating a story like that? I wasnt even the one who called the PD....and you know very little if you think that they think the story was made up.I wasnt even the one that sent them there! When they CAME TO ME, I told them what he had told me. I have no reason to make up a story such as that, so ask yourself why. He put on another great act, Bravo Joe! I always thought of you as a pretty level headed woman, who was a good mother to her two girls. I understand how your heart breaks for the kids, but I have to ask....what kind of woman allows a man like JOE MURPHY into her home, around her family? I get you taking in the little one and commend you on the same. I somehow feel she is going to get a decent shot out of life because of the kindness and love you have shown her. But Joe!? Really Toni?
    You have little idead what I have had to deal with over the years with them as my neighbors so please dont judge and tell me its "ok" for me to call the police for certain things, because that is not up to you.

  33. the night you said the husband told you he was going to kill himself just doesnt add up ... first of al,l because he doesnbt trust you , so why would he stop & tell you that, of all people??? and since he had just left my home and was smiling , laughing, eating & having nice time it really seems odd that he would say do something like that so randomly


  34. From Toni:
    I suppose I can only judge by my own experience with Joe Murphy and you can only judge by yours...Im sure you have very valid reasons for feeling as you do. While there is still always some drama surrounding the family, I do believe they are trying to pull their lives together and that the home is more stable now than it had been the year prior to the mother turning up missing. I hope that the kids can get through this and make good lives for themselves someday and i hope you all can find some peace btwn you as neighbors..
    Best wishes for a happy new year

  35. Over the summer, Joe creepily invaded my privacy by placeing cameras directly into my yard. I understand wanting to protect ones' prperty....and that is totally ones' right. However, this wasnt about protecting his property because all four (yes, four) cameras, were directly into my yard and not monitoring his property at all. If you don't believe me, I have pictures to prove it. He not only installed said cameras which were determined to be harassment, but one evening when I was hosting a party in the backyard, and had put up a tarp to block his stupid cameras, he (infront of many people) decided to hoist it high on a wooden stake to see over the tarp. This clearly was not about protecting his home/family/property...HE'S CREEPY! And not someone I would allow around my children...not for one minute. I do feel terrible for the children. They are scarred beyond belief and for that I am truly sad. I'm not sure how DYFS has allowed them to remain with a psycho like their father...they would be far better off elsewhere. What a joke of an organization!
    As far as peace between neighbors, I will never be at peace living next door to a man that I believe has killed his wife and is capable of murder. Its unsettling to say the least and I will never become used to that.
    Happy New Year to you as well.

  36. Yes, we watched the tarp being put up & heard the party...the camera on the shed is a dummmy camera...always was.
    there is a real one in the front of the house because theyve had property damage and theres one aimed at the backdoor in case of further vandalism...anything else is cheap dummy cameras with a blinking light...

  37. so a dummy camera is ok to harass ones neighbor with? Come on Toni...that is so not okay! Its not ok legally either as he was advised by his attorney. I dont know that it was a dummy camera. And the last time I checked, having a party in ones' backyard isnt illegal...nor is it something he needed to see. If he wanted an ivitation, he could have asked for one and Im sure one of the many members of law enforcement at my gathering would have invited him in...
    We will never see eye to eye on this...its creepy and wierd, and if it were done to you Im sure you would understand.

  38. Stephanie it's a fact that you have cursed at the children.It was June 6th 2009 and you apologised to the police officer who went to your door.On June 24th you were looking at the oldest child while she was getting dressed.
    FACT!!! you appeared in Emerson court for assault and you had to go for anger management.

  39. The reason the cameras in the back were put up is because stefanie you know you were throwing lighted cigarette buts in on the 3 month old puppy in her pen. That is called animal abuse. Nobody is interested in what you do in your back yard,or what type of party you have or who you have there. You talk about a dummy camera you knew it was a dummy camera because the police told you because they knew.
    You think it is creepy to have a dummy camera up. It is alot more creepy to be taking pictures from your house of young girls in the pool in their back yard???

  40. ohh yeah Stefanie you were real good friends with liza then you fought with her and then you became good friends with her brother across the street and you knew they hated each other.Before you became friends with her brother and his wife you fought with them. It shows how stable you are. Yes her brother threaten to kill her in her front yard and there were witnesses to that. Then he also went to hit his niece liza's daughter. She went to court to get a restraining order against him and it was refused. There was also a witnesses who was dropping crystal off and saw it point the finger at someone else. Think before you post lies.

