Monday, April 27, 2009

Is Professor George Zinkhan On the Run After Shooting Wife, Marie Bruce?

Any body seen him? You know, the latest domestic violence poster "bad boy." Despite similar scenarios being played out all over the country, one can only assume the nay Sayers will once again turn a blind eye to the evidence. Police are searching for a University of Georgia professor, George Zinkhan, who allegedly killed his wife and two others at a community theater group's reunion. George Zinkhan does not initially fit the profile of a murderer. The 57 year old marketing professor at the school's Terry College of Business has been described as a "nice teacher."

For any one wishing to help track him down, Zinkhan has relatives in Texas and a home in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He was last seen driving a red 2005 Jeep Liberty. The victims of the shooting have been identified as Marie Bruce, 47, Tom Tanner, 40; and Ben Teague, 63. The victims all worked with the Town and Gown Players, a theater group that was holding a reunion. Marie Bruce had worked with Town and Gown for over 20 years in every one capacity or another. She had served as leading lady to president of the board to chief cook and bottle washer according to a theater spokes person. Zinkhan and Bruce were apparently having marital problems. They apparently argued shortly before the shooting. Georgia professor sought.

Athens Police have confirmed that Zinkhan was not originally at the Town and Gown event. When he did arrive, he got into "a disagreement" with his wife. He left and went back to his car where the couple's children were waiting. He then returned to his wife and began shooting two handguns. At least eight shots were fired. Zinkhan then apparently drove his children, ages 8 and 10 to a neighbor's home in nearby Bogart, Georgia. Bob Covington, told CNN that Zinkhan dropped the kids off shortly after noon. An hour or so later, police arrived and took the children.

To date, Zinkhan has not used any of his bank cards or credit cards. A nationwide manhunt is being conducted. As details emerge, we will attempt to share what is learned of this "domestic violence case."
May 11, 2009: Professor Zinkhan dug his own grave. After he almost completely covered his own body, he apparently shot himself to death. Thus ends the search for the Prof on the run.


  1. It is official. Men have just plain gone nuts!


  2. I heard that this couple was getting a divorce. In large part he supposedly resented how much time she spent with her theatre friends. i hope the rest of the story comes out.

  3. Rabbid prof on the run!

  4. I have a theory of what is wrong with men. Its a genetic defect. There is a Michigan boy named Liam Hoekstra with a genetic “defect” resulting in a lack of myostatin - a protein that inhibits muscle growth. The condition, myotonic hypertrophy, results in much greater than average muscular strength and size. I theorize that instead of brain being between mens ears, it's become all testosterone fed muscle. Thus they are incapable of rational behavior and do stupid things on a regular basis.


  5. Handsome gent. Who would guess he had monsteritis lerking inside.

  6. A little insight on the suspect. Zinkhan was a respected academic, that is true. But neighbors say he seemed more like a blue collar worker than a professor. He mostly kept to himself. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution notes that Zinkhan wrote a poem posted to a page of the American Marketing Association Web site:

    “the dark department head is always lurking,

    making the rounds with a crooked, yankee-trader smile,

    full of false promise about a better time to come.”

    More poetry from Zinkhan can be found at the American Marketing Association website.

  7. A little insight on the suspect. Zinkhan was a respected academic, that is true. But neighbors say he seemed more like a blue collar worker than a professor. He mostly kept to himself. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution notes that Zinkhan wrote a poem posted to a page of the American Marketing Association Web site:

    “the dark department head is always lurking,

    making the rounds with a crooked, yankee-trader smile,

    full of false promise about a better time to come.”

    More poetry from Zinkhan can be found at the American Marketing Association website.

  8. He was driven to it by the state of the divorce laws in this country.

  9. Hey Shell,
    he's not bad lookin' ... I take first dibs.

  10. It has nothing to do with the divorce laws. Its just this man, like all men, are pigs. This particular pig was suffering from swine flue!


  11. Hey, don't be changing the divorce laws to reduce squabbling... fighting means money and we got to protect these attorneys pocketbooks.

    Dollar Bill

  12. Thats right. Enough with the questioning of the divorce laws. There is money to be made under the current system.

    Gals Club

  13. Lets catch this idiot first and then ask why he did it!

  14. No, I don't want to know why. I just want him caught. You can't let guys think they can get away with violence!

  15. The prof apparently bought a plane ticket but did not use it. He remains at large.

  16. Listen folks, marriage is until death do us part. I have been married 39 years and not once have I ever contemplated divorce. I may have considered murder once or twice but never divorce...

  17. Zinkhan's red Jeep Liberty was found in northwestern Clarke County.

    No other details about the discovery were released.

  18. dear famous last words...right, until death do us part. Georgie boy was taking that to heart!

  19. Shell and Ms might change your mind when you see the other pictures they posted of him on the Univ of Georgia Website. He looks unstable.

    What happened to slappin the *ish out of someone? Why kill?? And why kill the innocent people standing around?

  20. He probably looks a lot different on the run...

  21. Professor Zinkhan shot himself to death. He apparently dug his own grave and covered himself and then shot himself. Yes, there is evidence that this senseless killing stems out of domestic turbulence. Men, no matter how unfair you may think the divorce, alimony and/or child support laws may be, there is never an excuse for taking another person's life.

  22. A grave digging dude who takes responsibility for his actions?
