Friday, June 26, 2009

Allison Mohney, Luke Lovins, Erin Ford, Kristian Ophof Serve As Examples Of Why We Must Hug Our Children Each Day And Treasure Our Time With Them.

When ever a teen dies, the loss seems so tragic. It seems like such a waste of an innocent life. Unfortunately teens die every day. Their tragic deaths can leave holes in the lives of the families that they leave behind. Today, I learned of the tragic demise of a teen who I had a pleasure to have known. This morning a head-on collision in Hendricks County, Indiana plucked her from this earth leaving those who knew and loved her to wonder why.

Allison R. Mohney was only 18. She lived in Pittsboro with her mom and dad. Allison had recently graduated from high school. She had been a member of the band and was active in her high school play. Allison was active in her church. She had many dreams for the future. Allison's grandparents were to celebrate their 50th anniversary this weekend. She had a steady boyfriend and a future that got brighter with each passing day. You could not find a more honest or loving teen. At 8:40 a.m. Allison was driving the families Chrysler PT Cruiser. For some unknown reason, her vehicle apparently crossed the center line of U.S. 136 just west of Pittsboro near County Road 201 East. The result was a fatal collision with a car driven by Ann E. Scott, 36, Pittsboro. Ironically, the Scott family is also members of the Pittsboro United Methodist Church that Alli and her family attended.
Hendricks County Sheriff’s Capt. Bryan Tremper is investigating the accident. He currently does not know why Allison's car crossed the center line. There is no indication of alcohol. The PT Cruiser was so badly destroyed that a vehicle malfunction will be hard to eliminate as a cause of the accident. Allison had big weekend plans that she will never live to fulfill. She leaves behind a teenage brother, a mother and a father who will forever have an empty place at their close knit family table.

Ann E. Scott was also injured in the accident. She was transported by helicopter to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. Ann's most severe injuries are believed to be with her legs. Ann had two children in her car. While the children were taken to Methodist Hospital by ambulance, it is believed that they will fully recover from their injuries. Ann's husband was apparently driving in front of his wife's Chevy Blazer and witnessed the accident in his rear view mirror.

Four other traffic accident related deaths have occurred in Hendricks County this week. Three of the deaths involved people way to young to leave this earth. Luke Lovins, 21, and Erin C. Ford, 20, died in a two-car accident Saturday on I-70. Kristian A. Ophof, 16, was killed in a two-car accident on North Raceway Road in Hendricks County.


  1. The number of teens killed recently in auto accidents is shocking! The loss of a young person in the blink of an eye seems worse because of the age. Condolences to the family.

  2. These recent deaths have made me start thinking. Are teenagers being adequately trained in driving schools? A new law restricts Indiana teenage drivers (effective July 1 ) but does it need to be even more limiting?

  3. To date their is no proof Allison was texting or talking on the phone. In all liklihood, the phone records will be obtained.

  4. Will there be an autopsy on Allison to confirm no drinking or drugs?

  5. Tragic for this relatively small area to lose so many young people in one week.

  6. If you knew any of these kids, their early deaths would be so much more to mourn than Michael Jackson or Farrah Fosset! May all the families obtain closure with a speedy recovery to Ann Scott and her family.

  7. Tri West High School mourns the loss of Allison.

  8. Amy, Ken and Spencer, my deepest sympathies go out to your family.

  9. Ann Scott's husband supposedly was just ahead of her suv. Apparently he saw the accident happen and was able to tend to his wife and kids.

  10. Allison was apparently on her way to band practice to pick up her brother when the accident occurred.

  11. Horrible accident. Don't know the cause, but a precious life was lost. R.I.P.

  12. Allison Mohney visitation will be held on Monday from 4 to 8 p.m. at Mathew Montgomery funeral home at 56 and Northfield in Brownsburg. The funeral is the following day at 10:00 a.m.

  13. I knew Ali Mohney from school and church. She was a great, caring, and nice person. She will be deeply missed. Rest in peace. We love and miss you.

  14. Condolences to all the families that have lost young loved ones. My heart especially goes out to the Ophof family, as Kristian's mom had also passed several years ago from an auto accident.

  15. Ditto as to Kristin. Great girl.

    ditto as to all the families of the lost love one's.