  41. To the smug know it all.He also tried to commit suicide previously when they broke up.What was he guilty of then ?. You smug know it all.

  42. Stefanie, when you had your party with your off duty law enforcement friends were you smoking weed in front of them like you had on previous occasions??.

  43. Stephanie, why dont you call the police on your friend Tony Stellatos when he is letting off illegal fireworks.Illegal fireworks burn houses didnt you know.

  44. Theresa.....
    The police never said it was a dummy camera. They wouldnt have gone through coming here and taking pictures and going forward with the complaint if it wasnt a vilation of my CIVIL RIGHTS you stupid woman!
    Check your facts because before you post....I was in Emerson Court for charges I FILED AGAINST JOE. And I NEVER WAS ORDERED TO GO TO ANGER MANAGEMENT! CHECK THE COURT RECORDS you idiot! I later dropeed the complaint against Joe because to be quite honest, my point was made when he was made to take the cameras down and I was tired of going back and forth to court with a psycho! where the hell do you get your information from? And smoke pot? I do not smoke pot nor do I do so around my friends. You sound like an idiot. Taking pictures of a young girl? Staring in her window? Throwing cigarette butts at a puppy while I have two of my own???? Are you serious? I never have done any of the above, nor would I ever. Theresa, dont even get me started on the fucked up shit you used to come over here asking me to do regarding your cheating husband. Or how you also befriended Donna when Liza went missing and you used to sit here and cry to both of us at my kitchen table....ENOUGH you smug bitch. And the trash you talked about your own neices and nephews! I wont do this here on this forum. You are something else. Everyone in this town (and in your own!) knows your off your rocker just like your dear brother. So if you have something to say to me, post your name or better yet, ring my doorbell. Im always delighted to talk to you. There is a lovely spot waiting for you in hell where you belong and Im sure you and your fucked up brother can spend eternity burning for the shit you have done to others.

  45. Plus, Teresa, you look like a crack whore. seriously, where do you get off? your past has so many demons im surprised you would even start this crap. And we all know its you, you dumb immigrant, cause you use an "s" where there should be a "z" , in american emglish anyhow. rot in hell you cracked out bitch.

  46. What fucking nerve you have Stefanie you dyke cunt.You did take photos of teenage girls in their bathing suits in the Murphy's back yard from your upstairs window.I posted the previous comments about you and my name is not Teresa, you fucking know it all.You think you are above the law, but your not.You had your dyke girlfriend off duty appear in uniform in Emerson court which is illegal.You did appear in Emerson court for ASSAULT, and that is a fact.It is also illegal for you to have the gold PBA shield displayed in your car.
    You have on numerous occasions called D.Y.F.S and the Emerson police on the Murphy family making false allegations.What goes around comes around you dyke cunt.
    You also ran out of the Township of Washington because you caused trouble there with your neighbors. I have another date for you August 21st 2009 at 12:30AM you were in front of your house drinking with your white trash friends until 1:30 AM and officer Alasio who was on duty was talking with you for that hour.Tax payers money at work.There is a lot more information on you that I will post at a later date, you cunt.

  47. Post away....why dont you post your name you coward while you are at it???
    Its not illegal to have a PBA shield in my window nor is it illegal to have a police officer go to court with me because of my psycho neighbor...and the reason i moved out of twp was because the house was too small you ass...I still am in contact with those neighbors. You sound like such a idiot because you dont know what you speak of. If it makes you feel better to call me a dyke thats fine. Shows your caliber as a person.
    Everyone in town knows that Joe Murphy is a murderer and a psycho. And that is what this forum is for... And thats enough for me! :)

  48. was ok for my "dyke cunt" girlfriend to search on a 100 degree August afternoon for over 6 hours for Liza though....right? Careful who you insult you ungrateful bitch. Once again, I implore you to have to courage to post a name, or ring my doorbell you coward. What goes around certainly will come around. Of this, I am sure!

  49. dear Liza:


  50. Wow, a lot of hate going on in that neighborhood.

    I dated Liza for few months back in '82 when she was 17 or so and I was 18. It looks like she never really got past the same demons she was dealing with as a 17 year old.

