Friday, April 17, 2009

Jody Hoover Exercises His Bill of Rights Privelege Which Sends Jerry Lee Jones, Jr. To His Maker

Time for some hard core? How about the right to defend one's home? The reason why the Bill of Rights preserves the right to bear arms is illustrated right in Ms. Calabaza's neck of the woods. Picture this scenario: a man calls 911 because some one appears to be trying to break into his home. He hands the phone to his wife, he warns the would be intruder that he has a gun and should stop. The intruder persists, the man shoots and hits his mark. Sounds almost like the wild west back in the day when our grand fathers rode a horse to work. These were the days when 'the law" was sometimes decided over a barrel of a gun. In those days, there was no 911, but cattle rustlers proceeded only with extreme caution. While this story could have taken place back in the late 1800's (except for the phone call), it actually occurred last week.

Jody Hoover, 46, called Botetourt County police on April 10. He said a man was in his yard "hollering" and "crying out." The man's actions apparently escalated so Hoover handed the phone to his wife. He got his double barreled 12 gauge and once again warned the would be intruder.

The would be intruder, later identified as Jerry Lee Jones, Jr., bangs on the homes sliding glass door. Hoover tells him to go away and not force him to use his gun. Jones then crashes through the door. Hoover empties both barrels of his shotgun into Jones. Hoover's wife asks 911 to send someone real quick.

Turns out Jones had had a little too much to drink. In fact his blood-alcohol content was apparently four times the legal limit. His sister, Margaret Jones, told the Roanoke Times press that her brother had been depressed because it was their late father's birthday. Needless to say, Jones died. According to police, Hoover will not face any charges as his actions were "justifiable."It is nearly impossible to disagree. In times when our life, property, or liberty are threatened, the Second Amendment allows citizens a right to bear arms. However, it is a right which should be exercised responsibly. While Jone's death is tragic, the actions of Hoover were appropriate.


  1. Shoot first and ask questions later? I bet there will be a civil wrongful death case filed!

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  4. Man, its been a bad deal with people wielding guns these past few weeks, hasn't it? Though I'm not sure what I would have done if I were in Hoover's situation, so I can't really judge.

    @Anon I agree, the family of the deceased should at least consider that option (perhaps get legal advice on whether they have a cause of action).

  5. Think there will be money exchanged before this one is all over...

  6. Wrongful death? In what state do you live so I can be sure to never go there! Good shoot period.

    Money exchanged? On what cause of action? I’ll take this one, bring it on.

    Oh, wait are we talking New Jersey or someplace where the criminals rule? Maybe, but here in Florida there is a statutory presumption that such facts justify deadly force. I’d have shot him dead too. With my M21 (Look it up if you need to).

    We, as a nation need more of such events, not less.


  7. I agree with L.S. My double barrel is my best friend.


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  9. We need to exercise our NRA membership and blast the spammers!

  10. Genial dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.

  11. Right to bear arms doesn't mean you can just kill folks.

  12. This situation is familiar to me. It is possible to discuss.

  13. Makes you think twice about trespassing~