  16. Sorry to hear of this young girls passing, it is sad.

    If this is not alcohol related I'd be guessing she was distracted with talking on her phone. I have been behind some people when they are on the phone while driving and they are worse than a drunk driver.

  17. I have read several comments upon several sights with reference to the accident involving the death in a car-crash of Allison Mohney, Friday june 26th. Many questions and almost accusations involving text messaging and or, drugs were posted. May I suggest that people learn the facts before sitting-down to type hurtful messages, based purely upon speculation and utter ignorance, facts: Her phone was found in her purse no, she did not do drugs nor drink. She was returning home from dropping her younger brother off at band practice. The police have speculated that she may have fallen asleep or been blinded by the sun. The police do not really know what happened and neither does anyone else. So, please no more comments about texting or drugs and drinking in this case. The entire scenario was horribly tragic for everyone at the scene and their extended families and community. Having known this young woman since she attended kindergarten with my son, I find some of the comments to not only be hurtful but, of low intelligence, without dignity, class and sensitivity for both families of the accident.

    Dave M. Hendricks Co.

  18. Thank you Dave M. Hendricks Co, not every teenager texts, talks, does drugs or alcohol. The Lord works in mysterious ways and we pray for the family and friends that they find comfort through Him during this time.

  19. Dave, you are right. People are quick to want to explain things. No one knows for sure what happened accept we do know this was a young inexperienced driver and for some unknown reason, she crossede the center line.

    May all of the families of all of the victims find closure and comfort in their time of need.

  20. Hundreds of folks mourned Allie's death last night at the visitation. Our hearts go out to all of the families.

  21. I cannot think of a worse fate than to lose a child. My close friend lost her son in an automobile accident and I don't think anyone ever recovers from something like that. Tragic.

  22. Parents of all involved are in such distress.

  23. I attended high school with kristian, she would have been in my senior class this year. I have seen many posts and comments made, not just on this site but on others as well. As a teen driver, i can say this, we may not have as much experience as those who have been driving longer, but most of us aren't completely stupid. Although tragic, i believe these types of accidents that take the lives of those my age can help others. I know of many of my friends who, just based on the recent deaths, have stopped texting and talking on the phone while driving. And to all those who think its just teens causing accidents with phones, think again. Most adults that i have driven past who are talking or texting are driving dangerously. Personally, i think any person, regardless of age, should be pulled over and ticketed for texting while driving. Even though i only knew kristian, the deaths of all these young people is horrible, and sadness from their deaths should not ba taken away with accusations of phone use. Rip to those who passed, and my condonlences to the familes, they will all be greatly missed.

  24. Did Allison Mohney's air bag fail? If yes, did it contribute to her death? Any one out there know?

  25. Spencer and I consider eachother brothers. I am almost always at his house, helping Ken and Amy just do normal household stuff, but sometimes its a lot harder than than. The hardest thing to help with is when you hear a grown woman cry for a daughter that is deceased. Some people sit there at their computer, asking questions instead of going and asking if there is anything you can do. Im not talking to Dave, cuz hes over there quite often. But a lot of you just sit on your arses and make accusations that she was driving under the influence, talking on her cell, taking drugs. WEll, I say you know nothing. You are blind, ignominious, pusillanimous and revolting. And Allie was on her way back from dropping Spencee off at band practice. He is very lucky it wasnt the both of them in that car.

  26. There was no cell phone involved in Allison Mohney's wreck. It appears she may have been temporarily blinded by the sun.

    NO matter what, all of these young kids deaths are a tragedy.

  27. That could be true. She was heading west.

  28. Was the sun up that early?

  29. Most likely cause of the collision was the sun distracted the teenage driver ( Mohney.) No evidence that she was on the cell phone. The air bags did deploy. It was a severe impact. The teens car flipped and then stopped almost immediately.

    A tragic accident. All grieve the loss of a great young woman. To the Mohney family and to all of the others who lost their loved ones, our deepest sympathies.

  30. Erin Ford was my cosin and i miss her so much.She was so funny,sweet,nice.She loved miley cyrus's song the cilme. When i hear that song i bing to cry.

  31. Gust, thanks for sharing about Erin. Next time I hear the song, I too will think about Erin.

  32. May all these children find rest and peace in the arms of God.

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  36. Remembering all of the Indiana youth lost during this holiday season.