    Anyway, the way I'll always remember her, is 17 years old and the life of the party. It's sad to see what happened, but unfortunately not suprising.

  51. While people can change after 17, we may never know about Liza. But I certainly agree that it sounds like an interesting neighborhood.

  52. stef your just a stuck up bitch that loves drama you think you know everything but you really dont you think you helped the kids out hahaha funny your the one who threw dylan against the tree in there back yard and threatened him that you where gonna kill him... and if anyones the suspect in this case it should be lizas brother who lives across the street because in 2001 he punched her repeatedly in the street brought her inside her house put a knife to her throat and said that he was gonna kill her .... other incidents happened with her brother and it got so bad she got a restraining order against him...

  53. Dear Liza I miss you. Very upset to find out that Liza is missing
    I tried to find her phone number to call her and this is what I find instead. Liza was a good person and friend I spoke to her on the phone every year and received Christmas cards with pictures of her children. I thought we just lost touch. so when I tried to call her and find her on face book I read that she is missing I find it very upseting to see what people are saying remember she was a person a good person and she should have respect from everyone I cant beleive what has happend I am in shock to find out she is missing or worst and no one should go missing like she did
    Liza I will always think of you and cant believe I might never talk to you again. Love Your friend Joanie

  54. It does no good to vent the hate going around the neighborhood. There ARE NO suspects. What happened simply is not known. God bless all of Liza's loved ones and ALL of her family on both sides.

  55. Joe Murphy stolen identity...just in the news!

  56. This is an interesting development. And now that John Murphy has been jailed for being an illegal immigrant using false documents (immigrated from Ireland...real name Paschal Delahunty), and is still currently in jail under this new development, why isn't this cold case being reopened!

  57. I knew this guy when he lived in Ireland. He left Ireland because he was a trouble maker. He had a very bad temper.

  58. It will be a very cold case if they deport him back to Ireland, because even if, hypothetically, they find new evidences that implicates him, good luck getting him back from Ireland....

  59. Wow. There are some pretty brutal people down on Broad Street.They don't sound like people who grew up in town, at least I hope not. Anyway, Liza's parents went to their graves without justice for their daughter.

    The neighbor is right about Murphy/Delahunty. Very creepy guy - not the type anyone would want to hire as a house painter. This guy didn't like little kids and always complained about the schools always asking for money for this or that. He was bad news in Ireland, got in trouble there and left to avoid the Garda.

    Nobody seemed to consider the possibility that Ms. Murphy suffered from untreated post-partum depression. Having three kids 2 years apart in age only exacerbates this condition. However, from what little I knew of her and as a parent myself, I do not believe for one moment that she would commit suicide by jumping off of any bridge - especially since anyone who does is always found.

    No, she wouldn't have done that to her parents, her friends or especially her children. Joe pulled a Dennis Beardsly, but just killed his wife and not his kids after suspecting/learning of an affair.

    I can't imagine the permanent damage done to the kids. They may have believed their father didn't kill their mother when they were younger, but as they got older, the pieces started coming together.

    It's curious that there is only this one woman who seems to be taking up for Joe. Where are his biker buddies? Not a MAN in the bunch from Lou's who will vouch for him? Or is there an unspoken oath among bikers?

    I feel sorry for the neighbor who had to put up with the crap not only from Delahunty, but the big fat Greek brother-in-law across the street (fat or not, I'm making a point) who should have gotten the Hell out of town once Joe's lawyer helped him get away with murder.

    I'll bet that one of Joe's biker buddies knows more than he's let on and now he'll go back to Ireland getting away with murder and it's the kids who will continue to suffer the most. They don't ask to be part of any happy horse shit.

  60. There may be extradition issues, but I'm sure that the Prosecutor thought this out before having Dalahunty ordered to voluntarily deport. Anon who knew him in Ireland - were you the person who confronted Delahunty in East Durham, NY at the biker fest, for stealing Joe Murphy's name? Once a biker always a biker, and I know there was a connection somewhere. Greenhorns stick together and it's a very small world in the NY/NJ area when it comes to people coming here from Ireland. You're the second person who told me first hand about problems this guy caused in Ireland because of his temper.

  61. No one knows for sure what happened except those actually involved. Unfortunately we don't know who it is that is involved. End the speculation

  62. No one knows what happened
