Friday, June 5, 2009

Abdulhakim Muhammad Guns Down Pvt. William Long And Wounds Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula

Has the enemy taken the fight into our country? Based on Abdulhakim Muhammad's recent rampage, some believe it is so. Yet apologists will contend its simply an isolated incident of madness. Muhammad, the 23 year-old Tennessee man suspected in Monday's attack on a recruitment center in Little Rock, Arkansas doesn't deny the shooting. But his attorney, Jim Hensley, claims that his client's actions are a result of being brainwashed and tortured while imprisoned in Yemen. But keep in mind, Abdulhakim Muhammad originally told police he had "political and religious" motives for the shooting.

Abdulhakim Muhammad was formerly known as Carlos Bledsoe. He is charged with murdering Pvt. William Long, 23, of Conway, Arkansas, and wounding Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula, 18, of Jacksonville, Arkansas. Muhammed convert to Islam. In 2007 he went to Yemen to teach English and learn Arabic. He married a Yemeni. He went to prison on a visa violation and allegedly was detained with some Islamic fundamentalists.

Mohammed AlBasha, a spokesman for the Yemeni Embassy, denies that Muhammad was tortured or brainwashed. "...the process of radicalization can take a number of years, not a couple of weeks," Albasha refuted. "In January, Muhammad returned to Nashville. An FBI agent allegedly threatened Muhammad with surveillance and to "do everything we can to cause you trouble," according to attorney Hensley.

Muhammad was working in the family business in Nashville, driving a sightseeing van just before the shooting. Some one said, "give peace a chance." Meanwhile, Muhammad is charged with a state count of capital murder and 16 counts of engaging in a terrorist act by firing into an occupied building. Muhammad, is of course, to be considered innocent until otherwise proven in a court of law.


  1. Don't blame all Muslims for this violence or you will be punished!

  2. Don't blame all Muslims for this violence or you will be punished!

  3. This guy wanted to be a martyr. Publicity only helps his cause.

  4. This is not war. This is cowardly murder.

  5. This news is not important. A late-term abortionist was shot down ... now THAT's news. What's another serviceman dead?

  6. Unfortunately, this murder took place here in our country!

  7. PVT long was a good soldier what hapened to him is an outrage he was one of my best friends and the man who did it deserves to be killed

  8. An eye for an eye.....if they prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is guilty.

  9. Sorry for the losss of your friend, private. He did not deserve to die. Muhammad was a coward who deserves to be held accountable for this despicable act if he is found guilty.

  10. Seems like classic terrorism to me.

  11. Send him to Guatotomo bay if he is convicted. Oh yeah, Obama is cclosing that down. Well in that case let him be a guest of the White House for a while.

  12. R.I.P. Pvt Long.

  13. R.I.P. Pvt Long.

  14. Punished? How? Will the religion of peace kill me? Peaceful? Sure. But only to those who believe exactly like their told.

    Keep you woman from driving, from reading, from thinking and don’t allow men to have opposing views. Kill all those who think differently and call yourself peaceful?


  15. ANon:

    Allah is a God of Justice not love. Justice for infidels is not something that allows infidels to sleep well at night.

    Justice is not something infidels understand.

  16. I’m an infidel. And damn proud of it. My women read and write and drive cars and….BTW, I have razor…. and a barber… and Mohammad is an ignorant coward…just like you! I could go on and on, but you get the point.

    BTW, we infidels have ballistic subs and many, many, many nuclear weapons. If you unwashed heathens ever piggy-back off of the progress we infidels have made and get, and ever use, real weapons, we’ll turn the whole damn Middle East into glass. So chill out ignorant bearded one and get with the 19th century.

    You’ll like it…your women wont’ stink so badly and you’ll have cold beer!

  17. You subscribe to a loving God, yet you speak of death and destruction. How loving can you be?

    At least those who thirst for justice do not hide behind a veil of illusory love.

  18. I'm with my fellow westerner: God is great, beer is good and the women are horny!

    Red Neck
