Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Alejandra Arriaza, Angel Ponce, and Joel Boza Illustrate That Greed Can Overcome Good Parenting And Common Sense

Sorry to the few of you who oppose LEGAL PUB'S SOLUTION TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, but the next story is one which may once again illustrate the greed and desire for control that CAN occur with dissolution of marriage.

At first the headlines read that Alejandra Arriaza, a mother and her teenage son were kidnapped and being held for Ransom. You see, mom takes her 17 year old son to Wal-mart to buy an I-Phone. (See, cell phones are harmful to one's health.) When they return from the store, a masked person armed with a gun is in their backseat. The intruders says they are "kidnapped." Thick tape is placed over the son's eyes and the mom is instructed to drive to a remote "hide away" in South Miami where they are joined by a second kidnapper who introduces himself as "El Negro." The 17 year olds hands and legs are bound and his torso fixed to a chair with shrink wrap. He is placed in a dark closet where he is forced to spend the night. The next day the kidnappers call the boy's father on a cell phone that they were thoughtful enough to place in his car so they could conveniently communicate their ransom demands. The father is told that his son is being harmed by a blowtorch. Mom pleads with her ex to pay the requested ransom. The FBI records the conversations and begins its tracking of the perpetrators. With the FBI's help, the father arranges to pay the kidnapper's ransom demands. But on April 10, 2009, prior to the payment of the ransom, the FBI storms the mobile home where the kidnappers are holding the boy hostage. The boy was able to identify his kidnapper as Angel Ponce, his mom's boy friend. A fake gun and a real blow torch were found in the mobile home.

This is the type of story that would be appropriate for a movie such as TAKEN. But the plot is a bit too unimaginative and apparently one orchestrated by the mother to extort money from her ex-husband. (In some states this would not even be a crime. It would be called alimony. SEE VIDEO LINK.)

In the above linked video, you hear a woman with a similar motive, extracting money from their spouse or former spouse. Fortunately in this Florida case, The mother, Alejandra Arriaza, her boyfriend, Angel Ponce, and his nephew, Joel Boza, have all been charged with federal kidnapping counts. If found guilty, they could spend the rest of their lives in prison. This is just a small victory in the long battle for justice in the marriage strike circle. As a mitigating factor, the three suspects apparently admitted to the FBI their respective roles in the extortion plot.

According to Scott Wilson's FBI affidavit, the plot was Arriaza's idea which started when she discovered that her ex-husband had recently come into some money from the sale of a business. The father, referred to as "H.P." and to his 17-year-old son referred to as "N.P." in the affidavit were true victims of this crime.

The son had no involvement in planning this caper. And good old mom, probably didn't mean to harm her son, but as the FBI so aptly summarized, in the end, "the basic motive of greed" prevailed. Alejandra Arriaza should have used commons sense. Instead of trying to exhort her ex husbands money, she should have earned her own the old fashion way... sell her idea to Hollywood.


  1. I loved your handling of this story! I even followed the link on the videos about alimony. But not all women are evil and you can't blame a gal for getting what the law allows. Now I agree that the alimony laws ought to be changed, but in the mean time, why shouldn't a gal get every dime that she can?


  2. A woman SHOULD take a man to the cleaners. That is our God given right. If a man doesn't meet our expectations of matrimony, they need to pay through the teeth. Only by punishing men will they ever be forced to be decent.


  3. Alimony is not available in all states. Some state allow temporary maintenance. In the end, whether you are the man or the woman, you need a good lawyer.

  4. You need just to avoid marriage if you are a man. Until the laws are changed, only a fool marries.


  5. This is an evil plot that illustrates the greed and expectations of women.

  6. These three culprits should spend the rest of their lives in jail. This is not a gender issue . . . it's simply greed. One can only imagine the pain and suffering the poor father went through because of this little scam. As Daffy Duck used to say . . . dith-pik-uble!

  7. Divorce sucks... it sucks the life and finances out of men!

  8. When i was married, I suspected that my wife was a drug dealer. the reason is that one day i slept in late. When I answered the phone, the voice on the other end said, "Is the dope gone yet?" 6 months later she sued me for divorce. Who would have ever predicted that one...


  9. Hey, I support the solution!

  10. Jester,

    we need to talk my friend!


  11. i know this guy he used to be my neighbor he had a wife and he got caught cheating so he filed a divorce i knew this from my neighbor but i didn't know hed become a kidnapper

  12. The 2 comments from Sallie and Brenda (are they for real?) nicely summarize why I will never marry my gf.

    A note for the guys out there wondering if it is possible to start a family in the US without risking your life: you can use a surrogate mother with an egg donor, it's legal in CA.

    Doing so will guarantee that:
    - you will be a father rather than a visitor
    - you can save plenty of $$$ on child support, and claim tax deductions for the kids (in my case the savings are over 1.4 million dollars over 20 years!!)
    - you won't risk going to jail if you lose your job
    - you will be able to retire

  13. Yup, real as can be! Men get what they deserve. If you watch the alimony video, it's true. If a man ain't keep me happy, you better bet he better be prepared to pay through the teeth. Why shouldn't us gal take every penny that the law entitles us to take?


  14. Sallie, They say I am bitter too. But I'm not. It's all about money. 90 % of the guys deserve to get dumped on by the court system. If that means a few more dollars in the pockets of girls like Sallie and Brenda, why not?
    Besides, keeping men poor and in their place will make em think twice before they fool around agains...


  15. Damn, what is this world coming too! Have we forgotten how the ladies before us fought to earn us the right to vote, and to be treated as equal? I don't need a man to maintain me. I am very proud -- if I were to divorce tomorrow the only thing my husband has to worry about is to keep providing for his children as if we were still together. I don't want a penny less or a penny more. Why should I have a court dictate what he has to provide my children -- it shouldn't change just because we are not living under the same roof anymore. Call me nieve but that's my heartfelt opinion.

    BTW, I do agree that these people should get a harsh punishment. I too know the lady's boyfriend and I am in shock to think he is capable of doing such a thing to a child when we has 3 of his own but like they say money is the root of all evil!!

  16. Some women are coming off as a little greedy...

    not all mind you. But watch the video's about alimony.

    In the end, it is all about money for some.

  17. Boza is a bozo on this one.

    God is great.

    Beer is good

    And Women are CRAZY (Greedy)

  18. Well I assent to but I dream the brief should prepare more info then it has.

  19. Fact is, a gal can marry more in five minutes than she can make in a life time. Why work if you don't have to? Men are foolish. Let their wallets pay for the foolishness of thinking with what is between their legs.


  20. Nice dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.

  21. creepy how parenting can go so far astray.

  22. This story is totally false the woman is a victims for the guys because the guys there friends of she ex husband.
