Thursday, April 30, 2009

Was Guy Ward Hedrickson The Zodiac Killer As Alleged By Deborah Perez?

Has the Zodiac killer finally been revealed? Few mysteries are greater then the elusive Zodiac killer who killed five Bay Area people in the late 1960s. Fiction has exceeded reality. Now joining the fracas is Deborah Perez, age 47, who claims that the killer was her adoptive and long-dead father, Guy Ward Hendrickson. Perez even claims that she was present for at at least one of the killings. Furthermore, Perez claims that she authored some of the taunting notes the Zodiac sent to the police and press.

Ms. Perez is a 47-year-old real-estate agent from Southern California. Ms. Perez is represented by Kevin McLean. He arranged for a press conference for his client. Most claims about the Zodiac’s identity are the subject of rumors and tall tales. The last confirmed murder was of a San Francisco taxi driver forty years ago. Coded letters supposedly from the killer continued to turn up for several years. Most in attendance did not believe Ms. Perez story. Apparently Perez saw a 2007 episode of “America’s Most Wanted” and started thinking her father was the infamous killer. Perez offered little evidence her father was the killer at the press conference.

On the other hand, her attorney said that Ms. Perez had passed psychological exams and was competent. He also alleged that her handwriting claims had been confirmed by Bart Baggett, an “expert document examiner” from Los Angeles. Perhaps by more than a coincidence, Baggett is an executive producer and narrator of a coming documentary about the Zodiac killer. While the Zodiac killer is likely deceased, few currently believe Guy Ward Hendrickson was the infamous killer. I doubt the upcoming documentary will change many beliefs as to the killer's identity.


  1. Perez is a relator. If folks aren't buying houses right now, what makes her think they will buy this story?

  2. Perez is a Killer, queen helper?

  3. Scary Zodiac... nah. Zodiac killer is ancient history. Now days we have young moms killing kids!

  4. Cosign. I believe her.

  5. I find it interesting that "GuyWardHendrickson" is 18 characters long, the same amount of characters at the end of the 408 cypher that remain a mystery as to their meaning.

    I also find it very interesting that "gwhendrickson" is 13 characters long, the same length as the unsolved my name is cypher.


  6. I believe her too. And the coincidences are much too great to be blown off as random.

  7. Not money... true green grit.

  8. It's always about the money, or the fame or a domineering mother. Just once I would like the killer to step up and say, yes I am a psycho who kills just because I am nuts.

  9. "just because I am nut." Doubt that will ever be uttered by a killer. It's all about the voices. Son of Sam... Charlie Manson...

  10. We may never know for sure.

  11. But if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck...

  12. My guess is it is him

  13. your guess is as good as most...
